link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Mutation {
- # Creates a new folder
- #
- # Arguments
- # destination_id:
- # name:
- String!, : String!): Node! ( :
- # Update an existing node
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_id:
- # name:
- # description:
- # flagged:
- (
- String!, :
- String, :
- String, :
- Boolean :
- ): Node!
- # Allows to flag a list of nodes.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_ids:
- # flag:
- ID!], : Boolean!): [ID!] ( : [
- # Trashes a list of nodes.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_ids:
- ID!]): [ID!] ( : [
- # Restores a list of nodes.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_ids:
- ID!]): [Node] ( : [
- # Allows to move a list of nodes into a folder destination. This operation
- # requires write permissions on each file
- # should be moved and write permission on the destination folder otherwise it
- # fails.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_ids:
- # destination_id:
- ID!], : ID!): [Node!] ( : [
- # Allows to delete a list of nodes. If the node is a folder then this operation
- # removes the node and all its children,
- # if the node is a file then it removes all the related versions. This operation
- # requires can_delete permission on
- # every node that should be deleted and it cannot be reverted.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_ids:
- ID!]): [ID!] ( : [
- # Allows to copy a list of Nodes into a specified Folder.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_ids:
- # destination_id:
- ID!], : ID!): [Node!] ( : [
- # TODO doc
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_id:
- # versions:
- ID!, : [Int!]): [Int]! ( :
- # Arguments
- # node_id:
- # versions:
- # keep_forever:
- ID!, : [Int!]!, : Boolean!): [Int]! ( :
- # Arguments
- # node_id:
- # version:
- ID!, : Int!): File! ( :
- # Allows to share an existing node to a user specifying the user permissions on
- # that node,
- # and, optionally, an expiration timestamp.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_id: The unique identifier of the node to share (mandatory)
- # share_target_id: The unique identifier of the target user that
- # the node is shared with (mandatory)
- # permission: The SharePermissions that the target user has on
- # the node (mandatory)
- # expires_at: The expiration timestamp for this share (optional)
- # custom_message: Custom message to send when creating the share
- (
- ID!, :
- ID!, :
- SharePermission!, :
- DateTime, :
- String :
- ): Share!
- # Allows to update the SharePermissions and the expiration timestamp of an
- # existing share.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_id: The unique identifier of the shared node (mandatory)
- # share_target_id: The unique identifier of the target user that
- # the node is shared with (mandatory)
- # permission: The new SharePermissions that the target user has
- # on the node (optional)
- # expires_at: The expiration timestamp for this share (optional)
- (
- ID!, :
- ID!, :
- SharePermission, :
- DateTime :
- ): Share
- # Allows to delete the share of a node to a target user. It returns false if the
- # share does not exist or the operation
- #
- # fails, otherwise it returns true.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_id: The unique identifier of the shared node (mandatory)
- # share_target_id: The unique identifier of the target user that
- # the node is shared with (mandatory)
- ID!, : ID!): Boolean! ( :
- # Allows to create a public link for an existing node. A link can be created only
- # if the requester has the
- # can_share permission on the specified node.
- # Optionally, an expiration timestamp and/or a description can be set.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_id: The unique identifier of the node to be linked
- # (mandatory)
- # expires_at: The expiration timestamp for this link (optional).
- # If it is not specified the link will not expire.
- # description: The description of the link (optional). It must be
- # shorter than 300 characters.
- ID!, : DateTime, : String): Link! ( :
- # Allows to update the expiration timestamp and/or the description of an existing
- # link.
- # An existing link can be updated only if the requester has the
- # can_share
- # permission on the specified node.
- #
- # Arguments
- # link_id: The unique identifier of the link (mandatory)
- # expires_at: The expiration timestamp for this link (optional).
- # Set 0 to disable the expiration timestamp if it was previously enabled.
- # description: The description of the link (optional). It must be
- # shorter than 300 characters.
- ID!, : DateTime, : String): Link ( :
- # Allows to delete a list of links in batch. It returns an array of IDs for each
- # removed link and
- # a list of errors for each link that could not be removed.
- #
- # Arguments
- # link_ids: An array of link unique identifiers (mandatory).
- ID!]!): [ID]! ( : [
- }
link Require by
This element is not required by anyone