link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Query {
- # Returns the attributes of the node specified by ID
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_id: The unique identifier of the node (required)
- # version: The version of a file (if the id is related to a file)
- ID!, : Int): Node ( :
- # Returns a NodePage based on the given criteria
- #
- # Arguments
- # keywords:
- # flagged: If valued it returns only nodes with the specific flag
- # attribute
- # shared_by_me: If valued it returns only nodes shared by me
- # shared_with_me: If valued it returns only nodes shared with me
- # direct_share: If valued it returns only nodes shared directly.
- # It should be used in conjunction with the shared_by_me or shared_with_mew
- # attributes
- # folder_id: If valued it will search nodes starting from the
- # given folder
- # cascade: This flag is only used in conjunction with the
- # folderId field, if valued it will specify if i will search
- # only on the given folder or also on all the subtree, if not valued by default it
- # will search on the whole subtree
- # limit: If valued it limits the number of nodes to return per
- # page
- # page_token: If valued it will return the next page of nodes
- # based on the given page_token, if this param is passed
- # ALL OTHER params will be ignored
- # sort: Specify the sort to use for the return of found nodes
- (
- String!], : [
- Boolean, :
- Boolean, :
- Boolean, :
- Boolean, :
- String, :
- Boolean, :
- Int, :
- String, :
- NodeSort :
- ): NodePage
- # Arguments
- # node_id:
- # versions:
- ID!, : [Int!]): [File]! ( :
- # Returns the list of nodes corresponding to the path of a node
- # The path is ordered and returns from the highest visible one to the requested
- # node.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_id:
- ID!): [Node]! ( :
- # Arguments
- # user_id: The unique identifier of the user to retrieve
- # (required)
- ID!): User ( :
- # Arguments
- # email: The email of the user or distribution list to retrieve
- # (required)
- String!): Account ( :
- # Returns the attributes of the specified share
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_id: The unique identifier of the shared node (mandatory)
- # share_target_id: The unique identifier of the target user that
- # the node is shared with (mandatory)
- ID!, : ID!): Share ( :
- # Returns all the links of the specified node.
- # The response is not paginated because each node can have a maximum of 50 links.
- #
- # Arguments
- # node_id:
- ID!): [Link]! ( :
- # Returns the list of all root folders
- Root]! : [
- }
link Require by
This element is not required by anyone