Service: zimbraAdmin

Command: FixCalendarTZ
Namespace: urn:zimbraAdmin
Description: Fix timezone definitions in appointments and tasks to reflect changes in daylight savings time rules in various timezones.
Authorization token required true
Admin Authorization token required true


    <FixCalendarTZRequest [sync="{sync} (0|1)"] [after="{millis} (Long)"]> ## FixCalendarTZRequest
        (<account [name="..."] /> ## NamedElement)*
            (<fixupRule> ## TZFixupRule
                <match> ## TZFixupRuleMatch
                    List of any of: {
                        <any /> ## SimpleElement
                        <tzid [id="..."] /> ## Id
                        <nonDst offset="{offset} (long)" /> ## Offset
                        <rules stdoff="{stdoff} (long)" dayoff="{dayoff} (long)"> ## TZFixupRuleMatchRules
                            <standard mon="{match-month} (int)" week="{match-week} (int)" wkday="{match-week-day} (int)" /> ## TZFixupRuleMatchRule
                            <daylight ... /> ## See /tzfixup/fixupRule/match/rules/standard [ ## TZFixupRuleMatchRule]
                        <dates stdoff="{stdoff} (long)" dayoff="{dayoff} (long)"> ## TZFixupRuleMatchDates
                            <standard mon="(int)" mday="(int)" /> ## TZFixupRuleMatchDate
                            <daylight mon="(int)" mday="(int)" /> ## See /tzfixup/fixupRule/match/dates/standard [ ## TZFixupRuleMatchDate]
                <touch /> ## See /tzfixup/fixupRule/match/any [ ## SimpleElement]
                <replace> ## TZReplaceInfo
                    <wellKnownTz [id="..."] /> ## See /tzfixup/fixupRule/match/tzid [ ## Id]
                    <tz id="{timezone-id}" stdoff="{timezone-std-offset} (Integer)"
                            dayoff="{timezone-daylight-offset} (Integer)" [stdname="..."] [dayname="..."]> ## CalTZInfo
                        <standard [week="{tzonset-week} (Integer)"] [wkday="{tzonset-day-of-week} (Integer)"]
                                      mon="{tzonset-month} (Integer)" [mday="{tzonset-day-of-month} (Integer)"]
                                      hour="{tzonset-hour} (Integer)" min="{tzonset-minute} (Integer)"
                                      sec="{tzonset-second} (Integer)" /> ## TzOnsetInfo
                        <daylight ... /> ## See /tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/standard [ ## TzOnsetInfo]

elements and attributes you can define within a <FixCalendarTZRequest> element:

XPath Required / Optional Description
@sync Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
Sync flag
1 (true) command blocks until processing finishes
0 (false) [default] command returns right away
@after Optional (0 or 1) Type: Long
Fix appts/tasks that have instances after this time
default = January 1, 2008 00:00:00 in GMT+13:00 timezone.
/account Optional (0 or more) Accounts
/account@name Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
/tzfixup Required (only 1)
/tzfixup/fixupRule Optional (0 or more)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match Required (only 1) Match
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/any Optional (0 or 1)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/tzid Optional (0 or 1)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/tzid@id Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/nonDst Optional (0 or 1)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/nonDst@offset Required (only 1) Type: long
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/rules Optional (0 or 1)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/rules@stdoff Required (only 1) Type: long
offset from UTC in standard time; local = UTC + offset
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/rules@dayoff Required (only 1) Type: long
offset from UTC in daylight time; present only if DST is used
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/rules/standard Required (only 1) Standard match rule
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/rules/standard@mon Required (only 1) Type: int
Match month. Value between 1 (January) and 12 (December)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/rules/standard@week Required (only 1) Type: int
Match week. -1 means last week of month else between 1 and 4
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/rules/standard@wkday Required (only 1) Type: int
Match week day. Value between 1 (Sunday) and 7 (Saturday)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/rules/daylight Required (only 1) Daylight saving match rule
See /tzfixup/fixupRule/match/rules/standard for more details.
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/dates Optional (0 or 1)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/dates@stdoff Required (only 1) Type: long
offset from UTC in standard time; local = UTC + offset
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/dates@dayoff Required (only 1) Type: long
offset from UTC in daylight time; present only if DST is used
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/dates/standard Required (only 1) Standard match date
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/dates/standard@mon Required (only 1) Type: int
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/dates/standard@mday Required (only 1) Type: int
/tzfixup/fixupRule/match/dates/daylight Required (only 1) Daylight saving match date
See /tzfixup/fixupRule/match/dates/standard for more details.
/tzfixup/fixupRule/touch Optional (0 or 1) Force sync clients to refetch.
Need either "touch" or "replace" but not both
See /tzfixup/fixupRule/match/any for more details.
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace Optional (0 or 1) Replace any matching timezone with this timezone
Need either "touch" or "replace" but not both
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/wellKnownTz Optional (0 or 1) TZID from /opt/zextras/conf/timezones.ics
See /tzfixup/fixupRule/match/tzid for more details.
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz Optional (0 or 1) Timezone
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz@id Required (only 1) Type: String
Timezone ID. If this is the only detail present then this should be an existing server-known timezone's ID Otherwise, it must be present, although it will be ignored by the server
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz@stdoff Required (only 1) Type: Integer
Standard Time's offset in minutes from UTC; local = UTC + offset
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz@dayoff Required (only 1) Type: Integer
Daylight Saving Time's offset in minutes from UTC; present only if DST is used
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz@stdname Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Standard Time component's timezone name
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz@dayname Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Daylight Saving Time component's timezone name
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/standard Optional (0 or 1) Time/rule for transitioning from daylight time to standard time. Either specify week/wkday combo, or mday.
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/standard@week Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Week number; 1=first, 2=second, 3=third, 4=fourth, -1=last
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/standard@wkday Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Day of week; 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/standard@mon Required (only 1) Type: Integer
Month; 1=January, 2=February, etc.
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/standard@mday Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Day of month (1..31)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/standard@hour Required (only 1) Type: Integer
Transition hour (0..23)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/standard@min Required (only 1) Type: Integer
Transition minute (0..59)
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/standard@sec Required (only 1) Type: Integer
Transition second; 0..59, usually 0
/tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/daylight Optional (0 or 1) Time/rule for transitioning from standard time to daylight time
See /tzfixup/fixupRule/replace/tz/standard for more details.


    <FixCalendarTZResponse /> ## FixCalendarTZResponse