Privacy & Legal

About this policy

This policy outlines the processing activities involved in the navigation of and all its pages, within the terms specified hereinafter.

Through the navigation of the aforementioned webpages, personal data are processed; these data are both provided directly by you (for example by answering questions or filling text areas included in surveys) and indirectly (such as during the mere navigation of the interface and the interaction with its components). You should carefully read this policy in order to understand what information Zextras collects, why it is collected and how it is used.

Every term used in this privacy policy (for example 'personal data', 'data subject', 'data controller', 'data processor', 'processing activity', 'purpose', 'legal basis', 'transfer', 'third parties') refers to its meaning outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation EU 2016/679).

Data controller, data subject and data processor

Data controller, the entity which determines the means and purpose of the processing activities, is Zextras, (hereinafter defined as We, Us or Controller). The data subject (defined in this Policy as You) is the natural person to whom information on the navigation of the documentation, interaction with its components and functionalities refers. Data subject is also the natural person who deliberately chooses to participate in surveys.

Some activities are carried out on behalf of the Controller itself by data processors providing sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures.

Where applicable, the controller transfers personal data to recipients or data processor in third countries only upon the existence of an adequacy decision by the European Commission.

Please contact us at dataprotection[at]zextras[dot]com) if you would like additional information regarding data processors.

General information about data collected by us

Personal data processed through is carried out only by Zextras employees. No personal data will be either communicated to any third party, except data needed to provide the service or information requested by the visitors of or directly collected by third parties. Personal data is processed with automated means for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it has been collected. Specific security measures are implemented to prevent the data from being lost, used unlawfully and/or inappropriately, and accessed without authorization. Personal data may be disclosed only upon request of competent authorities authorized by law.

Personal data related to completion of surveys

We acquire personal data as part of activities of proposal of surveys. Such information is not collected in order to relate it to identified data subjects, however it might allow in some circumstances user identification with the combination of other collected data.

This data category includes:

  • the type and the operating system of the device you used to take the survey;
  • the browser you used and its set language;
  • date and time of the survey as well as how much time it took you to complete it;
  • information you deliberately provide (for example the text you type in the text areas) and the results of the survey itself.

This data is only used to conduct analysis and extract statistical information in order to assess the effectiveness of the design choices and to improve the overall quality of the documentation. We use data to ensure that the website is working as intented and thus to solely make improvements to our documentation.

The aforementioned data is stored for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. In any case data are stored no longer than one year.

Personal data related to navigation of the documentation

We acquire personal data in relation to the visit of the subdomain. Such information is not collected in order to relate it to identified data subjects, however it might allow Zextras (and Zextras only) to identify users with the combination of other collected data.

This data category includes:

  • the type and the operating system (including its version) of the device you use as well as the resolution of the display;
  • the browser you used and its version;
  • the internet protocol (IP) address;
  • the timestamp of the first and the last visit;
  • geolocation data, such as the city from which you access the application;
  • "heatmaps" and session recordings (which include clicks, mouse movements and scroll activities) on a visit-by-visit basis.

Specific technical measures are adopted in order to:

  • anonymise the IP (internet protocol) address upon the collection;
  • mask personal data in heatmaps and screen secordings (such as what you type in input fields, text areas).

Data processors aren't, as a consequence, able to identify data subjects.

The aforementioned data is stored for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. In any case data are stored no longer than one year.

This data is only used to conduct analysis and extract statistical information in order to assess the effectiveness of design choices and to improve the overall quality of the product or sevice. We use data to ensure the products are working as intented and thus to solely make improvements to our products.

Data Subjects’ Rights

You as a data subject have a number of rights relating to your personal data and what happens to them. You are entitled at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of a processing activity of personal data; you are entitled also to be informed of contents and origin of personal data, verify its accuracy, or else request that such data be supplemented, updated or rectified as well as to exercise all right defined in Section 2 of Regulation EU 2016/679. The aforementioned Section also provides mfor the right to request erasure, anonymization or blocking of any data that is processed in breach of the law as well as to object in all cases, on legitimate grounds, to processing of the data.

You can contact us or our DPO at dataprotection[at]zextras[dot]com to exercise one of the following rights or if you need more information regarding our processing activities of your data or more information about the rights that you can exercise.

Specifically you have the right to:

  • obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed and the access to the personal data where that is the case;
  • obtain without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and to have incomplete personal data completed;
  • request erasure of your personal data when (i) the personal data are no longer
  • necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; (ii) you object to the processing; (iii) the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation;
  • request restrictions or the temporary stop on the processing of your personal data in certain situations;
  • receive the personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;
  • object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you. You can also autonomously exercise this right by clicking on the toggle present in the "Privacy" section of the application;
  • lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority which, in this case, is the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali (