Service: zimbraAdmin

Command: GetAllEffectiveRights
Namespace: urn:zimbraAdmin
Description: Get all effective Admin rights
Authorization token required true
Admin Authorization token required true


    <GetAllEffectiveRightsRequest [expandAllAttrs="{expand-all-attrs}"]> ## GetAllEffectiveRightsRequest
        <grantee [type="{grantee-type} (usr | grp | egp | all | dom | edom | gst | key | pub | email)"]
                     [by="{grantee-selector-by} (id | name)"] [secret="{secret}"] [all="{all-flag} (0|1)"]>{key}</grantee> ## GranteeSelector

elements and attributes you can define within a <GetAllEffectiveRightsRequest> element:

XPath Required / Optional Description
@expandAllAttrs Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Flags whether to include all attribute names if the right is meant for all attributes
/grantee Optional (0 or 1) Type: {key}
Description for element text content:The key used to identify the grantee. Meaning determined by {grantee-selector-by}
/grantee@type Optional (0 or 1) Type: usr | grp | egp | all | dom | edom | gst | key | pub | email
Grantee type
usr Zimbra User
grp Zimbra Group (distribution list)
egp an external AD group
dom Zimbra domain
edom non-Zimbra domain (used with sendToDistList right)
all all authenticated users
gst non-Zimbra email address and password
key external user with accesskey
pub public authenticated and unauthenticated access
email Pseudo grantee type. Granting code will map to usr/grp/egp or gst
/grantee@by Optional (0 or 1) Type: id | name
Select the meaning of {grantee-selector-key}
/grantee@secret Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Password for guest grantee or the access key for key grantee For user right only
/grantee@all Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
For GetGrantsRequest, selects whether to include grants granted to groups the specified grantee belongs to. Default is 1 (true)


    <GetAllEffectiveRightsResponse> ## GetAllEffectiveRightsResponse
        <grantee [type="{grantee-type} (usr | grp | egp | all | dom | edom | gst | key | pub | email)"]
                     id="{grantee-id}" name="{grantee-name}" /> ## GranteeInfo
                     type="(account | calresource | cos | dl | group | domain | server | xmppcomponent | zimlet | config | global)"> ## EffectiveRightsTarget
            <all> ## EffectiveRightsInfo
                (<right [n="{right-name}"] /> ## RightWithName)*
                <setAttrs [all="{all-attrs-accessible} (0|1)"]> ## EffectiveAttrsInfo
                    (<a n="{attribute-name}"> ## EffectiveAttrInfo
                        <constraint> ## ConstraintInfo
                            <min>{min} (String)</min>
                            <max>{max} (String)</max>
                                (<v>{values} (String)</v>)*
                            (<v>{values} (String)</v>)*
                <getAttrs [all="{all-attrs-accessible} (0|1)"]> ... </getAttrs> ## See /target/all/setAttrs [ ## EffectiveAttrsInfo]
            (<inDomains> ## InDomainInfo
                (<domain [name="..."] /> ## NamedElement)*
                <rights> ... </rights> ## See /target/all [ ## EffectiveRightsInfo]
            (<entries> ## RightsEntriesInfo
                (<entry [name="..."] /> ## See /target/inDomains/domain [ ## NamedElement])*
                <rights> ... </rights> ## See /target/all [ ## EffectiveRightsInfo]

elements and attributes you can define within a <GetAllEffectiveRightsResponse> element:

XPath Required / Optional Description
/grantee Optional (0 or 1) Grantee information
/grantee@type Optional (0 or 1) Type: usr | grp | egp | all | dom | edom | gst | key | pub | email
Grantee type
/grantee@id Required (only 1) Type: String
Grantee ID
/grantee@name Required (only 1) Type: String
Grantee name
/target Optional (0 or more) Effective rights targets
/target@type Required (only 1) Type: account | calresource | cos | dl | group | domain | server | xmppcomponent | zimlet | config | global
Target type
/target/all Optional (0 or 1) Effective rights
/target/all/right Optional (0 or more) Rights
/target/all/right@n Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Right name
/target/all/setAttrs Required (only 1) All attributes that can be set
/target/all/setAttrs@all Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
Flags whether all attributes on the target entry are accessible.
if set, no <a> elements will appear under the <setAttrs>/<getAttrs>
/target/all/setAttrs/a Optional (0 or more) Attributes
/target/all/setAttrs/a@n Required (only 1) Type: String
Attribute name
/target/all/setAttrs/a/constraint Optional (0 or 1) Constraint information
/target/all/setAttrs/a/constraint/min Optional (0 or 1) Type: {min} (String)
Minimum value
/target/all/setAttrs/a/constraint/max Optional (0 or 1) Type: {max} (String)
Maximum value
/target/all/setAttrs/a/constraint/values Required (only 1)
/target/all/setAttrs/a/constraint/values/v Optional (0 or more) Type: {values} (String)
/target/all/setAttrs/a/default Required (only 1)
/target/all/setAttrs/a/default/v Optional (0 or more) Type: {values} (String)
/target/all/getAttrs Required (only 1) All attributes that can be got
See /target/all/setAttrs for more details.
/target/inDomains Optional (0 or more) inDomains
/target/inDomains/domain Optional (0 or more) Domains
/target/inDomains/domain@name Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
/target/inDomains/rights Required (only 1) Rights
See /target/all for more details.
/target/entries Optional (0 or more) Entries
/target/entries/entry Optional (0 or more) Entries
See /target/inDomains/domain for more details.
/target/entries/rights Required (only 1) Effective rights
See /target/all for more details.