Service zimbraAccount

Commands Description
Auth Authenticate for an account.
AutoCompleteGal Perform an autocomplete for a name against the Global Address List.
ChangePassword Change Password.
CheckRights Check if the authed user has the specified right(s) on a target.
CreateDistributionList Create a Distribution List.
CreateIdentity Create an Identity.
CreateSignature Create a signature.
DeleteIdentity Delete an Identity.
DeleteSignature Delete a signature.
DiscoverRights Return all targets of the specified rights applicable to the requested account.
DistributionListAction Perform an action on a Distribution List.
EndSession End the current session, removing it from all caches. Called when the browser app (or other session-using app) shuts down. Has no effect if called in a <nosession> context.
GetAccountDistributionLists Returns groups the user is either a member or an owner of.
GetAccountInfo Get Information about an account.
GetAddressListMembers Get a distribution list, optionally with ownership information an granted rights.
GetAllAddressLists Returns all address lists which are there in the user's domain.
GetAllLocales Returns all locales defined in the system. This is the same list returned by java.util.Locale.getAvailableLocales(), sorted by display name (name attribute).
GetAvailableCsvFormats Returns the known CSV formats that can be used for import and export of addressbook.
GetAvailableLocales Get the intersection of all translated locales installed on the server and the list specified in zimbraAvailableLocale. The locale list in the response is sorted by display name (name attribute).
GetDistributionList Get a distribution list, optionally with ownership information an granted rights.
GetDistributionListMembers Get the list of members of a distribution list.
GetHAB Get the groups in a HAB org unit.
GetIdentities Get the identities for the authed account.
GetInfo Get information about an account.
GetPrefs Get preferences for the authenticated account.
GetRights Get account level rights.
GetShareInfo Get information about published shares.
GetSignatures Get Signatures associated with an account.
GetVersionInfo Get Version information.
GetWhiteBlackList Get the anti-spam WhiteList and BlackList addresses.
GrantRights Grant account level rights.
ModifyIdentity Modify an Identity.
ModifyPrefs Modify Preferences.
ModifyProperties Modify properties related to zimlets.
ModifySignature Change attributes of the given signature. Only the attributes specified in the request are modified.
ModifyWhiteBlackList Modify the anti-spam WhiteList and BlackList addresses.
ModifyZimletPrefs Modify Zimlet Preferences.
ResetPassword Reset Password.
RevokeRights Revoke account level rights.
SearchCalendarResources Search Global Address List (GAL) for calendar resources.
SearchGal Search Global Address List (GAL).
SearchUsersByFeature Search Users enabled to a particular Feature.
SyncGal Synchronize with the Global Address List.