Class of Services (COS)#

A COS determines which features and options can be accessed by a user, how to access them, and sets the default values for a number of them.

To create a COS, click the CREATE button, on the top left corner, then enter a name and optionally a description and some notes. You can then configure all the options for the COS by entering the left-hand side Details menu.


COS List#

Initially the page presents the list of the COSes defined on Carbonio CE and their status. Click any of them to see its options and configure them.


General Information#

This section shows information about the chosen COS: name (which can be changed), ID, and creation date together with some calculated value: which accounts and domains use the COS. These values are expanded below, with the complete list of handled accounts and domains.


Features are settings that allow or forbid the user to access the most used Modules of Carbonio CE, both via browser and mobile apps. The Administrator can prevent users to even access the Settings Module, meaning that the user can not customise anything in the web mail’s Settings Module. This proves useful in some scenarios, like for example:

  • an organisation wants that all the communication of its employees has the same branding (including also Out Of Office replies, the visible name of the sender, and other)

  • another organisation needs that the e-mails be encrypted and does not want users to send plain-text e-mails


Some of these options can be enabled or disabled via CLI: please refer to section Setting Features from CLI for more information.


Preferences consist of generic options for the various components (Mails, Calendar, Contacts). Most of these options can be overridden by users in their Settings Module.

The first is the default language to be used by the members of the COS, which includes also the locale The list of supported languages can be found in section Available Languages. The remaining options concern:

  • the default appearance of Carbonio CE in web clients: for example, if e-mails are displayed as conversations, or the calendar shows a month or a work week. The maximum size for attachments sent by e-mail is also configurable here.

  • the default values or behaviour of the features: for example whether new e-mail contacts are added automatically to Contacts or how often to check for new e-mails

  • which options are available to the user: for example, whether the user is allowed to forward e-mails or create a filter to forward specific e-mails

  • The default behaviour for sending the read receipt to the e-mail sender: to always send it or not, or asking each time

  • Whether new contacts from which we receive an e-mail are automatically added to the user’s Contacts and if GAL should be used to auto-fill addresses of outgoing e-mails

  • A number of default options for the Calendar: time zone, how the calendar is displayed, and additional option for appointments and events.

Server Pools#

In this page it is possible to select on which servers new users can be added to the COS.


If only one server has been defined, no choice is possible.


Multiple Advanced options can be configured here, divided into multiple groups


Two options govern how to forward messages: how long an e-mail address can be and the maximum number of recipients allowed.


A set of options that limit how much space a user can occupy on the server, or how many contacts he can have. It also encompasses the options to send periodic notifications when the user space raises over a given threshold and a template for the notifications.


Settings for password policies: length, characters, and duration of the user passwords. It is also possible to reject common passwords.


These settings are disregarded if authentication relies on an external server.

Failed Login Policy

Define the behaviour of Carbonio CE when a user fails a log in.


A typical policy can lock out the user for one hour when three consecutive login attempts fail within 30 minutes.

Timeout Policy

Configure the duration of the token’s validity, i.e., how long a user or Administrator will be able to keep the Web-mail open without interaction.

Email Retention Policy

Define how long e-mail will be stored before being automatically deleted from the Inbox (and its sub-folders), Trash, and Spam folders.