Service: zimbraMail

Command: GetSearchFolder
Namespace: urn:zimbraMail
Description: Get all search folders
Authorization token required true
Admin Authorization token required false


    <GetSearchFolderRequest /> ## GetSearchFolderRequest


    <GetSearchFolderResponse> ## GetSearchFolderResponse
        (<search [query="{query}"]
                     [sortBy="{sort-by} (dateDesc | dateAsc | idDesc | idAsc | subjDesc | subjAsc | nameDesc | nameAsc | durDesc | durAsc | none | taskDueAsc | taskDueDesc | taskStatusAsc | taskStatusDesc | taskPercCompletedAsc | taskPercCompletedDesc | rcptAsc | rcptDesc | readAsc | readDesc)"]
                     [types="{comma-sep-search-types} (appointment | chat | contact | conversation | document | message | tag | task | wiki)"]
                     id="{folder-id}" uuid="{uuid}" [name="{folder-name}"] [absFolderPath="{folder-path}"] [l="{parent-id}"]
                     [luuid="{folder-uuid}"] [f="{flags}"] [color="{color} (Integer)"] [rgb="{rgb-color}"]
                     [u="{unread-count} (Integer)"] [i4u="{imap-unread} (Integer)"]
                     [view="{default-type} ( | search folder | tag | conversation | message | contact | appointment | virtual conversation | remote folder | task | chat)"]
                     [rev="{revision} (Integer)"] [ms="{modified-sequence} (Integer)"] [md="{change-date} (Long)"]
                     [n="{msg-count} (Integer)"] [i4n="{imap-count} (Integer)"] [s="{total-size} (Long)"]
                     [i4ms="{imap-modified-seq} (Integer)"] [i4next="{imap-uidnext} (Integer)"] [url="{remote-url}"]
                     [activesyncdisabled="(0|1)"] [webOfflineSyncDays="{num-days} (Integer)"] [perm="{effective-perms}"]
                     [recursive="{recursive} (0|1)"] [rest="{rest-url}"] [deletable="{deletable} (0|1)"]> ## SearchFolder
            (<meta [section="{section}"]> ## MailCustomMetadata
                (<a n="{key}">{value}</a> ## KeyValuePair)*
            <acl [internalGrantExpiry="{millis-since-epoch} (Long)"] [guestGrantExpiry="{millis-since-epoch} (Long)"]> ## Acl
                (<grant perm="{rights}" gt="{grantee-type} (usr | grp | cos | pub | all | dom | guest | key)"
                            zid="{grantee-id}" [expiry="{millis-since-epoch} (Long)"] [d="{grantee-name}"]
                            [pw="{guest-password}"] [key="{access-key}"] /> ## Grant)*
            List of any of: {
                <folder id="{folder-id}" uuid="{uuid}" [name="{folder-name}"] [absFolderPath="{folder-path}"]
                            [l="{parent-id}"] [luuid="{folder-uuid}"] [f="{flags}"] [color="{color} (Integer)"]
                            [rgb="{rgb-color}"] [u="{unread-count} (Integer)"] [i4u="{imap-unread} (Integer)"]
                            [view="{default-type} ( | search folder | tag | conversation | message | contact | appointment | virtual conversation | remote folder | task | chat)"]
                            [rev="{revision} (Integer)"] [ms="{modified-sequence} (Integer)"] [md="{change-date} (Long)"]
                            [n="{msg-count} (Integer)"] [i4n="{imap-count} (Integer)"] [s="{total-size} (Long)"]
                            [i4ms="{imap-modified-seq} (Integer)"] [i4next="{imap-uidnext} (Integer)"] [url="{remote-url}"]
                            [activesyncdisabled="(0|1)"] [webOfflineSyncDays="{num-days} (Integer)"]
                            [perm="{effective-perms}"] [recursive="{recursive} (0|1)"] [rest="{rest-url}"]
                            [deletable="{deletable} (0|1)"]> ## Folder
                    (<meta [section="{section}"]> ... </meta> ## See /search/meta [ ## MailCustomMetadata])*
                    <acl [internalGrantExpiry="{millis-since-epoch} (Long)"]
                             [guestGrantExpiry="{millis-since-epoch} (Long)"]> ... </acl> ## See /search/acl [ ## Acl]
                    List of any of: {
                        <folder> ... </folder> ## See /search/folder [ ## Folder] # [inside itself]
                        <link [owner="{owner-email-addr}"] [zid="{owner-id}"] [rid="{id-of-shared-item} (int)"]
                                  [ruuid="{uuid-of-shared-item}"] [oname="{owner-name-for-item}"]
                                  [reminder="{display-reminders} (0|1)"] [broken="{broken-link} (0|1)"] id="{folder-id}"
                                  uuid="{uuid}" [name="{folder-name}"] [absFolderPath="{folder-path}"] [l="{parent-id}"]
                                  [luuid="{folder-uuid}"] [f="{flags}"] [color="{color} (Integer)"] [rgb="{rgb-color}"]
                                  [u="{unread-count} (Integer)"] [i4u="{imap-unread} (Integer)"]
                                  [view="{default-type} ( | search folder | tag | conversation | message | contact | appointment | virtual conversation | remote folder | task | chat)"]
                                  [rev="{revision} (Integer)"] [ms="{modified-sequence} (Integer)"]
                                  [md="{change-date} (Long)"] [n="{msg-count} (Integer)"] [i4n="{imap-count} (Integer)"]
                                  [s="{total-size} (Long)"] [i4ms="{imap-modified-seq} (Integer)"]
                                  [i4next="{imap-uidnext} (Integer)"] [url="{remote-url}"] [activesyncdisabled="(0|1)"]
                                  [webOfflineSyncDays="{num-days} (Integer)"] [perm="{effective-perms}"]
                                  [recursive="{recursive} (0|1)"] [rest="{rest-url}"] [deletable="{deletable} (0|1)"]> ## Mountpoint
                            (<meta [section="{section}"]> ... </meta> ## See /search/meta [ ## MailCustomMetadata])*
                            <acl [internalGrantExpiry="{millis-since-epoch} (Long)"]
                                     [guestGrantExpiry="{millis-since-epoch} (Long)"]> ... </acl> ## See /search/acl [ ## Acl]
                            List of any of: {
                                <folder> ... </folder> ## See /search/folder [ ## Folder] # [inside itself]
                                <link> ... </link> ## See /search/folder/link [ ## Mountpoint] # [inside itself]
                                <search> ... </search> ## See /search [ ## SearchFolder] # [inside itself]
                            <retentionPolicy> ## RetentionPolicy
                                    (<policy [type="{retention-policy-type} (user | system)"] [id="{id}"]
                                                 [name="{name}"] [lifetime="{policy-duration}"] /> ## Policy)*
                        <search> ... </search> ## See /search [ ## SearchFolder] # [inside itself]
                    <retentionPolicy> ... </retentionPolicy> ## See /search/folder/link/retentionPolicy [ ## RetentionPolicy]
                <link ... > ... </link> ## See /search/folder/link [ ## Mountpoint]
                <search> ... </search> ## See /search [ ## SearchFolder] # [inside itself]
            <retentionPolicy> ... </retentionPolicy> ## See /search/folder/link/retentionPolicy [ ## RetentionPolicy]

elements and attributes you can define within a <GetSearchFolderResponse> element:

XPath Required / Optional Description
/search Optional (0 or more) Search folder information
/search@query Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
/search@sortBy Optional (0 or 1) Type: dateDesc | dateAsc | idDesc | idAsc | subjDesc | subjAsc | nameDesc | nameAsc | durDesc | durAsc | none | taskDueAsc | taskDueDesc | taskStatusAsc | taskStatusDesc | taskPercCompletedAsc | taskPercCompletedDesc | rcptAsc | rcptDesc | readAsc | readDesc
Sort by
/search@types Optional (0 or 1) Type: appointment | chat | contact | conversation | document | message | tag | task | wiki
Comma-separated list. Legal values in list are:
appointment|chat|contact|conversation|document|message|tag|task|wiki (default is "conversation")
/search@id Required (only 1) Type: String
Folder ID
/search@uuid Required (only 1) Type: String
Item's UUID - a globally unique identifier
/search@name Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Name of folder; max length 128; whitespace is trimmed by server; Cannot contain ':', '"', '/', or any character below 0x20
/search@absFolderPath Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Absolute Folder path
/search@l Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
ID of parent folder (absent for root folder)
/search@luuid Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
UUID of parent folder (absent for root folder)
/search@f Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Flags - checked in UI (#), exclude free/(b)usy info, IMAP subscribed (*), does not (i)nherit rights from parent, is a s(y)nc folder with external data source, sync is turned on(~), folder does n(o)t allow inferiors / children
/search@color Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
color numeric; range 0-127; defaults to 0 if not present; client can display only 0-7
/search@rgb Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
RGB color in format #rrggbb where r,g and b are hex digits
/search@u Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of unread messages in folder
/search@i4u Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of unread messages with this tag, including those with the IMAP \Deleted flag set
/search@view Optional (0 or 1) Type: | search folder | tag | conversation | message | contact | appointment | virtual conversation | remote folder | task | chat
(optional) Default type for the folder; used by web client to decide which view to use;
possible values are the same as <SearchRequest>'s {types}: conversation|message|contact|etc
/search@rev Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
/search@ms Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Modified sequence
/search@md Optional (0 or 1) Type: Long
Modified date in seconds
/search@n Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of non-subfolder items in folder
/search@i4n Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of non-subfolder items in folder, including those with the IMAP \Deleted flag set
/search@s Optional (0 or 1) Type: Long
Total size of all of non-subfolder items in folder
/search@i4ms Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Imap modified sequence
/search@i4next Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
/search@url Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
URL (RSS, iCal, etc.) this folder syncs its contents to
/search@activesyncdisabled Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
/search@webOfflineSyncDays Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of days for which web client would sync folder data for offline use
/search@perm Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
For remote folders, the access rights the authenticated user has on the folder - will contain the calculated (c)reate folder permission if the user has both (i)nsert and (r)ead access on the folder
/search@recursive Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
/search@rest Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
URL to the folder in the REST interface for rest-enabled apps (such as notebook)
/search@deletable Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
whether this folder can be deleted
/search/meta Optional (0 or more) Custom metadata
/search/meta@section Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Normally present. If absent this indicates that CustomMetadata info is present but there are no sections to report on.
/search/meta/a Optional (0 or more) Type: {value}
Key value pairs
Description for element text content:Value
/search/meta/a@n Required (only 1) Type: String
/search/acl Optional (0 or 1) ACL for sharing
/search/acl@internalGrantExpiry Optional (0 or 1) Type: Long
Time when grants to internal grantees expire. If not specified in the request, defaults to the maximum allowed expiry for internal grants. If not specified in the response, defaults to 0. Value of 0 indicates that these grants never expire.
/search/acl@guestGrantExpiry Optional (0 or 1) Type: Long
Time when grants to guest grantees expire. If not specified in the request, defaults to the maximum allowed expiry for guest/external user grants. If not specified in the response, defaults to 0. Value of 0 indicates that these grants never expire.
/search/acl/grant Optional (0 or more) Grants
/search/acl/grant@perm Required (only 1) Type: String
Rights - Some combination of (r)ead, (w)rite, (i)nsert, (d)elete, (a)dminister, workflow action (x), view (p)rivate, view (f)reebusy, (c)reate subfolder
/search/acl/grant@gt Required (only 1) Type: usr | grp | cos | pub | all | dom | guest | key
The type of Grantee:
     "dom" (domain),
     "all" (all authenticated users), "pub" (public authenticated and unauthenticated access),
     "guest" (non-Zimbra email address and password),
     "key" (non-Zimbra email address and access key)
/search/acl/grant@zid Required (only 1) Type: String
Grantee ID
/search/acl/grant@expiry Optional (0 or 1) Type: Long
Time when this grant expires. For internal/guest grant: If this attribute is not specified, the expiry of the grant is derived from internalGrantExpiry/guestGrantExpiry of the ACL it is part of. If this attribute is specified (overridden), the expiry value can not be greater than the corresponding expiry value in the ACL. For public grant: If this attribute is not specified, defaults to the maximum allowed expiry for a public grant. If not specified in the response, defaults to 0. Value of 0 indicates that this grant never expires.
/search/acl/grant@d Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Name or email address of the principal being granted rights. optional if {grantee-type} is "all"/"guest"/"pub". When specified in a request, this can be just the username portion of the address in the default domain.
/search/acl/grant@pw Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Optional argument. password when {grantee-type} is "guest"
/search/acl/grant@key Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Optional argument. Access key when {grantee-type} is "key"
/search/folder Optional (0 or 1)
/search/folder@id Required (only 1) Type: String
Folder ID
/search/folder@uuid Required (only 1) Type: String
Item's UUID - a globally unique identifier
/search/folder@name Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Name of folder; max length 128; whitespace is trimmed by server; Cannot contain ':', '"', '/', or any character below 0x20
/search/folder@absFolderPath Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Absolute Folder path
/search/folder@l Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
ID of parent folder (absent for root folder)
/search/folder@luuid Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
UUID of parent folder (absent for root folder)
/search/folder@f Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Flags - checked in UI (#), exclude free/(b)usy info, IMAP subscribed (*), does not (i)nherit rights from parent, is a s(y)nc folder with external data source, sync is turned on(~), folder does n(o)t allow inferiors / children
/search/folder@color Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
color numeric; range 0-127; defaults to 0 if not present; client can display only 0-7
/search/folder@rgb Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
RGB color in format #rrggbb where r,g and b are hex digits
/search/folder@u Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of unread messages in folder
/search/folder@i4u Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of unread messages with this tag, including those with the IMAP \Deleted flag set
/search/folder@view Optional (0 or 1) Type: | search folder | tag | conversation | message | contact | appointment | virtual conversation | remote folder | task | chat
(optional) Default type for the folder; used by web client to decide which view to use;
possible values are the same as <SearchRequest>'s {types}: conversation|message|contact|etc
/search/folder@rev Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
/search/folder@ms Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Modified sequence
/search/folder@md Optional (0 or 1) Type: Long
Modified date in seconds
/search/folder@n Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of non-subfolder items in folder
/search/folder@i4n Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of non-subfolder items in folder, including those with the IMAP \Deleted flag set
/search/folder@s Optional (0 or 1) Type: Long
Total size of all of non-subfolder items in folder
/search/folder@i4ms Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Imap modified sequence
/search/folder@i4next Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
/search/folder@url Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
URL (RSS, iCal, etc.) this folder syncs its contents to
/search/folder@activesyncdisabled Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
/search/folder@webOfflineSyncDays Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of days for which web client would sync folder data for offline use
/search/folder@perm Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
For remote folders, the access rights the authenticated user has on the folder - will contain the calculated (c)reate folder permission if the user has both (i)nsert and (r)ead access on the folder
/search/folder@recursive Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
/search/folder@rest Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
URL to the folder in the REST interface for rest-enabled apps (such as notebook)
/search/folder@deletable Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
whether this folder can be deleted
/search/folder/meta Optional (0 or more) Custom metadata
See /search/meta for more details.
/search/folder/acl Optional (0 or 1) ACL for sharing
See /search/acl for more details.
/search/folder/folder Optional (0 or 1) See /search/folder for more details.
/search/folder/link Optional (0 or 1)
/search/folder/link@owner Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Primary email address of the owner of the linked-to resource
/search/folder/link@zid Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Zimbra ID (guid) of the owner of the linked-to resource
/search/folder/link@rid Optional (0 or 1) Type: int
Item ID of the linked-to resource in the remote mailbox
/search/folder/link@ruuid Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
UUID of the linked-to resource in the remote mailbox
/search/folder/link@oname Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
The name presently used for the item by the owner
/search/folder/link@reminder Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
If set, client should display reminders for shared appointments/tasks
/search/folder/link@broken Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
If "tr" is true in the request, broken is set if this is a broken link
/search/folder/link@id Required (only 1) Type: String
Folder ID
/search/folder/link@uuid Required (only 1) Type: String
Item's UUID - a globally unique identifier
/search/folder/link@name Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Name of folder; max length 128; whitespace is trimmed by server; Cannot contain ':', '"', '/', or any character below 0x20
/search/folder/link@absFolderPath Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Absolute Folder path
/search/folder/link@l Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
ID of parent folder (absent for root folder)
/search/folder/link@luuid Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
UUID of parent folder (absent for root folder)
/search/folder/link@f Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
Flags - checked in UI (#), exclude free/(b)usy info, IMAP subscribed (*), does not (i)nherit rights from parent, is a s(y)nc folder with external data source, sync is turned on(~), folder does n(o)t allow inferiors / children
/search/folder/link@color Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
color numeric; range 0-127; defaults to 0 if not present; client can display only 0-7
/search/folder/link@rgb Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
RGB color in format #rrggbb where r,g and b are hex digits
/search/folder/link@u Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of unread messages in folder
/search/folder/link@i4u Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of unread messages with this tag, including those with the IMAP \Deleted flag set
/search/folder/link@view Optional (0 or 1) Type: | search folder | tag | conversation | message | contact | appointment | virtual conversation | remote folder | task | chat
(optional) Default type for the folder; used by web client to decide which view to use;
possible values are the same as <SearchRequest>'s {types}: conversation|message|contact|etc
/search/folder/link@rev Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
/search/folder/link@ms Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Modified sequence
/search/folder/link@md Optional (0 or 1) Type: Long
Modified date in seconds
/search/folder/link@n Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of non-subfolder items in folder
/search/folder/link@i4n Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of non-subfolder items in folder, including those with the IMAP \Deleted flag set
/search/folder/link@s Optional (0 or 1) Type: Long
Total size of all of non-subfolder items in folder
/search/folder/link@i4ms Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Imap modified sequence
/search/folder/link@i4next Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
/search/folder/link@url Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
URL (RSS, iCal, etc.) this folder syncs its contents to
/search/folder/link@activesyncdisabled Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
/search/folder/link@webOfflineSyncDays Optional (0 or 1) Type: Integer
Number of days for which web client would sync folder data for offline use
/search/folder/link@perm Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
For remote folders, the access rights the authenticated user has on the folder - will contain the calculated (c)reate folder permission if the user has both (i)nsert and (r)ead access on the folder
/search/folder/link@recursive Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
/search/folder/link@rest Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
URL to the folder in the REST interface for rest-enabled apps (such as notebook)
/search/folder/link@deletable Optional (0 or 1) Type: 0|1
whether this folder can be deleted
/search/folder/link/meta Optional (0 or more) Custom metadata
See /search/meta for more details.
/search/folder/link/acl Optional (0 or 1) ACL for sharing
See /search/acl for more details.
/search/folder/link/folder Optional (0 or 1) See /search/folder for more details.
/search/folder/link/link Optional (0 or 1) See /search/folder/link for more details.
/search/folder/link/search Optional (0 or 1) See /search for more details.
/search/folder/link/retentionPolicy Optional (0 or 1) Retention policy
/search/folder/link/retentionPolicy/purge Required (only 1)
/search/folder/link/retentionPolicy/purge/policy Optional (0 or more)
/search/folder/link/retentionPolicy/purge/policy@type Optional (0 or 1) Type: user | system
Retention policy type
/search/folder/link/retentionPolicy/purge/policy@id Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
/search/folder/link/retentionPolicy/purge/policy@name Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
/search/folder/link/retentionPolicy/purge/policy@lifetime Optional (0 or 1) Type: String
/search/folder/search Optional (0 or 1) See /search for more details.
/search/folder/retentionPolicy Optional (0 or 1) Retention policy
See /search/folder/link/retentionPolicy for more details.
/search/link Optional (0 or 1) See /search/folder/link for more details.
/search/search Optional (0 or 1) See /search for more details.
/search/retentionPolicy Optional (0 or 1) Retention policy
See /search/folder/link/retentionPolicy for more details.