Zextras Mobile Troubleshooting
Account Loggers and Mobile Troubleshooting
Zextras Suite includes the Account Logger feature to help mobile troubleshooting.
It creates a separate logfile for a given user, and the log verbosity of this logfile is completely independent from the verbosity of the main log (/opt/zimbra/log/sync.log).
To activate an Account Logger use the following CLI command (as the Zimbra user):
zxsuite mobile doAddAccountLogger {account} {debug|info|warn|err|crit} {log file}`
To remove an Account Logger use the following command:
zxsuite mobile doRemoveLogger {id|all_loggers}
To see a list of all active Account Loggers use the following command:
zxsuite mobile getAccountLoggers
Mr.User (user@example.com) is experiencing issues with his mobile device.
To have a clearer view of what’s going on, add an Account Logger to his account so that all of his sync operations are saved in a separate log:
zxsuite mobile doAddAccountLogger user@example.com debug /opt/zimbra/log/user@yourdomain.log
Restarting the mailboxd service will remove all active AccountLoggers, but the log files will be still available.
Outlook 2013 users should add the “window_size 1” argument to the doAddAccountLogger command so that items are synchronized one by one. This will both speed up the sync process and provide easier to read logs in order to better detect the frequent Sync Loop issues affecting this particular client
The most important Outlook troubleshooting tip is: Make sure that your Outlook is always up to date. Older versions had an uncomplete/unstable Exchange ActiveSync implementation, and each new version vastly improves the usability of this software as an EAS client.
Outlook Advanced Logging
Outlook 2013 includes the option to activate an “Advanced Logging” mode that can sometimes be useful to the troubleshooting process. Please see this Microsoft KB article to learn more about “Global” and “Advanced” logging.
Outlook Sync Issues folder
The “Sync Issues” folder, containing informations about both local and remote synchronization issues, can be seen by swithcing to “Folder List mode” (keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 6)