Service zimbraAdmin

Commands Description
AddAccountAlias Add an alias for the account.
AddAccountLogger Changes logging settings on a per-account basis.
AddDistributionListAlias Add an alias for a distribution list.
AddDistributionListMember Adding members to a distribution list.
AddGalSyncDataSource Add a GalSync data source.
AdminCreateWaitSet Create a waitset to listen for changes on one or more accounts.
AdminDestroyWaitSet Use this to close out the waitset. Note that the server will automatically time out a wait set if there is no reference to it for (default of) 20 minutes.
AdminWaitSet AdminWaitSetRequest optionally modifies the wait set and checks for any notifications. If block=1 and there are no notifications, then this API will BLOCK until there is data.
Auth Authenticate for administration.
AutoCompleteGal Perform an autocomplete for a name against the Global Address List.
AutoProvAccount Auto-provision an account.
AutoProvTaskControl Under normal situations, the EAGER auto provisioning task(thread) should be started/stopped automatically by the server when appropriate. The task should be running when zimbraAutoProvPollingInterval is not 0 and zimbraAutoProvScheduledDomains is not empty. The task should be stopped otherwise. This API is to manually force start/stop or query status of the EAGER auto provisioning task. It is only for diagnosis purpose and should not be used under normal situations.
ChangePrimaryEmail Change Account.
CheckAuthConfig Check Auth Config.
CheckBlobConsistency Checks for items that have no blob, blobs that have no item, and items that have an incorrect blob size stored in their metadata. If no volumes are specified, all volumes are checked. If no mailboxes are specified, all mailboxes are checked. Blob sizes are checked by default. Set checkSize to 0 (false) to * avoid the CPU overhead of uncompressing compressed blobs in order to calculate size.
CheckDirectory Check existence of one or more directories and optionally create them.
CheckExchangeAuth Check Exchange Authorisation.
CheckGalConfig Check Global Addressbook Configuration.
CheckHealth Check Health.
CheckHostnameResolve Check whether a hostname can be resolved.
CheckPasswordStrength Check password strength.
CheckRight Check if a principal has the specified right on target.
ClearCookie Clear cookie.
CompactIndex CompactIndex.
ComputeAggregateQuotaUsage Computes the aggregate quota usage for all domains in the system.
ConfigureZimlet Configure Zimlet.
ContactBackup start/stop contact backup.
CopyCos Copy Class of service (COS).
CountAccount Count number of accounts by cos in a domain,.
CountObjects Count number of objects.
CreateAccount Create account.
CreateAddressList crteate address list request.
CreateCalendarResource Create a calendar resource.
CreateCos Create a Class of Service (COS).
CreateDataSource Creates a data source that imports mail items into the specified folder.
CreateDistributionList Create a distribution list.
CreateDomain Create a domain.
CreateGalSyncAccount Create Global Address List (GAL) Synchronisation account.
CreateHABGroup Create a Hierarchical address book group.
CreateServer Create a Server.
CreateSystemRetentionPolicy Create a system retention policy.
CreateVolume Create a volume.
CreateXMPPComponent Create an XMPP component.
CreateZimlet Create a Zimlet.
DedupeBlobs Dedupe the blobs having the same digest.
DelegateAuth Used to request a new auth token that is valid for the specified account. The id of the auth token will be the id of the target account, and the requesting admin's id will be stored in the auth token for auditing purposes.
DeleteAccount Deletes the account with the given id.
DeleteAddressList Delete an address list.
DeleteCalendarResource Deletes the calendar resource with the given id.
DeleteCos Delete a Class of Service (COS).
DeleteDataSource Deletes the given data source.
DeleteDistributionList Delete a distribution list.
DeleteDomain Delete a domain.
DeleteGalSyncAccount Delete a Global Address List (GAL) Synchronisation account.
DeleteMailbox Delete a mailbox.
DeleteServer Delete a server.
DeleteSystemRetentionPolicy Delete a system retention policy.
DeleteVolume Delete a volume.
DeleteXMPPComponent Delete an XMPP Component.
DeleteZimlet Delete a Zimlet.
DeployZimlet Deploy Zimlet(s).
DumpSessions Dump sessions.
ExportAndDeleteItems Exports the database data for the given items with SELECT INTO OUTFILE and deletes the items from the mailbox. Exported filenames follow the pattern {prefix}{table_name}.txt. The files are written to sqlExportDir. When sqlExportDir is not specified, data is not exported. Export is only supported for MySQL.
FixCalendarEndTime Fix Calendar End Times.
FixCalendarPriority Fix Calendar priority.
FixCalendarTZ Fix timezone definitions in appointments and tasks to reflect changes in daylight savings time rules in various timezones.
FlushCache Flush memory cache for specified LDAP or directory scan type/entries.
GenCSR Request a certificate signing request (CSR).
GetAccount Get attributes related to an account.
GetAccountInfo Get information about an account.
GetAccountLoggers Returns custom loggers created for the given account since the last server start. If the request is sent to a server other than the one that the account resides on, it is proxied to the correct server.
GetAccountMembership Get distribution lists an account is a member of.
GetAddressListInfo get address list info request.
GetAdminConsoleUIComp Returns the union of the zimbraAdminConsoleUIComponents values on the specified account/dl entry and that on all admin groups the entry belongs to.
GetAdminExtensionZimlets Returns the admin extension addon Zimlets.
GetAdminSavedSearches Returns admin saved searches.
GetAggregateQuotaUsageOnServer Gets the aggregate quota usage for all domains on the server.
GetAllAccountLoggers Returns all account loggers that have been created on the given server since the last server start.
GetAllAccounts Get All accounts matching the selectin criteria.
GetAllAddressLists Returns all address lists which are there in the user's domain.
GetAllAdminAccounts Get all Admin accounts.
GetAllCalendarResources Get all calendar resources that match the selection criteria.
GetAllConfig Get all config.
GetAllCos Get all classes of service (COS).
GetAllDistributionLists Get all distribution lists that match the selection criteria.
GetAllDomains Get all domains.
GetAllEffectiveRights Get all effective Admin rights.
GetAllFreeBusyProviders Get all free/busy providers.
GetAllLocales Returns all locales defined in the system. This is the same list returned by java.util.Locale.getAvailableLocales(), sorted by display name (name attribute).
GetAllMailboxes Return all mailboxes.
GetAllRights Get all system defined rights.
GetAllServers Get all servers defined in the system or all servers that have a particular service enabled (eg, mta, antispam, spell).
GetAllVolumes Get all volumes.
GetAllXMPPComponents Get all XMPP components.
GetAllZimlets Get all Zimlets.
GetAttributeInfo Get attribute information.
GetCSR Get a certificate signing request (CSR).
GetCalendarResource Get a calendar resource Access: domain admin sufficient.
GetCert Get Certificate.
GetConfig Get Config request.
GetCos Get Class Of Service (COS).
GetCreateObjectAttrs Returns attributes, with defaults and constraints if any, that can be set by the authed admin when an object is created.
GetCurrentVolumes Get current volumes.
GetDataSources Returns all data sources defined for the given mailbox. For each data source, every attribute value is returned except password.
GetDelegatedAdminConstraints Get constraints (zimbraConstraint) for delegated admin on global config or a COS.
GetDistributionList Get a Distribution List.
GetDistributionListMembership Request a list of DLs that a particular DL is a member of.
GetDomain Get information about a domain.
GetDomainCert Get Domain Certificate.
GetDomainInfo Get Domain information.
GetEffectiveRights Returns effective ADMIN rights the authenticated admin has on the specified target entry.
GetFilterRules Get filter rules.
GetFreeBusyQueueInfo Get Free/Busy provider information.
GetGrants Returns all grants on the specified target entry, or all grants granted to the specified grantee entry.
GetLoggerStats Query to retrieve Logger statistics in ZCS.
GetMailQueue Summarize and/or search a particular mail queue on a particular server.
GetMailQueueInfo Get a count of all the mail queues by counting the number of files in the queue directories. Note that the admin server waits for queue counting to complete before responding - client should invoke requests for different servers in parallel.
GetMailbox Get a Mailbox.
GetMailboxStats Get MailBox Statistics.
GetMemcachedClientConfig Returns the memcached client configuration on a mailbox server.
GetOutgoingFilterRules Get filter rules.
GetQuotaUsage Get Quota Usage.
GetRight Get definition of a right.
GetRightsDoc Get Rights Document.
GetServer Get Server.
GetServerNIfs Get Network Interface information for a server.
GetServerStats Returns server monitoring stats. These are the same stats that are logged to mailboxd.csv. If no <stat> element is specified, all server stats are returned. If the stat name is invalid, returns a SOAP fault.
GetServiceStatus Get Service Status.
GetSessions Get Sessions.
GetShareInfo Iterate through all folders of the owner's mailbox and return shares that match grantees specified by the <grantee> specifier.
GetSystemRetentionPolicy Get System Retention Policy.
GetVersionInfo Get Version information.
GetVolume Get Volume.
GetXMPPComponent Get XMPP Component.
GetZimlet Get Zimlet.
GetZimletStatus Get status for Zimlets.
GrantRight Grant a right on a target to an individual or group grantee.
HABOrgUnit Create/Rename/Delete Hab Organizational Unit.
IssueCert Request class represents requests explicitly, will be proceed with {@link com.zimbra.cs.service.admin.IssueCert} handler for issuing a LetsEncrypt certificate for a requested domain.
LockoutMailbox Puts the mailbox of the specified account into maintenance lockout or removes it from maintenance lockout.
MailQueueAction Command to act on invidual queue files. This proxies through to postsuper.
MailQueueFlush Command to invoke postqueue -f. All queues cached in the server are stale after invoking this because this is a global operation to all the queues in a given server.
MigrateAccount Migrate an account.
ModifyAccount Modify an account.
ModifyAddressList modify address list request.
ModifyAdminSavedSearches Modifies admin saved searches.
ModifyCalendarResource Modify a calendar resource.
ModifyConfig Modify Configuration attributes.
ModifyCos Modify Class of Service (COS) attributes.
ModifyDataSource Changes attributes of the given data source. Only the attributes specified in the request are modified. To change the name, specify "zimbraDataSourceName" as an attribute.
ModifyDelegatedAdminConstraints Modify constraint (zimbraConstraint) for delegated admin on global config or a COS.
ModifyDistributionList Modify attributes for a Distribution List.
ModifyDomain Modify attributes for a domain.
ModifyFilterRules Modify Filter rules.
ModifyHABGroup Modify Hierarchical address book group parent.
ModifyOutgoingFilterRules Modify Filter rules.
ModifyServer Modify attributes for a server.
ModifySystemRetentionPolicy Modify system retention policy.
ModifyVolume Modify volume.
ModifyZimlet Modify Zimlet.
NoOp A request that does nothing and always returns nothing. Used to keep an admin session alive.
Ping Ping.
PurgeAccountCalendarCache Purge the calendar cache for an account.
PurgeFreeBusyQueue Purges the queue for the given freebusy provider on the current host.
PurgeMessages Purges aged messages out of trash, spam, and entire mailbox.
PushFreeBusy Push Free/Busy.
QueryWaitSet Query WaitSet.
ReIndex ReIndex.
RecalculateMailboxCounts Recalculate Mailbox counts.
RefreshRegisteredAuthTokens Deregister authtokens that have been deregistered on the sending server.
ReloadLocalConfig Reload LocalConfig.
ReloadMemcachedClientConfig Reloads the memcached client configuration on this server. Memcached client layer is reinitialized accordingly. Call this command after updating the memcached server list, for example.
RemoveAccountAlias Remove Account Alias.
RemoveAccountLogger Removes one or more custom loggers. If both the account and logger are specified, removes the given account logger if it exists. If only the account is specified or the category is "all", removes all custom loggers from that account. If only the logger is specified, removes that custom logger from all accounts. If neither element is specified, removes all custom loggers from all accounts on the server that receives the request.
RemoveDistributionListAlias Remove Distribution List Alias.
RemoveDistributionListMember Remove Distribution List Member.
RenameAccount Rename Account.
RenameCalendarResource Rename Calendar Resource.
RenameCos Rename Class of Service (COS).
RenameDistributionList Rename Distribution List.
ResetAllLoggers Removes all account loggers and reloads /opt/zextras/conf/
RevokeRight Revoke a right from a target that was previously granted to an individual or group grantee.
RunUnitTests Runs the server-side unit test suite.
SearchAccounts Search Accounts.
Note: SearchAccountsRequest is deprecated. See SearchDirectoryRequest.
SearchAutoProvDirectory Search Auto Prov Directory.
SearchCalendarResources Search for Calendar Resources Access: domain admin sufficient.
SearchDirectory Search directory.
SearchGal Search Global Address Book (GAL).
SetCurrentVolume Set current volume.
SetPassword Set Password.
SyncGalAccount Sync GalAccount.
UndeployZimlet Undeploy Zimlet.
UploadDomCert Upload domain certificate.
UploadProxyCA Upload proxy CA.
VerifyCertKey Verify Certificate Key.
VerifyIndex Verify index.
VerifyStoreManager Verify Store Manager.