Service zimbraMail

Commands Description
AddAppointmentInvite Add an invite to an appointment.
AddMsg Add a message.
AnnounceOrganizerChange Announce change of organizer.
ApplyFilterRules Applies one or more filter rules to messages specified by a comma-separated ID list, or returned by a search query. One or the other can be specified, but not both. Returns the list of ids of existing messages that were affected.
ApplyOutgoingFilterRules Applies one or more filter rules to messages specified by a comma-separated ID list, or returned by a search query. One or the other can be specified, but not both. Returns the list of ids of existing messages that were affected.
AutoComplete AutoComplete.
BounceMsg Resend a message.
Browse Browse.
CancelAppointment Cancel appointment.
CheckPermission Check if the authed user has the specified right(s) on a target.
Note: to be deprecated in Zimbra 9. Use zimbraAccount CheckRights instead.
CheckRecurConflicts Check conflicts in recurrence against list of users.
CheckSpelling Check spelling.
ContactAction Contact Action.
ConvAction Conv Action.
CounterAppointment Propose a new time/location. Sent by meeting attendee to organizer.
CreateAppointment This is the API to create a new Appointment, optionally sending out meeting Invitations to other people.
CreateAppointmentException Create Appointment Exception.
CreateContact Create a contact.
CreateDataSource Creates a data source that imports mail items into the specified folder, for example via the POP3 or IMAP protocols. Only one data source is allowed per request.
CreateFolder Create folder.
CreateMountpoint Create mountpoint.
CreateSearchFolder Create a search folder.
CreateSmartLinks Create smart links for attachments.
CreateTag Create a tag.
CreateWaitSet Create a waitset to listen for changes on one or more accounts.
DeclineCounterAppointment Decline a change proposal from an attendee. Sent by organizer to an attendee who has previously sent a COUNTER message. The syntax of the request is very similar to CreateAppointmentRequest.
DeleteDataSource Deletes the given data sources. The name or id of each data source must be specified.
DestroyWaitSet Use this to close out the waitset. Note that the server will automatically time out a wait set if there is no reference to it for (default of) 20 minutes.
DismissCalendarItemAlarm Dismiss calendar item alarm.
EmptyDumpster Empty dumpster.
EnableSharedReminder Enable/disable reminders for shared appointments/tasks on a mountpoint.
ExpandRecur Expand recurrences.
ExportContacts Export contacts.
FolderAction Perform an action on a folder.
ForwardAppointment Used by an attendee to forward an instance or entire appointment to another user who is not already an attendee.
ForwardAppointmentInvite Used by an attendee to forward an appointment invite email to another user who is not already an attendee.
FullAutocomplete Retrieves AutoComplete matches from multiple source Accounts defined by 'orderedAccountIds'. The ordering logic ensures that the most relevant results are returned based on the values supplied in the 'orderedAccountIds' element. The returned matches are ordered (top match being most relevant) based on account IDs order passed in 'orderedAccountIds'. Hence, the 'ranking' attribute of matches should be ignored.
GenerateUUID Ajax client can use this request to ask the server for help in generating a proper, globally unique UUID.
GetAppointment Get Appointment. Returns the metadata info for each Invite that makes up this appointment.
GetApptSummaries Get appointment summaries.
Note: This API is deprecated Use <SearchRequest> with the calExpandInstStart and calExpandInstEnd parameters
GetCalendarItemSummaries Get Calendar item summaries.
GetContacts Get contacts.
GetConv Get Conversation.
GetCustomMetadata Get Custom metadata.
GetDataSources Returns all data sources defined for the given mailbox. For each data source, every attribute value is returned except password.
GetEffectiveFolderPerms Returns the effective permissions of the specified folder.
GetFilterRules Get filter rules.
GetFolder Get Folder.
GetFreeBusy Get Free/Busy information.
GetICal Retrieve the unparsed (but XML-encoded (&quot)) iCalendar data for an Invite.
GetIMAPRecent Return the count of recent items in the specified folder.
GetIMAPRecentCutoff Return the count of recent items in the specified folder.
GetImportStatus Returns current import status for all data sources. Status values for a data source are reinitialized when either (a) another import process is started or (b) when the server is restarted. If import has not run yet, the success and error attributes are not specified in the response.
GetItem Get item.
GetLastItemIdInMailbox Returns the last ID assigned to an item successfully created in the mailbox.
GetMailboxMetadata Get Mailbox metadata.
GetMiniCal Get information needed for Mini Calendar.
GetModifiedItemsIDs Returns the IDs of all items modified since a given change number.
GetMsg Get Message.
GetMsgMetadata Get message metadata.
GetOutgoingFilterRules Get outgoing filter rules.
GetPermission Get account level permissions.
Note: to be deprecated in Zimbra 9. Use zimbraAccount GetRights instead.
GetRecur Retrieve the recurrence definition of an appointment.
GetSearchFolder Get all search folders.
GetShareNotifications Get Share notifications.
GetSpellDictionaries Returns the list of dictionaries that can be used for spell checking.
GetSystemRetentionPolicy Get system retention policy.
GetTag Get information about Tags.
GetWorkingHours User's working hours within the given time range are expressed in a similar format to the format used for GetFreeBusy.
GrantPermission Grant account level permissions.
Note: to be deprecated in Zimbra 9. Use zimbraAccount GrantRights instead.
ICalReply Do an iCalendar Reply.
IMAPCopy Return the count of recent items in the specified folder.
ImportAppointments Import appointments.
ImportContacts Import contacts.
ImportData Triggers the specified data sources to kick off their import processes. Data import runs asynchronously, so the response immediately returns. Status of an import can be queried via the <GetImportStatusRequest> message. If the server receives an <ImportDataRequest> while an import is already running for a given data source, the second request is ignored.
ItemAction Perform an action on an item.
ListIMAPSubscriptions Return a list of subscribed folder names.
ModifyAppointment Modify an appointment, or if the appointment is a recurrence then modify the "default" invites. That is, all instances that do not have exceptions.
ModifyContact Modify Contact.
ModifyDataSource Changes attributes of the given data source. Only the attributes specified in the request are modified. If the username, host or leaveOnServer settings are modified, the server wipes out saved state for this data source. As a result, any previously downloaded messages that are still stored on the remote server will be downloaded again.
ModifyFilterRules Modify Filter rules.
ModifyMailboxMetadata Modify Mailbox Metadata.
ModifyOutgoingFilterRules Modify Outgoing Filter rules.
ModifySearchFolder Modify Search Folder.
MsgAction Perform an action on a message.
NoOp A request that does nothing and always returns nothing. Used to keep a session alive, and return any pending notifications.
RankingAction Perform an action on the contact ranking table.
RecordIMAPSession Record that an IMAP client has seen all the messages in this folder as they are at this time. This is used to determine which messages are considered by IMAP to be RECENT.
RecoverAccount Recover account request.
RemoveAttachments Remove attachments from a message body.
ResetRecentMessageCount Resets the mailbox's "recent message count" to 0. A message is considered "recent" if: (a) it's not a draft or a sent message, and (b) it was added since the last write operation associated with any SOAP session.
RevokePermission Revoke account level permissions.
Note: to be deprecated in Zimbra 9. Use zimbraAccount RevokeRights instead.
SaveDraft Save draft.
SaveIMAPSubscriptions Save a list of folder names subscribed to via IMAP.
Search Search.
SearchAction SearchAction.
SearchConv Search a conversation.
SendDeliveryReport Send a delivery report.
SendInviteReply Send a reply to an invite.
SendMsg Send message.
SendShareNotification Send share notification.
SetAppointment Directly set status of an entire appointment. This API is intended for mailbox Migration (ie migrating a mailbox onto this server) and is not used by normal mail clients.
SetCustomMetadata Set Custom Metadata.
SetMailboxMetadata Set Mailbox Metadata.
SnoozeCalendarItemAlarm Snooze alarm(s) for appointments or tasks.
Sync Sync.
TagAction Perform an action on a tag.
TestDataSource Tests the connection to the specified data source. Does not modify the data source or import data. If the id is specified, uses an existing data source. Any values specified in the request are used in the test instead of the saved values.
WaitSet WaitSetRequest optionally modifies the wait set and checks for any notifications. If block is set and there are no notifications, then this API will BLOCK until there is data.