Authorization token required | true |
Admin Authorization token required | false |
<SearchRequest [warmup="(0|1)"] [includeTagDeleted="{include-items-tagged-for-delete} (0|1)"]
[includeTagMuted="{include-items-tagged-for-delete} (0|1)"]
[calExpandInstStart="{cal-item-expand-start-time-in-msec} (Long)"]
[calExpandInstEnd="{cal-item-expand-end-time-in-msec} (Long)"] [inDumpster="(0|1)"]
[types="{comma-sep-search-types}"] [groupBy="{deprecated-group-by}"] [quick="(0|1)"]
[sortBy="{sort-by}"] [fetch="..."] [read="{mark-as-read} (0|1)"] [max="{max-inlined-length} (Integer)"]
[html="{want-html} (0|1)"] [needExp="{need-can-expand} (0|1)"] [neuter="{neuter-images} (0|1)"]
[recip="{want-recipients} (0 | 1 | 2 | false | true)"] [prefetch="(0|1)"] [resultMode="{result-mode}"]
[fullConversation="{full-conversation} (0|1)"] [field="{default-field}"] [limit="(Integer)"]
[offset="(Integer)"] [wantContent="{want-content} (full | original | both)"]
[memberOf="{include-member-of} (0|1)"]> ## SearchRequest
<query>{query} (String)</query>
(<header n="{attribute-name}" /> ## AttributeName)*
<tz id="{timezone-id}" stdoff="{timezone-std-offset} (Integer)" dayoff="{timezone-daylight-offset} (Integer)"
[stdname="..."] [dayname="..."]> ## CalTZInfo
<standard [week="{tzonset-week} (Integer)"] [wkday="{tzonset-day-of-week} (Integer)"]
mon="{tzonset-month} (Integer)" [mday="{tzonset-day-of-month} (Integer)"]
hour="{tzonset-hour} (Integer)" min="{tzonset-minute} (Integer)" sec="{tzonset-second} (Integer)" /> ## TzOnsetInfo
<daylight ... /> ## See /tz/standard [ ## TzOnsetInfo]
<locale>{locale} (String)</locale>
<cursor [id="{cursor-prev-id}"] [sortVal="{cursor-sort-value}"] [endSortVal="{cursor-end-sort-value}"]
[includeOffset="{cursor-include-offset} (0|1)"] /> ## CursorInfo
elements and attributes you can define within a
XPath | Required / Optional | Description | ||||||
@warmup | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Warmup: When this option is specified, all other options are simply ignored, so you can't include this option in regular search requests. This option gives a hint to the index system to open the index data and primes it for search. The client should send this warm-up request as soon as the user puts the cursor on the search bar. This will not only prime the index but also opens a persistent HTTP connection (HTTP 1.1 Keep-Alive) to the server, hence smaller latencies in subseqent search requests. Sending this warm-up request too early (e.g. login time) will be in vain in most cases because the index data is evicted from the cache due to inactivity timeout by the time you actually send a search request. |
@includeTagDeleted | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set to 1 (true) to include items with the \Deleted tag set in results |
@includeTagMuted | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set to 1 (true) to include items with the \Muted tag set in results |
@calExpandInstStart | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Start time in milliseconds for the range to include instances for calendar items from. If calExpandInstStart and calExpandInstEnd are specified, and the search types include calendar item types (e.g. appointment), then the search results include the instances for calendar items within that range in the form described in the description of the response. ***IMPORTANT NOTE: Calendar Items that have no instances within that range are COMPLETELY EXCLUDED from the results (e.g. not even an <appt> element. Calendar Items with no data (such as Tasks with no date specified) are included, but with no instance information*** |
@calExpandInstEnd | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long End time in milliseconds for the range to include instances for calendar items from. |
@inDumpster | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set this flat to 1 (true) to search dumpster data instead of live data. |
@types | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Comma separated list of search types Legal values are: conversation|message|contact|appointment|task|wiki|document Default is "conversation". NOTE: only ONE of message, conversation may be set. If both are set, the first is used. |
@groupBy | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Deprecated. Use {comma-sep-search-types} instead |
@quick | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 "Quick" flag. For performance reasons, the index system accumulates messages with not-indexed-yet state until a certain threshold and indexes them as a batch. To return up-to-date search results, the index system also indexes those pending messages right before a search. To lower latencies, this option gives a hint to the index system not to trigger this catch-up index prior to the search by giving up the freshness of the search results, i.e. recent messages may not be included in the search results. |
@sortBy | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String SortBy setting. Default value is "dateDesc" Possible values: none|dateAsc|dateDesc|subjAsc|subjDesc|nameAsc|nameDesc|rcptAsc|rcptDesc|attachAsc|attachDesc|flagAsc|flagDesc| priorityAsc|priorityDesc|idAsc|idDesc|readAsc|readDesc If {sort-by} is "none" then cursors MUST NOT be used, and some searches are impossible (searches that require intersection of complex sub-ops). Server will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the search is invalid. ADDITIONAL SORT MODES FOR TASKS: valid only if types="task" (and task alone): taskDueAsc|taskDueDesc|taskStatusAsc|taskStatusDesc|taskPercCompletedAsc|taskPercCompletedDesc |
@fetch | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Select setting for hit expansion. if fetch="1" (or fetch="first") is specified, the first hit will be expanded inline (messages only at present) if fetch="{item-id}", only the message with the given {item-id} is expanded inline if fetch="{item-id-1,item-id-2,...,item-id-n}", messages with ids in the comma-separated list will be expanded if fetch="all", all messages are expanded inline if fetch="!", only the first message in the conversation will be expanded, whether it's a hit or not if fetch="u" (or fetch="unread"), all unread hits are expanded if fetch="u1" (or fetch="unread-first"), if there are any unread hits, they are expanded, otherwise the first hit is expanded. if fetch="u1!", if there are any unread hits, they are expanded, otherwise the first hit and the first message are expanded (those may be the same) if fetch="hits", all hits are expanded if fetch="hits!", all hits are expanded if there are any, otherwise the first message is expanded + if html="1" is also specified, inlined hits will return HTML parts if available + if read="1" is also specified, inlined hits will be marked as read + if neuter="0" is also specified, images in inlined HTML parts will not be "neutered" + if <header>s are requested, any matching headers are included in inlined message hits + if max="{max-inlined-length}" is specified, inlined body content in limited to the given length; if the part is truncated, truncated="1" is specified on the <mp> in question |
@read | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Inlined hits will be marked as read |
@max | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer If specified, inlined body content in limited to the given length; if the part is truncated, truncated="1" is specified on the <mp> in question |
@html | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set to 1 (true) to cause inlined hits to return HTML parts if available |
@needExp | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If 'needExp' is set in the request, two additional flags may be included in <e> elements for messages returned inline.
@neuter | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set to 0 (false) to stop images in inlined HTML parts from being "neutered" |
@recip | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0 | 1 | 2 | false | true Setting specifying which recipients should be returned.
@prefetch | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Prefetch |
@resultMode | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Specifies the type of result.
@fullConversation | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 By default, only matching messages are included in conversation results. Set to 1 (true) to include all messages in the conversation, even if they don't match the search, including items in Trash and Junk folders. |
@field | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String By default, text without an operator searches the CONTENT field. By setting the {default-field} value, you can control the default operator. Specify any of the text operators that are available in query.txt, e.g. 'content:' [the default] or 'subject:', etc. The date operators (date, after, before) and the "item:" operator should not be specified as default fields because of quirks in the search grammar. |
@limit | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer The maximum number of results to return. It defaults to 10 if not specified, and is capped by 1000 |
@offset | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Specifies the 0-based offset into the results list to return as the first result for this search operation. For example, limit=10 offset=30 will return the 31st through 40th results inclusive. |
@wantContent | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: full | original | both used by clients if they want mail content with/without quoted text |
@memberOf | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If set, Include the list of contact groups this contact is a member of. Note: use sparingly, there is a performance penalty associated with computing this information |
/query | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {query} (String) Query string |
/header | Optional (0 or more) | if <header>s are requested, any matching headers are included in inlined message hits | ||||||
/header@n | Required (only 1) | Type: String Attribute name |
/tz | Optional (0 or 1) | Timezone specification | ||||||
/tz@id | Required (only 1) | Type: String Timezone ID. If this is the only detail present then this should be an existing server-known timezone's ID Otherwise, it must be present, although it will be ignored by the server |
/tz@stdoff | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Standard Time's offset in minutes from UTC; local = UTC + offset |
/tz@dayoff | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Daylight Saving Time's offset in minutes from UTC; present only if DST is used |
/tz@stdname | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Standard Time component's timezone name |
/tz@dayname | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Daylight Saving Time component's timezone name |
/tz/standard | Optional (0 or 1) | Time/rule for transitioning from daylight time to standard time. Either specify week/wkday combo, or mday. | ||||||
/tz/standard@week | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Week number; 1=first, 2=second, 3=third, 4=fourth, -1=last |
/tz/standard@wkday | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Day of week; 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc. |
/tz/standard@mon | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Month; 1=January, 2=February, etc. |
/tz/standard@mday | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Day of month (1..31) |
/tz/standard@hour | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Transition hour (0..23) |
/tz/standard@min | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Transition minute (0..59) |
/tz/standard@sec | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Transition second; 0..59, usually 0 |
/tz/daylight | Optional (0 or 1) | Time/rule for transitioning from standard time to daylight time
See /tz/standard for more details. |
/locale | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {locale} (String) Client locale identification. Value is of the form LL-CC[-V+] where: LL is two character language code CC is two character country code V+ is optional variant identifier string See: ISO Language Codes: ISO Country Codes: |
/cursor | Optional (0 or 1) | Cursor specification | ||||||
/cursor@id | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Previous ID. cursor-prev-id and cursor-sort-value and correspond to the last hit on the current page (assuming you're going forward, if you're backing up then they should be the first hit on the current page) or the selected item before changing the sort order. cursor-sort-value should be set to the value of the 'sf' (SortField) attribute. If you are changing the sort field, don't specify sortVal because 'sf' is sort field dependent. (In this case, the server supplements sortVal using the specified item ID. If the item no longer exist, the cursor gets cleared.) The server uses those attributes to find the spot in the new results that corresponds to your old position: even if some entries have been removed or added to the search results (e.g. if you are searching is:unread and you read some). |
/cursor@sortVal | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Should be set to the value of the 'sf' (SortField) attribute. See description for cursor-prev-id for more information. |
/cursor@endSortVal | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Used for ranges to tell the cursor where to stop (non-inclusive) returning values |
/cursor@includeOffset | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If true, the response will include the cursor position (starting from 0) in the entire hits. This can't be used with text queries. Don't abuse this option because this operation is relatively expensive |
<SearchResponse [sortBy="{sort-by}"] [offset="{offset} (Integer)"] [more="{more-flag} (0|1)"]
[total="{all-msgs} (Long)"]> ## SearchResponse
List of any of: {
<hit [id="{hit-id}"] [sf="{hit-sort-field}"] /> ## SimpleSearchHit
<c [sf="{sort-field}"] [id="{conv-id}"] [n="{num-msgs} (Integer)"] [u="{num-unread-msgs} (Integer)"]
[total="{all-msgs} (Integer)"] [f="{flags}"] [t="{tags}"] [tn="{tag-names}"]
[d="{date-of-most-recent} (Long)"] [elided="{elided} (0|1)"] [md="{change-date} (Long)"]
[ms="{modified-sequence} (Integer)"]> ## ConversationHitInfo
(<m id="{message-id}" [s="{size} (Long)"] [l="{folder-id}"] [f="{flags}"]
[autoSendTime="{auto-send-time} (Long)"] [d="{date} (Long)"] /> ## ConversationMsgHitInfo)*
(<meta [section="{section}"]> ## MailCustomMetadata
(<a n="{key}">{value}</a> ## KeyValuePair)*
<su>{subject} (String)</su>
<fr>{fragment} (String)</fr>
(<e [a="{email-address}"] [d="{display-name}"] [p="{personal name}"] [t="{address-type}"]
[isGroup="{email-addr-is-group} (0|1)"] [exp="{can-expand-group-members} (0|1)"] /> ## EmailInfo)*
<m [sf="{sort-field-value}"] [cm="{message-matched-query} (0|1)"] [id="{msg-id}"]
[i4uid="{imap-uid} (Integer)"] [cif="{X-Zimbra-Calendar-Intended-For}"] [origid="{orig-id}"]
[rt="{reply-type}"] [idnt="{identity-id}"] [forAcct="{draft-acct-id}"]
[autoSendTime="{auto-send-time} (Long)"] [sd="{date-header} (Long)"] [rd="{resent-date} (Long)"]
[part="{part}"] [s="{msg-size} (Long)"] [d="{msg-date} (Long)"] [l="{folder-id}"] [cid="{conversation-id}"]
[f="{msg-flags}"] [t="{msg-tags}"] [tn="{msg-tag-names}"] [rev="{revision} (Integer)"]
[md="{msg-date-metadata-changed} (Long)"] [ms="{change-sequence} (Integer)"]> ## MessageHitInfo
(<signature valid="{valid} (boolean)" message="{message}"
type="{type S/MIME, PGP}" email="{email}" notBefore="{notBefore} (Long)"
notAfter="{notBefore} (Long)" issuer="{issuer}" trusted="{trusted} (boolean)" /> ## MailSignature)*
(<hp part="{part}" /> ## Part)*
<fr>{fragment} (String)</fr>
(<e ... /> ## See /c/e [ ## EmailInfo])*
<su>{subject} (String)</su>
<mid>{messageIdHeader} (String)</mid>
<irt>{inReplyTo} (String)</irt>
<inv type="{appt-or-task}"> ## InviteInfo
(<tz id="{timezone-id}" stdoff="{timezone-std-offset} (Integer)"
dayoff="{timezone-daylight-offset} (Integer)" [stdname="..."] [dayname="..."]> ## CalTZInfo
<standard [week="{tzonset-week} (Integer)"] [wkday="{tzonset-day-of-week} (Integer)"]
mon="{tzonset-month} (Integer)" [mday="{tzonset-day-of-month} (Integer)"]
hour="{tzonset-hour} (Integer)" min="{tzonset-minute} (Integer)"
sec="{tzonset-second} (Integer)" /> ## TzOnsetInfo
<daylight ... /> ## See /m/inv/tz/standard [ ## TzOnsetInfo]
<comp [method="{invite-comp-method}"] [compNum="{invite-comp-num} (Integer)"] [rsvp="{rsvp} (0|1)"]
[priority="{invite-comp-priority-0-9}"] [name="{invite-comp-name}"]
[loc="{invite-comp-location}"] [noBlob="{no-blob-data} (0|1)"] [fba="{freebusy-actual}"]
[fb="{freebusy-status}"] [transp="{transparency}"] [isOrg="{is-organizer} (0|1)"]
[x_uid="{x-uid}"] [uid="{uid-for-create}"] [seq="{sequence-num} (Integer)"]
[d="{invite-comp-date} (Long)"] [calItemId="{mail-item-id-of-appointment}"]
[apptId="{deprecated-appt-id}"] [ciFolder="{cal-item-folder}"] [status="{invite-comp-status}"]
[class="{invite-comp-class}"] [url="{invite-comp-url}"] [ex="{is-exception} (0|1)"]
[ridZ="{utc-recurrence-id}"] [allDay="{is-all-day} (0|1)"] [draft="{is-draft} (0|1)"]
[neverSent="{attendees-never-notified} (0|1)"] [changes="{comma-sep-changed-data}"]> ## InviteComponent
(<category>{categories} (String)</category>)*
(<comment>{comments} (String)</comment>)*
(<contact>{contacts} (String)</contact>)*
<geo [lat="{longitude}"] [lon="{longitude}"] /> ## GeoInfo
(<at [a="{email-address}"] [url="{url}"] [d="{friendly-name}"] [sentBy="{sent-by}"] [dir="{dir}"]
[lang="{language}"] [cutype="{calendar-user-type}"] [role="{role}"]
[ptst="{participation-status}"] [rsvp="{rsvp} (0|1)"] [member="{member}"]
[delTo="{delegated-to}"] [delFrom="{delegated-from}"]> ## CalendarAttendee
(<xparam name="{xparam-name}" value="{xparam-value}" /> ## XParam)*
(<alarm action="{alarm-action}"> ## AlarmInfo
<trigger> ## AlarmTriggerInfo
<abs d="{YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ}" /> ## DateAttr
<rel [neg="{duration-negative} (0|1)"] [w="{duration-weeks} (Integer)"]
[d="{duration-days} (Integer)"] [h="{duration-hours} (Integer)"]
[m="{duration-minutes} (Integer)"] [s="{duration-seconds} (Integer)"]
[related="{alarm-related}"] [count="{alarm-repeat-count} (Integer)"] /> ## DurationInfo
<repeat ... /> ## See /m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel [ ## DurationInfo]
<desc>{description} (String)</desc>
<attach [uri="{alarm-attach-uri}"] [ct="{alarm-attach-content-type}"]>{binaryB64Data}</attach> ## CalendarAttach
<summary>{summary} (String)</summary>
(<at ... > ... </at> ## See /m/inv/comp/at [ ## CalendarAttendee])*
(<xprop name="{xprop-name}" value="{xprop-value}"> ## XProp
(<xparam name="{xparam-name}" value="{xparam-value}" /> ## See /m/inv/comp/at/xparam [ ## XParam])*
(<xprop name="{xprop-name}" value="{xprop-value}"> ... </xprop> ## See /m/inv/comp/alarm/xprop [ ## XProp])*
<fr>{fragment} (String)</fr>
<desc>{description} (String)</desc>
<descHtml>{htmlDescription} (String)</descHtml>
<or [a="{email-address}"] [url="{url}"] [d="{friendly-name}"] [sentBy="{sent-by}"] [dir="{dir}"]
[lang="{language}"]> ## CalOrganizer
(<xparam name="{xparam-name}" value="{xparam-value}" /> ## See /m/inv/comp/at/xparam [ ## XParam])*
<recur> ## RecurrenceInfo
List of any of: {
<add> ## AddRecurrenceInfo
List of any of: {
<add> ... </add> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add [ ## AddRecurrenceInfo] # [inside itself]
<exclude> ## ExcludeRecurrenceInfo
List of any of: {
<add> ... </add> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add [ ## AddRecurrenceInfo] # [inside itself]
<exclude> ... </exclude> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude [ ## ExcludeRecurrenceInfo] # [inside itself]
<except rangeType="{range-type} (int)" recurId="{YYMMDD[THHMMSS[Z]]}"
[tz="{timezone-name}"] [ridZ="{YYMMDDTHHMMSSZ}"]> ## ExceptionRuleInfo
<add> ... </add> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur [ ## RecurrenceInfo] # [inside itself]
<exclude> ... </exclude> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur [ ## RecurrenceInfo] # [inside itself]
<cancel rangeType="{range-type} (int)" recurId="{YYMMDD[THHMMSS[Z]]}"
[tz="{timezone-name}"] [ridZ="{YYMMDDTHHMMSSZ}"] /> ## CancelRuleInfo
<dates [tz="{TZID}"]> ## SingleDates
(<dtval> ## DtVal
<s [d="{YYYYMMDD['T'HHMMSS[Z]]}"] [tz="{timezone-identifier}"]
[u="{utc-time} (Long)"] /> ## DtTimeInfo
<e ... /> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/s [ ## DtTimeInfo]
<dur ... /> ## See /m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel [ ## DurationInfo]
<rule freq="{freq}"> ## SimpleRepeatingRule
<until d="{YYYYMMDD[ThhmmssZ]}" /> ## DateTimeStringAttr
<count num="{num} (int)" /> ## NumAttr
<interval ival="{rule-interval} (int)" /> ## IntervalRule
<bysecond seclist="{second-list}" /> ## BySecondRule
<byminute minlist="{minute-list}" /> ## ByMinuteRule
<byhour hrlist="{hour-list}" /> ## ByHourRule
<byday> ## ByDayRule
(<wkday day="{weekday}"
[ordwk="{ord-wk-[[+]|-]num} (Integer)"] /> ## WkDay)*
<bymonthday modaylist="{modaylist}" /> ## ByMonthDayRule
<byyearday yrdaylist="{byyearday-yrdaylist}" /> ## ByYearDayRule
<byweekno wklist="{byweekno-wklist}" /> ## ByWeekNoRule
<bymonth molist="{month-list}" /> ## ByMonthRule
<bysetpos poslist="{bysetpos-list}" /> ## BySetPosRule
<wkst day="{weekday}" /> ## WkstRule
(<rule-x-name [name="{xname-name}"] [value="{xname-value}"] /> ## XNameRule)*
<except ... > ... </except> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except [ ## ExceptionRuleInfo]
<cancel ... /> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/cancel [ ## CancelRuleInfo]
<dates [tz="{TZID}"]> ... </dates> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates [ ## SingleDates]
<rule freq="{freq}"> ... </rule> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule [ ## SimpleRepeatingRule]
<exclude> ... </exclude> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude [ ## ExcludeRecurrenceInfo]
<except ... > ... </except> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except [ ## ExceptionRuleInfo]
<cancel ... /> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/cancel [ ## CancelRuleInfo]
<dates [tz="{TZID}"]> ... </dates> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates [ ## SingleDates]
<rule freq="{freq}"> ... </rule> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule [ ## SimpleRepeatingRule]
<exceptId d="{DATETIME-YYYYMMDD['T'HHMMSS[Z]]}" [tz="{timezone-identifier}"]
[rangeType="{range-type} (Integer)"] /> ## ExceptionRecurIdInfo
<s ... /> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/s [ ## DtTimeInfo]
<e ... /> ## See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/s [ ## DtTimeInfo]
<dur ... /> ## See /m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel [ ## DurationInfo]
(<reply seq="{sequence-num} (int)" d="{dtstamp} (long)" at="{attendee}" [sentBy="{sent-by}"]
[ptst="{participation-status}"] rangeType="{range-type} (int)"
recurId="{YYMMDD[THHMMSS[Z]]}" [tz="{timezone-name}"] [ridZ="{YYMMDDTHHMMSSZ}"] /> ## CalendarReply)*
(<header n="{key}">{value}</header> ## See /c/meta/a [ ## KeyValuePair])*
List of any of: {
<mp part="{mime-part-name}" ct="{content-type}" [s="{size-in-bytes} (Integer)"]
[cd="{content-disp}"] [filename="{filename}"] [ci="{content-id}"] [cl="{content-location}"]
[body="{is-body} (0|1)"] [truncated="{truncated-content} (0|1)"]
requiresSmartLinkConversion="(Boolean)"> ## PartInfo
<content>{content} (String)</content>
(<mp> ... </mp> ## See /m/mp [ ## PartInfo] # [inside itself])*
<shr [truncated="{truncated-flag} (0|1)"]> ## ShareNotification
<content>{content} (String)</content>
<dlSubs [truncated="{truncated-flag} (0|1)"]> ## DLSubscriptionNotification
<content>{content} (String)</content>
(<meta [section="{section}"]> ... </meta> ## See /c/meta [ ## MailCustomMetadata])*
<chat [sf="{sort-field-value}"] [cm="{message-matched-query} (0|1)"] [id="{msg-id}"]
[i4uid="{imap-uid} (Integer)"] [cif="{X-Zimbra-Calendar-Intended-For}"] [origid="{orig-id}"]
[rt="{reply-type}"] [idnt="{identity-id}"] [forAcct="{draft-acct-id}"]
[autoSendTime="{auto-send-time} (Long)"] [sd="{date-header} (Long)"] [rd="{resent-date} (Long)"]
[part="{part}"] [s="{msg-size} (Long)"] [d="{msg-date} (Long)"] [l="{folder-id}"]
[cid="{conversation-id}"] [f="{msg-flags}"] [t="{msg-tags}"] [tn="{msg-tag-names}"]
[rev="{revision} (Integer)"] [md="{msg-date-metadata-changed} (Long)"]
[ms="{change-sequence} (Integer)"]> ## ChatHitInfo
(<signature ... /> ## See /m/signature [ ## MailSignature])*
(<hp part="{part}" /> ## See /m/hp [ ## Part])*
<fr>{fragment} (String)</fr>
(<e ... /> ## See /c/e [ ## EmailInfo])*
<su>{subject} (String)</su>
<mid>{messageIdHeader} (String)</mid>
<irt>{inReplyTo} (String)</irt>
<inv type="{appt-or-task}"> ... </inv> ## See /m/inv [ ## InviteInfo]
(<header n="{key}">{value}</header> ## See /c/meta/a [ ## KeyValuePair])*
List of any of: {
<mp ... > ... </mp> ## See /m/mp [ ## PartInfo]
<shr [truncated="{truncated-flag} (0|1)"]> ... </shr> ## See /m/shr [ ## ShareNotification]
<dlSubs [truncated="{truncated-flag} (0|1)"]> ... </dlSubs> ## See /m/dlSubs [ ## DLSubscriptionNotification]
(<meta [section="{section}"]> ... </meta> ## See /c/meta [ ## MailCustomMetadata])*
<mp [id="{message-id}"] [sf="{sort-field-value}"] [s="{size} (Long)"] [d="{date} (Long)"]
[cid="{conv-id} (Integer)"] [mid="{message-item-id} (Integer)"] [ct="{content-type}"] [name="{filename}"]
[part="{mime-part-name}"]> ## MessagePartHitInfo
<e ... /> ## See /c/e [ ## EmailInfo]
<su>{subject} (String)</su>
<cn [sf="{contact-sort-field}"] [exp="{can-expand} (0|1)"] id="{contact-id}" [i4uid="{imap-uid} (Integer)"]
[l="{contact-folder-id}"] [f="{contact-flags}"] [t="{contact-tags}"] [tn="{contact-tag-names}"]
[md="{contact-modified-date-secs} (Long)"] [ms="{contact-modified-seq} (Integer)"]
[d="{contact-date-millis} (Long)"] [rev="{saved-sequence-number} (Integer)"]
[fileAsStr="{contact-file-as}"] [email="{contact-email}"] [email2="{contact-email2}"]
[email3="{contact-email3}"] [type="{contact-type}"] [dlist="{contact-dlist}"]
[ref="{contact-gal-entry-ref}"] [tooManyMembers="{contact-too-many-members} (0|1)"]> ## ContactInfo
(<meta [section="{section}"]> ... </meta> ## See /c/meta [ ## MailCustomMetadata])*
(<a [part="{contact-part-id}"] [ct="{contact-content-type}"] [s="{contact-size} (Integer)"]
[filename="{contact-content-filename}"] n="{key}" /> ## ContactAttr)*
(<m type="{member-type}" value="{member-value}"> ## ContactGroupMember
<cn> ... </cn> ## See /cn [ ## ContactInfo] # [inside itself]
<memberOf>{memberOf} (String)</memberOf>
<appt [sf="{sort-field-value}"] [d="{date} (long)"] [cm="{content-matched} (0|1)"]
[nextAlarm="{next-alarm-millis} (Long)"] x_uid="..." uid="{icalendar-uid}" [f="{flags}"] [t="{tags}"]
[tn="{tag-names}"] [l="{folder-id}"] [s="{size} (Long)"] [md="{change-date} (Long)"]
[ms="{modified-sequence} (Integer)"] [rev="{revision} (Integer)"] [id="{id}"] [dur="{duration} (Long)"]
[ptst="{participation-status}"] [ridZ="{utc-recurrence-id-YYYYMMDD[ThhmmssZ]}"]
[tzo="{tz-offset} (Long)"] [fba="{actual-freebusy-status}"] [recur="{is-recurring} (0|1)"]
[hasEx="{has-exceptions} (0|1)"] [priority="{priority}"] [fb="{intended-freebusy}"]
[transp="{transparency-O|T}"] [name="{name}"] [loc="{location}"]
[otherAtt="{has-other-attendees} (0|1)"] [alarm="{has-alarm} (0|1)"]
[isOrg="{default-am-i-organizer-flag} (0|1)"] [invId="{default-invite-mail-item-id}"]
[compNum="{default-invite-component-number} (Integer)"] [status="{status-TENT|CONF|CANC}"]
[class="{class}"] [allDay="{all-day} (0|1)"] [draft="{is-draft} (0|1)"]
[neverSent="{never-sent} (0|1)"] [tzoDue="{due-tz-offset} (Integer)"]> ## AppointmentHitInfo
<or ... > ... </or> ## See /m/inv/comp/or [ ## CalOrganizer]
(<category>{categories} (String)</category>)*
<geo [lat="{longitude}"] [lon="{longitude}"] /> ## See /m/inv/comp/geo [ ## GeoInfo]
<fr>{fragment} (String)</fr>
(<inst [s="{start-time} (Long)"] [ex="{is-exception} (0|1)"] [dur="{duration} (Long)"]
[ptst="{participation-status}"] [ridZ="{utc-recurrence-id-YYYYMMDD[ThhmmssZ]}"]
[tzo="{tz-offset} (Long)"] [fba="{actual-freebusy-status}"] [recur="{is-recurring} (0|1)"]
[hasEx="{has-exceptions} (0|1)"] [priority="{priority}"] [fb="{intended-freebusy}"]
[transp="{transparency-O|T}"] [name="{name}"] [loc="{location}"]
[otherAtt="{has-other-attendees} (0|1)"] [alarm="{has-alarm} (0|1)"]
[isOrg="{default-am-i-organizer-flag} (0|1)"] [invId="{default-invite-mail-item-id}"]
[compNum="{default-invite-component-number} (Integer)"] [status="{status-TENT|CONF|CANC}"]
[class="{class}"] [allDay="{all-day} (0|1)"] [draft="{is-draft} (0|1)"]
[neverSent="{never-sent} (0|1)"] [tzoDue="{due-tz-offset} (Integer)"]> ## InstanceDataInfo
<or ... > ... </or> ## See /m/inv/comp/or [ ## CalOrganizer]
(<category>{categories} (String)</category>)*
<geo [lat="{longitude}"] [lon="{longitude}"] /> ## See /m/inv/comp/geo [ ## GeoInfo]
<fr>{fragment} (String)</fr>
<alarmData [nextAlarm="{next-alarm} (Long)"] [alarmInstStart="{instance-start-time} (Long)"]
[invId="{invite-mail-item-id} (Integer)"] [compNum="{component-num} (Integer)"]
[name="{meeting-subject}"] [loc="{meeting-location}"]> ## AlarmDataInfo
<alarm action="{alarm-action}"> ... </alarm> ## See /m/inv/comp/alarm [ ## AlarmInfo]
(<inv type="{type-appt|task}" seq="{sequence-number} (Integer)"
id="{invite-original-mail-item-id} (Integer)" compNum="{component-number} (Integer)"
[recurId="{YYMMDD[THHMMSS[Z]]}"]> ## Invitation
(<tz ... > ... </tz> ## See /m/inv/tz [ ## CalTZInfo])*
<comp ... > ... </comp> ## See /m/inv/comp [ ## InviteComponent]
List of any of: {
<mp ... > ... </mp> ## See /m/mp [ ## PartInfo]
<shr [truncated="{truncated-flag} (0|1)"]> ... </shr> ## See /m/shr [ ## ShareNotification]
<dlSubs [truncated="{truncated-flag} (0|1)"]> ... </dlSubs> ## See /m/dlSubs [ ## DLSubscriptionNotification]
(<reply at="{attendee-who-replied}" [sentBy="{sent-by}"] [ptst="{participation-status}"]
seq="{sequence} (int)" d="{reply-timestamp} (int)" rangeType="{range-type} (int)"
recurId="{YYMMDD[THHMMSS[Z]]}" [tz="{timezone-name}"] [ridZ="{YYMMDDTHHMMSSZ}"] /> ## CalReply)*
List of any of: {
<suggest>{suggestedQueryString}</suggest> ## SuggestedQueryString
<wildcard str="{wildcard-str}" expanded="{wildcard-expanded} (0|1)"
numExpanded="{wildcard-num-expanded} (int)" /> ## WildcardExpansionQueryInfo
elements and attributes you can define within a
XPath | Required / Optional | Description | ||||||
@sortBy | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String What to sort by. Default is "dateDesc" Possible values: none|dateAsc|dateDesc|subjAsc|subjDesc|nameAsc|nameDesc|rcptAsc|rcptDesc|attachAsc|attachDesc| flagAsc|flagDesc|priorityAsc|priorityDesc|idAsc|idDesc|readAsc|readDesc If sort-by is "none" then cursors MUST NOT be used, and some searches are impossible (searches that require intersection of complex sub-ops). Server will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the search is invalid. ADDITIONAL SORT MODES FOR TASKS: valid only if types="task" (and task alone): taskDueAsc|taskDueDesc|taskStatusAsc|taskStatusDesc|taskPercCompletedAsc|taskPercCompletedDesc |
@offset | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Offset - an integer specifying the 0-based offset into the results list returned as the first result for this search operation. |
@more | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if there are more search results remaining. |
@total | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long All messages |
/hit | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/hit@id | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String ID |
/hit@sf | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Sort field value |
/c | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/c@sf | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Sort field value |
/c@id | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Conversation ID |
/c@n | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Number of messages in conversation without IMAP \Deleted flag set |
/c@u | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Number of unread messages in conversation |
/c@total | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Total number of messages in conversation including those with the IMAP \Deleted flag set |
/c@f | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Same flags as on <m> ("sarwfdxnu!?"), aggregated from all the conversation's messages |
/c@t | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Tags - Comma separated list of integers. DEPRECATED - use "tn" instead |
/c@tn | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Comma-separated list of tag names |
/c@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Date (secs since epoch) of most recent message in the converstation |
/c@elided | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If elided is set, some participants are missing before the first returned <e> element |
/c@md | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Modified date in seconds |
/c@ms | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Modified sequence |
/c/m | Optional (0 or more) | Hits | ||||||
/c/m@id | Required (only 1) | Type: String Message ID |
/c/m@s | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Size |
/c/m@l | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Folder ID |
/c/m@f | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String flags |
/c/m@autoSendTime | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Can optionally set autoSendTime to specify the time at which the draft should be automatically sent by the server |
/c/m@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long date |
/c/meta | Optional (0 or more) | Custom metadata | ||||||
/c/meta@section | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Section. Normally present. If absent this indicates that CustomMetadata info is present but there are no sections to report on. |
/c/meta/a | Optional (0 or more) | Type: {value} Key value pairs Description for element text content:Value |
/c/meta/a@n | Required (only 1) | Type: String Key |
/c/su | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {subject} (String) Subject of conversation |
/c/fr | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {fragment} (String) First few bytes of the message (probably between 40 and 100 bytes) |
/c/e | Optional (0 or more) | Email information for conversation participants if available (elided will be set if information for some participants is missing) | ||||||
/c/e@a | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String the user@domain part of an email address |
/c/e@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Display name. If we have personal name, first word in "word1 word2" format, or last word in "word1, word2" format. If no personal name, take string before "@" in email-address. |
/c/e@p | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String The comment/name part of an address |
/c/e@t | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Address type. {address-type} = (f)rom, (t)o, (c)c, (b)cc, (r)eply-to, (s)ender, read-receipt (n)otification, (rf) resent-from Type is only sent when an individual message is returned. In the list of conversations, all the email addresseses returned for a conversation are a subset of the participants. In the list of messages in a converstation, the email addressses are the senders. Note that "rf" addresses can only be returned on a message; when sending a message, "rf" is ignored |
/c/e@isGroup | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if the email address is a group |
/c/e@exp | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Flags whether can expand group members
/m | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/m@sf | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Sort field value |
/m@cm | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If the message matched the specified query string |
/m@id | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Message ID |
/m@i4uid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer IMAP UID |
/m@cif | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String X-Zimbra-Calendar-Intended-For header |
/m@origid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Message id of the message being replied to/forwarded (outbound messages only) |
/m@rt | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Reply type - r|w |
/m@idnt | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String If set, this specifies the identity being used to compose the message |
/m@forAcct | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Draft account ID |
/m@autoSendTime | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Can optionally set this to specify the time at which the draft should be automatically sent by the server |
/m@sd | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Date header |
/m@rd | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Resent date |
/m@part | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Part |
/m@s | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Size in bytes |
/m@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Date Seconds since the epoch, from the date header in the message |
/m@l | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Folder ID |
/m@cid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Converstation ID. only present if <m> is not enclosed within a <c> element |
/m@f | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Flags. (u)nread, (f)lagged, has (a)ttachment, (r)eplied, (s)ent by me, for(w)arded, calendar in(v)ite, (d)raft, IMAP-\Deleted (x), (n)otification sent, urgent (!), low-priority (?), priority (+) |
/m@t | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Tags - Comma separated list of integers. DEPRECATED - use "tn" instead |
/m@tn | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Comma separated list of tag names |
/m@rev | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Revision |
/m@md | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Date metadata changed |
/m@ms | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Change sequence |
/m/signature | Optional (0 or more) | MailSignature signature if email is signed and carbonioSMIMESignatureVerificationEnabled true then output signature | ||||||
/m/signature@valid | Required (only 1) | Type: boolean Valid |
/m/signature@message | Required (only 1) | Type: String Message |
/m/signature@messageCode | Required (only 1) | Type: String SignatureConstants.MessageCodeEnum VALID, INVALID, UNTRUSTED, SIGNER_CERT_EXPIRED, SIGNER_CERT_NOT_FOUND, ISSUER_CERT_NOT_FOUND, ERROR |
/m/signature@type | Required (only 1) | Type: String type S/MIME, PGP |
/m/signature@email | Required (only 1) | Type: String |
/m/signature@notBefore | Required (only 1) | Type: Long notBefore |
/m/signature@notAfter | Required (only 1) | Type: Long notAfter |
/m/signature@issuer | Required (only 1) | Type: String issuer |
/m/signature@trusted | Required (only 1) | Type: boolean trusted |
/m/hp | Optional (0 or more) | Hit Parts -- indicators that the named parts matched the search string | ||||||
/m/hp@part | Required (only 1) | Type: String Part |
/m/fr | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {fragment} (String) First few bytes of the message (probably between 40 and 100 bytes) |
/m/e | Optional (0 or more) | Email addresses
See /c/e for more details. |
/m/su | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {subject} (String) Subject |
/m/mid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {messageIdHeader} (String) Message ID |
/m/irt | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {inReplyTo} (String) Message-ID header for message being replied to |
/m/inv | Optional (0 or 1) | Parsed out iCalendar invite | ||||||
/m/inv@type | Required (only 1) | Type: String Invite type - appt|task |
/m/inv/tz | Optional (0 or more) | Timezones | ||||||
/m/inv/tz@id | Required (only 1) | Type: String Timezone ID. If this is the only detail present then this should be an existing server-known timezone's ID Otherwise, it must be present, although it will be ignored by the server |
/m/inv/tz@stdoff | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Standard Time's offset in minutes from UTC; local = UTC + offset |
/m/inv/tz@dayoff | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Daylight Saving Time's offset in minutes from UTC; present only if DST is used |
/m/inv/tz@stdname | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Standard Time component's timezone name |
/m/inv/tz@dayname | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Daylight Saving Time component's timezone name |
/m/inv/tz/standard | Optional (0 or 1) | Time/rule for transitioning from daylight time to standard time. Either specify week/wkday combo, or mday. | ||||||
/m/inv/tz/standard@week | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Week number; 1=first, 2=second, 3=third, 4=fourth, -1=last |
/m/inv/tz/standard@wkday | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Day of week; 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc. |
/m/inv/tz/standard@mon | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Month; 1=January, 2=February, etc. |
/m/inv/tz/standard@mday | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Day of month (1..31) |
/m/inv/tz/standard@hour | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Transition hour (0..23) |
/m/inv/tz/standard@min | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Transition minute (0..59) |
/m/inv/tz/standard@sec | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Transition second; 0..59, usually 0 |
/m/inv/tz/daylight | Optional (0 or 1) | Time/rule for transitioning from standard time to daylight time
See /m/inv/tz/standard for more details. |
/m/inv/comp | Optional (0 or 1) | Invite components | ||||||
/m/inv/comp@method | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Method |
/m/inv/comp@compNum | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Component number of the invite |
/m/inv/comp@rsvp | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 RSVP flag. Set if response requested, unset if no response requested |
/m/inv/comp@priority | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Priority (0 - 9; default = 0) |
/m/inv/comp@name | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String NAME |
/m/inv/comp@loc | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Location |
/m/inv/comp@noBlob | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if invite has no blob data, i.e. all data is in db metadata |
/m/inv/comp@fba | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String The "actual" free-busy status of this invite (ie what the client should display). This is synthesized taking into account our Attendee's PartStat, the Opacity of the appointment, its Status, etc... Valid values - F|B|T|U. i.e. Free, Busy (default), busy-Tentative, OutOfOffice (busy-unavailable) |
/m/inv/comp@fb | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String FreeBusy setting F|B|T|U i.e. Free, Busy (default), busy-Tentative, OutOfOffice (busy-unavailable) |
/m/inv/comp@transp | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Transparency - O|T. i.e. Opaque or Transparent |
/m/inv/comp@isOrg | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Am I the organizer? [default 0 (false)] |
/m/inv/comp@x_uid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String x_uid |
/m/inv/comp@uid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String UID to use when creating appointment. Optional: client can request the UID to use |
/m/inv/comp@seq | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Sequence number (default = 0) |
/m/inv/comp@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Date - used for zdsync |
/m/inv/comp@calItemId | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Mail item ID of appointment |
/m/inv/comp@apptId | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Appointment ID (deprecated) |
/m/inv/comp@ciFolder | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Folder of appointment |
/m/inv/comp@status | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Status - TENT|CONF|CANC|NEED|COMP|INPR|WAITING|DEFERRED i.e. TENTative, CONFirmed, CANCelled, COMPleted, INPRogress, WAITING, DEFERRED where waiting and Deferred are custom values not found in the iCalendar spec. |
/m/inv/comp@class | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Class = PUB|PRI|CON. i.e. PUBlic (default), PRIvate, CONfidential |
/m/inv/comp@url | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String URL |
/m/inv/comp@ex | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if this is invite is an exception |
/m/inv/comp@ridZ | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Recurrence-id string in UTC timezone |
/m/inv/comp@allDay | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if is an all day appointment |
/m/inv/comp@draft | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if invite has changes that haven't been sent to attendees; for organizer only |
/m/inv/comp@neverSent | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if attendees were never notified of this invite; for organizer only |
/m/inv/comp@changes | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Comma-separated list of changed data in an updated invite. Possible values are "subject", "location", "time" (start time, end time, or duration), and "recurrence". |
/m/inv/comp/category | Optional (0 or more) | Type: {categories} (String) Categories - for iCalendar CATEGORY properties |
/m/inv/comp/comment | Optional (0 or more) | Type: {comments} (String) Comments - for iCalendar COMMENT properties |
/m/inv/comp/contact | Optional (0 or more) | Type: {contacts} (String) Contacts - for iCalendar CONTACT properties |
/m/inv/comp/geo | Optional (0 or 1) | for iCalendar GEO property | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/geo@lat | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Longitude (float value) |
/m/inv/comp/geo@lon | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Longitude (float value) |
/m/inv/comp/at | Optional (0 or more) | Attendees | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/at@a | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Email address (without "MAILTO:") |
/m/inv/comp/at@url | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String URL - has same value as {email-address}. Maintained for backwards compatibility with ZCS 4.5 |
/m/inv/comp/at@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Friendly name - "CN" in iCalendar |
/m/inv/comp/at@sentBy | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar SENT-BY |
/m/inv/comp/at@dir | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar DIR - Reference to a directory entry associated with the calendar user. the property. |
/m/inv/comp/at@lang | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar LANGUAGE - As defined in RFC5646 * (e.g. "en-US") |
/m/inv/comp/at@cutype | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar CUTYPE (Calendar user type) |
/m/inv/comp/at@role | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar ROLE |
/m/inv/comp/at@ptst | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar PTST (Participation status) Valid values: NE|AC|TE|DE|DG|CO|IN|WE|DF Meanings: "NE"eds-action, "TE"ntative, "AC"cept, "DE"clined, "DG" (delegated), "CO"mpleted (todo), "IN"-process (todo), "WA"iting (custom value only for todo), "DF" (deferred; custom value only for todo) |
/m/inv/comp/at@rsvp | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 iCalendar RSVP |
/m/inv/comp/at@member | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar MEMBER - The group or list membership of the calendar user |
/m/inv/comp/at@delTo | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar DELEGATED-TO |
/m/inv/comp/at@delFrom | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar DELEGATED-FROM |
/m/inv/comp/at/xparam | Optional (0 or more) | Non-standard parameters (XPARAMs) | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/at/xparam@name | Required (only 1) | Type: String XPARAM Name |
/m/inv/comp/at/xparam@value | Required (only 1) | Type: String XPARAM value |
/m/inv/comp/alarm | Optional (0 or more) | Alarm information | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/alarm@action | Required (only 1) | Type: String Alarm action Possible values: DISPLAY|AUDIO|EMAIL|PROCEDURE|X_YAHOO_CALENDAR_ACTION_IM|X_YAHOO_CALENDAR_ACTION_MOBILE |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger | Optional (0 or 1) | Alarm trigger information | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/abs | Optional (0 or 1) | Absolute trigger information | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/abs@d | Required (only 1) | Type: String Date in format : YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel | Optional (0 or 1) | Relative trigger information | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel@neg | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if the duration is negative. |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel@w | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Weeks component of the duration Special note: if WEEKS are specified, NO OTHER OFFSET MAY BE SPECIFIED (weeks must be alone, per RFC2445) |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Days component of the duration |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel@h | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Hours component of the duration |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel@m | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Minutes component of the duration |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel@s | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Seconds component of the duration |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel@related | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Specifies whether the alarm is related to the start of end. Valid values are : START|END |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel@count | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Alarm repeat count |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/repeat | Optional (0 or 1) | Alarm repeat information
See /m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/desc | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {description} (String) Alarm description
/m/inv/comp/alarm/attach | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {binaryB64Data} Information on attachment Description for element text content:Base64 encoded binary alarrm attach data |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/attach@uri | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String URI |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/attach@ct | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Content Type for {base64-encoded-binary-alarm-attach-data} |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/summary | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {summary} (String) Alarm summary |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/at | Optional (0 or more) | Attendee information
See /m/inv/comp/at for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/xprop | Optional (0 or more) | Non-standard properties (see RFC2445 section
e.g. iCalendar: X-FOO-HELLO;X-FOO-WORLD=world:helloSOAP: <xprop name="X-FOO-HELLO" value="hello"> <xparam name="X-FOO-WORLD" value="world"/> </xprop> |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/xprop@name | Required (only 1) | Type: String XPROP name |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/xprop@value | Required (only 1) | Type: String XPROP value |
/m/inv/comp/alarm/xprop/xparam | Optional (0 or more) | XPARAMs
See /m/inv/comp/at/xparam for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/xprop | Optional (0 or more) | iCalender XPROP properties
See /m/inv/comp/alarm/xprop for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/fr | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {fragment} (String) First few bytes of the message (probably between 40 and 100 bytes) |
/m/inv/comp/desc | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {description} (String) Present if noBlob is set and invite has a plain text description |
/m/inv/comp/descHtml | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {htmlDescription} (String) Present if noBlob is set and invite has an HTML description |
/m/inv/comp/or | Optional (0 or 1) | Organizer | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/or@a | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Email address (without "MAILTO:") |
/m/inv/comp/or@url | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String URL - has same value as {email-address}. Maintained for backwards compatibility with ZCS 4.5 |
/m/inv/comp/or@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Friendly name - "CN" in iCalendar |
/m/inv/comp/or@sentBy | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar SENT-BY |
/m/inv/comp/or@dir | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar DIR - Reference to a directory entry associated with the calendar user. |
/m/inv/comp/or@lang | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar LANGUAGE - As defined in RFC5646 * (e.g. "en-US") |
/m/inv/comp/or/xparam | Optional (0 or more) | Non-standard parameters (XPARAMs)
See /m/inv/comp/at/xparam for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/recur | Optional (0 or 1) | Recurrence information | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/add | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/add | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/exclude | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except@rangeType | Required (only 1) | Type: int Recurrence range type |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except@recurId | Required (only 1) | Type: String Recurrence ID in format : YYMMDD[THHMMSS[Z]] |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except@tz | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Timezone name |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except@ridZ | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Recurrence-id in UTC time zone; used in non-all-day appointments only Format: YYMMDDTHHMMSSZ |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except/add | Optional (0 or 1) | Dates or rules which ADD instances. ADDs are evaluated before EXCLUDEs
See /m/inv/comp/recur for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except/exclude | Optional (0 or 1) | Dates or rules which EXCLUDE instances
See /m/inv/comp/recur for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/cancel | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/cancel@rangeType | Required (only 1) | Type: int Recurrence range type |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/cancel@recurId | Required (only 1) | Type: String Recurrence ID in format : YYMMDD[THHMMSS[Z]] |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/cancel@tz | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Timezone name |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/cancel@ridZ | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Recurrence-id in UTC time zone; used in non-all-day appointments only Format: YYMMDDTHHMMSSZ |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates@tz | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String TZID |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval | Optional (0 or more) | Information on start date/time and end date/time or duration | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/s | Optional (0 or 1) | Start DATE-TIME | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/s@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Date and/or time. Format is : YYYYMMDD['T'HHMMSS[Z]] where: YYYY - 4 digit year MM - 2 digit month DD - 2 digit day Optionally: 'T' the literal char "T" then HH - 2 digit hour (00-23) MM - 2 digit minute (00-59) SS - 2 digit second (00-59) ...and finally an optional "Z" meaning that the time is UTC, otherwise the tz="TIMEZONE" param MUST be specified with the DATETIME e.g: 20050612 June 12, 2005 20050315T18302305Z March 15, 2005 6:30:23.05 PM UTC |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/s@tz | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Java timezone identifier |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/s@u | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long UTC time as milliseconds since the epoch. Set if non-all-day |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/e | Optional (0 or 1) | Start DATE-TIME
See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/s for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/dur | Optional (0 or 1) | Duration information
See /m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule@freq | Required (only 1) | Type: String Frequency - SEC,MIN,HOU,DAI,WEE,MON,YEA |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/until | Optional (0 or 1) | UNTIL date specification | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/until@d | Required (only 1) | Type: String Date in format : YYYYMMDD[ThhmmssZ] |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/count | Optional (0 or 1) | Count of instances to generate | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/count@num | Required (only 1) | Type: int Number |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/interval | Optional (0 or 1) | Interval specification | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/interval@ival | Required (only 1) | Type: int Rule interval count - a positive integer |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/bysecond | Optional (0 or 1) | BYSECOND rule | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/bysecond@seclist | Required (only 1) | Type: String Comma separated list of seconds where second is a number between 0 and 59 |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byminute | Optional (0 or 1) | BYMINUTE rule | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byminute@minlist | Required (only 1) | Type: String Comma separated list of minutes where minute is a number between 0 and 59 |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byhour | Optional (0 or 1) | BYHOUR rule | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byhour@hrlist | Required (only 1) | Type: String Comma separated list of hours where hour is a number between 0 and 23 |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byday | Optional (0 or 1) | BYDAY rule | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byday/wkday | Optional (0 or more) | By day weekday rule specification | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byday/wkday@day | Required (only 1) | Type: String Weekday - SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byday/wkday@ordwk | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Week number. [[+]|-]num num: 1 to 53 |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/bymonthday | Optional (0 or 1) | BYMONTHDAY rule | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/bymonthday@modaylist | Required (only 1) | Type: String Comma separated list of day numbers from either the start (positive) or the end (negative) of the month - format : [[+]|-]num[,...] where num between 1 to 31 e.g. modaylist="1,+2,-7" means first day of the month, plus the 2nd day of the month, plus the 7th from last day of the month. |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byyearday | Optional (0 or 1) | BYYEARDAY rule | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byyearday@yrdaylist | Required (only 1) | Type: String BYYEARDAY yearday list. Format : [[+]|-]num[,...]" where num is between 1 and 366 e.g. <byyearday yrdaylist="1,+2,-1"/> means January 1st, January 2nd, and December 31st. |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byweekno | Optional (0 or 1) | BYWEEKNO rule | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/byweekno@wklist | Required (only 1) | Type: String BYWEEKNO Week list. Format : [[+]|-]num[,...] where num is between 1 and 53 e.g. <byweekno wklist="1,+2,-1"/> means first week, 2nd week, and last week of the year. |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/bymonth | Optional (0 or 1) | BYMONTH rule | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/bymonth@molist | Required (only 1) | Type: String Comma separated list of months where month is a number between 1 and 12 |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/bysetpos | Optional (0 or 1) | BYSETPOS rule | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/bysetpos@poslist | Required (only 1) | Type: String Format [[+]|-]num[,...] where num is from 1 to 366 <bysetpos> MUST only be used in conjunction with another <byXXX> element. |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/wkst | Optional (0 or 1) | Week start day - SU,MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/wkst@day | Required (only 1) | Type: String Weekday - SU|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/rule-x-name | Optional (0 or more) | X Name rules | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/rule-x-name@name | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String XNAME Name |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule/rule-x-name@value | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String XNAME Value |
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/except | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/cancel | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/cancel for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/dates | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/add/rule | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/exclude | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/except | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/except for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/cancel | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/cancel for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/dates | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/recur/rule | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/rule for more details. | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/exceptId | Optional (0 or 1) | RECURRENCE-ID, if this is an exception | ||||||
/m/inv/comp/exceptId@d | Required (only 1) | Type: String Date and/or time. Format is : YYYYMMDD['T'HHMMSS[Z]] where: YYYY - 4 digit year MM - 2 digit month DD - 2 digit day Optionally: 'T' the literal char "T" then HH - 2 digit hour (00-23) MM - 2 digit minute (00-59) SS - 2 digit second (00-59) ...and finally an optional "Z" meaning that the time is UTC, otherwise the tz="TIMEZONE" param MUST be specified with the DATETIME e.g: 20050612 June 12, 2005 20050315T18302305Z March 15, 2005 6:30:23.05 PM UTC |
/m/inv/comp/exceptId@tz | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Java timezone identifier |
/m/inv/comp/exceptId@rangeType | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Range type - 1 means NONE, 2 means THISANDFUTURE, 3 means THISANDPRIOR |
/m/inv/comp/s | Optional (0 or 1) | Start date-time (required)
See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/s for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/e | Optional (0 or 1) | End date-time
See /m/inv/comp/recur/add/exclude/dates/dtval/s for more details. |
/m/inv/comp/dur | Optional (0 or 1) | Duration
See /m/inv/comp/alarm/trigger/rel for more details. |
/m/inv/replies | Required (only 1) | |||||||
/m/inv/replies/reply | Optional (0 or more) | |||||||
/m/inv/replies/reply@seq | Required (only 1) | Type: int Sequence number |
/m/inv/replies/reply@d | Required (only 1) | Type: long DTSTAMP date in milliseconds |
/m/inv/replies/reply@at | Required (only 1) | Type: String Attendee address |
/m/inv/replies/reply@sentBy | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar SENT-BY |
/m/inv/replies/reply@ptst | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar PTST (Participation status) Valid values: NE|AC|TE|DE|DG|CO|IN|WE|DF Meanings: "NE"eds-action, "TE"ntative, "AC"cept, "DE"clined, "DG" (delegated), "CO"mpleted (todo), "IN"-process (todo), "WA"iting (custom value only for todo), "DF" (deferred; custom value only for todo) |
/m/inv/replies/reply@rangeType | Required (only 1) | Type: int Recurrence range type |
/m/inv/replies/reply@recurId | Required (only 1) | Type: String Recurrence ID in format : YYMMDD[THHMMSS[Z]] |
/m/inv/replies/reply@tz | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Timezone name |
/m/inv/replies/reply@ridZ | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Recurrence-id in UTC time zone; used in non-all-day appointments only Format: YYMMDDTHHMMSSZ |
/m/header | Optional (0 or more) | Type: {value} Headers Description for element text content:Value See /c/meta/a for more details. |
/m/mp | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/m/mp@part | Required (only 1) | Type: String MIME part name. "" means top-level part, 1 first part, 1.1 first part of a multipart inside of 1. |
/m/mp@ct | Required (only 1) | Type: String MIME Content-Type. The mime type is the content of the element. |
/m/mp@s | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Size in bytes |
/m/mp@cd | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String MIME Content-Disposition |
/m/mp@filename | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Filename attribute from the Content-Disposition param list |
/m/mp@ci | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String MIME Content-ID (for display of embedded images) |
/m/mp@cl | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String MIME/Microsoft Content-Location (for display of embedded images) |
/m/mp@body | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if this part is considered to be the "body" of the message for display purposes. |
/m/mp@truncated | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if the content for the part is truncated |
/m/mp@requiresSmartLinkConversion | Required (only 1) | Type: Boolean | ||||||
/m/mp/content | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {content} (String) The content of the part, if requested |
/m/mp/mp | Optional (0 or more) | Mime parts
See /m/mp for more details. |
/m/shr | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/m/shr@truncated | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Truncated flag |
/m/shr/content | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {content} (String) Content |
/m/dlSubs | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/m/dlSubs@truncated | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Truncated flag |
/m/dlSubs/content | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {content} (String) Content |
/m/meta | Optional (0 or more) | Custom metadata information
See /c/meta for more details. |
/chat | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/chat@sf | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Sort field value |
/chat@cm | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If the message matched the specified query string |
/chat@id | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Message ID |
/chat@i4uid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer IMAP UID |
/chat@cif | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String X-Zimbra-Calendar-Intended-For header |
/chat@origid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Message id of the message being replied to/forwarded (outbound messages only) |
/chat@rt | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Reply type - r|w |
/chat@idnt | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String If set, this specifies the identity being used to compose the message |
/chat@forAcct | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Draft account ID |
/chat@autoSendTime | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Can optionally set this to specify the time at which the draft should be automatically sent by the server |
/chat@sd | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Date header |
/chat@rd | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Resent date |
/chat@part | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Part |
/chat@s | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Size in bytes |
/chat@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Date Seconds since the epoch, from the date header in the message |
/chat@l | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Folder ID |
/chat@cid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Converstation ID. only present if <m> is not enclosed within a <c> element |
/chat@f | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Flags. (u)nread, (f)lagged, has (a)ttachment, (r)eplied, (s)ent by me, for(w)arded, calendar in(v)ite, (d)raft, IMAP-\Deleted (x), (n)otification sent, urgent (!), low-priority (?), priority (+) |
/chat@t | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Tags - Comma separated list of integers. DEPRECATED - use "tn" instead |
/chat@tn | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Comma separated list of tag names |
/chat@rev | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Revision |
/chat@md | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Date metadata changed |
/chat@ms | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Change sequence |
/chat/signature | Optional (0 or more) | MailSignature signature if email is signed and carbonioSMIMESignatureVerificationEnabled true then output signature
See /m/signature for more details. |
/chat/hp | Optional (0 or more) | Hit Parts -- indicators that the named parts matched the search string
See /m/hp for more details. |
/chat/fr | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {fragment} (String) First few bytes of the message (probably between 40 and 100 bytes) |
/chat/e | Optional (0 or more) | Email addresses
See /c/e for more details. |
/chat/su | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {subject} (String) Subject |
/chat/mid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {messageIdHeader} (String) Message ID |
/chat/irt | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {inReplyTo} (String) Message-ID header for message being replied to |
/chat/inv | Optional (0 or 1) | Parsed out iCalendar invite
See /m/inv for more details. |
/chat/header | Optional (0 or more) | Type: {value} Headers Description for element text content:Value See /c/meta/a for more details. |
/chat/mp | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/mp for more details. | ||||||
/chat/shr | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/shr for more details. | ||||||
/chat/dlSubs | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/dlSubs for more details. | ||||||
/chat/meta | Optional (0 or more) | Custom metadata information
See /c/meta for more details. |
/mp | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/mp@id | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Message ID |
/mp@sf | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Sort field value |
/mp@s | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Size in bytes |
/mp@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Secs since epoch, from date header in message |
/mp@cid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Converstation id. only present if <m> is not enclosed within a <c> element |
/mp@mid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Message item ID |
/mp@ct | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Content type |
/mp@name | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Filename |
/mp@part | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String MIME part name |
/mp/e | Optional (0 or 1) | Email address information
See /c/e for more details. |
/mp/su | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {subject} (String) Subject |
/cn | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/cn@sf | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Sort field value |
/cn@exp | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if the user can (has right to) expand group members. Returned only if needExp is set in the request and only on group entries (type=group in attrs on a <cn>). |
/cn@id | Required (only 1) | Type: String Unique contact ID |
/cn@i4uid | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer IMAP UID |
/cn@l | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Folder ID. When creating a contact, this is the ID of the folder to create the contact in |
/cn@f | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Flags. {flags} = (f)lagged, has (a)ttachment |
/cn@t | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Tags - Comma separated list of integers. DEPRECATED - use "tn" instead |
/cn@tn | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Comma-separated list of tag names |
/cn@md | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Modified date in seconds |
/cn@ms | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Modified sequence |
/cn@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Date in milliseconds |
/cn@rev | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Saved sequence number |
/cn@fileAsStr | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Current "file as" string for display/sorting purposes; cannot be used to set the file-as value |
/cn@email | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Contact email address |
/cn@email2 | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Contact email address 2 |
/cn@email3 | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Contact email address 3 |
/cn@type | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Contact type |
/cn@dlist | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Contact dlist |
/cn@ref | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String GAL entry reference |
/cn@tooManyMembers | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If number of members on a GAL group is greater than the specified max, do not return any members for the entry. Instead, set "tooManyMembers. |
/cn/meta | Optional (0 or more) | Custom metadata information
See /c/meta for more details. |
/cn/a | Optional (0 or more) | Attributes | ||||||
/cn/a@part | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Part ID. Can only specify a {contact-part-id} when modifying an existent contact |
/cn/a@ct | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Content type |
/cn/a@s | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Size |
/cn/a@filename | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Content filename |
/cn/a@n | Required (only 1) | Type: String Key |
/cn/m | Optional (0 or more) | Contact group members | ||||||
/cn/m@type | Required (only 1) | Type: String Member type
/cn/m@value | Required (only 1) | Type: String Member value
/cn/m/cn | Optional (0 or 1) | Contact information for dereferenced member.
See /cn for more details. |
/cn/memberOf | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {memberOf} (String) Comma separated list of IDs of contact groups this contact is a member of. Only provided if requested |
/appt | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/appt@sf | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Sort field value |
/appt@d | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: long Date |
/appt@cm | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if the message matched the specified query string |
/appt@nextAlarm | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Time in millis to show the alarm |
/appt@x_uid | Required (only 1) | Type: String | ||||||
/appt@uid | Required (only 1) | Type: String iCalendar UID |
/appt@f | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Flags |
/appt@t | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Tags - Comma separated list of integers. DEPRECATED - use "tn" instead |
/appt@tn | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Comma-separated list of tag names |
/appt@l | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Folder ID |
/appt@s | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Size |
/appt@md | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Modified date in seconds |
/appt@ms | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Modified sequence |
/appt@rev | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Revision |
/appt@id | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String ID |
/appt@dur | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Duration |
/appt@ptst | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Your iCalendar PTST (Participation status) Valid values: NE|AC|TE|DE|DG|CO|IN|WE|DF Meanings: "NE"eds-action, "TE"ntative, "AC"cept, "DE"clined, "DG" (delegated), "CO"mpleted (todo), "IN"-process (todo), "WA"iting (custom value only for todo), "DF" (deferred; custom value only for todo) |
/appt@ridZ | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String RECURRENCE-ID in "Z" (UTC) timezone, if this is an exception. Format : YYYYMMDD[ThhmmssZ] |
/appt@tzo | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Offset from GMT in milliseconds for start time in the time zone of the instance; this is useful because the instance time zone may not be the same as the time zone of the requesting client; when rendering an all-day appointment, the client must shift the appointment by the difference between the instance time zone and its local time zone to determine the correct date to render the all-day block |
/appt@fba | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Actual free-busy status: Free, Busy, busy-Tentative, busy-Unavailable (a.k.a. OutOfOffice) While free-busy status is simply a property of an event that is set during creation/update, "actual" free-busy status is the true free-busy state that depends on appt/invite free-busy, event scheduling status (confirmed vs. tentative vs. cancel), and more importantly, the attendee's participation status. For example, actual free-busy is busy-Tentative for an event with Busy free-busy value until the attendee has acted on the invite. |
/appt@recur | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If set, this is a recurring appointment |
/appt@hasEx | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If set, this is a recurring appointment with exceptions |
/appt@priority | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Priority |
/appt@fb | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Intended Free/Busy |
/appt@transp | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Transparency - O|T |
/appt@name | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Name |
/appt@loc | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Location |
/appt@otherAtt | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If set, this appointment has other attendees |
/appt@alarm | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if has alarm |
/appt@isOrg | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Default invite "am I organizer" flag |
/appt@invId | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Default invite mail item ID |
/appt@compNum | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Default invite component number |
/appt@status | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Status - TENT|CONF|CANC |
/appt@class | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Class |
/appt@allDay | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If set, this is an "all day" appointment |
/appt@draft | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if invite has changes that haven't been sent to attendees; for organizer only |
/appt@neverSent | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if attendees have never been notified for this invite; for organizer only, used in SetAppointmentRequest only |
/appt@tzoDue | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Similar to the "tzo" attribute but for "dueDate". "tzoDue" can be different from "tzo" if start date and due date lie on different sides of a daylight savings transition |
/appt/or | Optional (0 or 1) | Organizer
See /m/inv/comp/or for more details. |
/appt/category | Optional (0 or more) | Type: {categories} (String) Categories |
/appt/geo | Optional (0 or 1) | Information for iCalendar GEO property
See /m/inv/comp/geo for more details. |
/appt/fr | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {fragment} (String) First few bytes of the message (probably between 40 and 100 bytes) |
/appt/inst | Optional (0 or more) | Data for instances | ||||||
/appt/inst@s | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Start time |
/appt/inst@ex | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if is an exception |
/appt/inst@dur | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Duration |
/appt/inst@ptst | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Your iCalendar PTST (Participation status) Valid values: NE|AC|TE|DE|DG|CO|IN|WE|DF Meanings: "NE"eds-action, "TE"ntative, "AC"cept, "DE"clined, "DG" (delegated), "CO"mpleted (todo), "IN"-process (todo), "WA"iting (custom value only for todo), "DF" (deferred; custom value only for todo) |
/appt/inst@ridZ | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String RECURRENCE-ID in "Z" (UTC) timezone, if this is an exception. Format : YYYYMMDD[ThhmmssZ] |
/appt/inst@tzo | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Offset from GMT in milliseconds for start time in the time zone of the instance; this is useful because the instance time zone may not be the same as the time zone of the requesting client; when rendering an all-day appointment, the client must shift the appointment by the difference between the instance time zone and its local time zone to determine the correct date to render the all-day block |
/appt/inst@fba | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Actual free-busy status: Free, Busy, busy-Tentative, busy-Unavailable (a.k.a. OutOfOffice) While free-busy status is simply a property of an event that is set during creation/update, "actual" free-busy status is the true free-busy state that depends on appt/invite free-busy, event scheduling status (confirmed vs. tentative vs. cancel), and more importantly, the attendee's participation status. For example, actual free-busy is busy-Tentative for an event with Busy free-busy value until the attendee has acted on the invite. |
/appt/inst@recur | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If set, this is a recurring appointment |
/appt/inst@hasEx | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If set, this is a recurring appointment with exceptions |
/appt/inst@priority | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Priority |
/appt/inst@fb | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Intended Free/Busy |
/appt/inst@transp | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Transparency - O|T |
/appt/inst@name | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Name |
/appt/inst@loc | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Location |
/appt/inst@otherAtt | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If set, this appointment has other attendees |
/appt/inst@alarm | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if has alarm |
/appt/inst@isOrg | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Default invite "am I organizer" flag |
/appt/inst@invId | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Default invite mail item ID |
/appt/inst@compNum | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Default invite component number |
/appt/inst@status | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Status - TENT|CONF|CANC |
/appt/inst@class | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Class |
/appt/inst@allDay | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 If set, this is an "all day" appointment |
/appt/inst@draft | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if invite has changes that haven't been sent to attendees; for organizer only |
/appt/inst@neverSent | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: 0|1 Set if attendees have never been notified for this invite; for organizer only, used in SetAppointmentRequest only |
/appt/inst@tzoDue | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Similar to the "tzo" attribute but for "dueDate". "tzoDue" can be different from "tzo" if start date and due date lie on different sides of a daylight savings transition |
/appt/inst/or | Optional (0 or 1) | Organizer
See /m/inv/comp/or for more details. |
/appt/inst/category | Optional (0 or more) | Type: {categories} (String) Categories |
/appt/inst/geo | Optional (0 or 1) | Information for iCalendar GEO property
See /m/inv/comp/geo for more details. |
/appt/inst/fr | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {fragment} (String) First few bytes of the message (probably between 40 and 100 bytes) |
/appt/alarmData | Optional (0 or 1) | Alarm information | ||||||
/appt/alarmData@nextAlarm | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Time in millis to show the alarm |
/appt/alarmData@alarmInstStart | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Long Start time of the meeting instance the alarm is reminding about |
/appt/alarmData@invId | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Mail Item ID of the invite message with detailed information |
/appt/alarmData@compNum | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: Integer Component number |
/appt/alarmData@name | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Meeting subject |
/appt/alarmData@loc | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Meeting location |
/appt/alarmData/alarm | Optional (0 or 1) | Details of the alarm
See /m/inv/comp/alarm for more details. |
/appt/inv | Optional (0 or more) | Invites | ||||||
/appt/inv@type | Required (only 1) | Type: String Calendar item type - appt|task |
/appt/inv@seq | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Sequence number |
/appt/inv@id | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Original mail item ID for invite |
/appt/inv@compNum | Required (only 1) | Type: Integer Component number |
/appt/inv@recurId | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Recurrence ID in format : YYMMDD[THHMMSS[Z]] |
/appt/inv/tz | Optional (0 or more) | Timezones
See /m/inv/tz for more details. |
/appt/inv/comp | Optional (0 or 1) | Invite component
See /m/inv/comp for more details. |
/appt/inv/mp | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/mp for more details. | ||||||
/appt/inv/shr | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/shr for more details. | ||||||
/appt/inv/dlSubs | Optional (0 or 1) | See /m/dlSubs for more details. | ||||||
/appt/replies | Required (only 1) | |||||||
/appt/replies/reply | Optional (0 or more) | |||||||
/appt/replies/reply@at | Required (only 1) | Type: String Address of attendee who replied |
/appt/replies/reply@sentBy | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String SENT-BY |
/appt/replies/reply@ptst | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String iCalendar PTST (Participation status) Valid values: NE|AC|TE|DE|DG|CO|IN|WE|DF Meanings: "NE"eds-action, "TE"ntative, "AC"cept, "DE"clined, "DG" (delegated), "CO"mpleted (todo), "IN"-process (todo), "WA"iting (custom value only for todo), "DF" (deferred; custom value only for todo) |
/appt/replies/reply@seq | Required (only 1) | Type: int Sequence |
/appt/replies/reply@d | Required (only 1) | Type: int Timestamp of reply |
/appt/replies/reply@rangeType | Required (only 1) | Type: int Recurrence range type |
/appt/replies/reply@recurId | Required (only 1) | Type: String Recurrence ID in format : YYMMDD[THHMMSS[Z]] |
/appt/replies/reply@tz | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Timezone name |
/appt/replies/reply@ridZ | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: String Recurrence-id in UTC time zone; used in non-all-day appointments only Format: YYMMDDTHHMMSSZ |
/info | Required (only 1) | |||||||
/info/suggest | Optional (0 or 1) | Type: {suggestedQueryString} Description for element text content:Suggested query string |
/info/wildcard | Optional (0 or 1) | |||||||
/info/wildcard@str | Required (only 1) | Type: String Wildcard expansion string |
/info/wildcard@expanded | Required (only 1) | Type: 0|1 If value is 1 (true), then the wildcard was expanded and the matches are included in the search. If value is 0 (false) then the wildcard was not specific enough and therefore no wildcard matches are included (exact-match *is* included in results). |
/info/wildcard@numExpanded | Required (only 1) | Type: int Number expanded |