Service: zimbraAdmin

Command: GetRight
Namespace: urn:zimbraAdmin
Description: Get definition of a right
Authorization token required true
Admin Authorization token required true


    <GetRightRequest [expandAllAttrs="{expand-all-attrs} (0|1)"]> ## GetRightRequest
        <right>{right} (String)</right>

elements and attributes you can define within a <GetRightRequest> element:

XPath Required / Optional Description
@expandAllAttrs Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
whether to include all attribute names in the <attrs> elements in the response if the right is meant for all attributes
0 (false) [default] default, do not include all attribute names in the <attrs> elements
1 (true) include all attribute names in the <attrs> elements
/right Required (only 1) Type: {right} (String)
Right name


    <GetRightResponse> ## GetRightResponse
        <right name="{right-name}"
                   type="{right-type-getAttrs|setAttrs|combo|preset} (preset | getAttrs | setAttrs | combo)"
                   [targetType="{target-type}"] rightClass="{right-class} (ALL | ADMIN | USER)"> ## RightInfo
            <desc>{desc} (String)</desc>
            <attrs [all="{all-flag} (0|1)"]> ## RightsAttrs
                (<a n="{key}" /> ## Attr)*
            <rights> ## ComboRights
                (<r n="{right-name}" type="{type} (preset | getAttrs | setAttrs | combo)" [targetType="{target-type}"] /> ## ComboRightInfo)*

elements and attributes you can define within a <GetRightResponse> element:

XPath Required / Optional Description
/right Optional (0 or 1) Right information
/right@name Required (only 1) Type: String
Right name
/right@type Required (only 1) Type: preset | getAttrs | setAttrs | combo
Right type. Valid values : getAttrs | setAttrs | combo | preset
/right@targetType Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Target type.
type=preset Always present (exactly target type)
type=getAttrs/setAttrs Always present (comma separated target types)
type=combo Always NOT present
/right@rightClass Required (only 1) Type: ALL | ADMIN | USER
Right class
ADMIN Admin right
USER User right
/right/desc Required (only 1) Type: {desc} (String)
Right description
/right/attrs Optional (0 or 1) Attrs
/right/attrs@all Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
All flag
/right/attrs/a Optional (0 or more) Attrs
/right/attrs/a@n Required (only 1) Type: String
/right/rights Optional (0 or 1) Rights
/right/rights/r Optional (0 or more) Rights information
/right/rights/r@n Required (only 1) Type: String
Right name
/right/rights/r@type Required (only 1) Type: preset | getAttrs | setAttrs | combo
/right/rights/r@targetType Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Target type