Directory Server#

In this section you can find directions and suggestions to deal with issues arising from the Directory Server.

Update Credentials#

In all cases when it is advisable to change the password of the Directory Server, follow the steps in the procedure described here.


The procedure requires CLI access; all the commands must be executed as the zextras user.

Update Password on Master Directory Server#

We start by defining a robust password

zextras$ export newLdapPsw="aGoodPassword"

Then change all the Directory Server passwords.

zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -r $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -p $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -b $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -l $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -n $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -a $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd $newLdapPsw

Restart the services.

zextras$ zmcontrol restart

Finally, remove the saved password:

zextras$ unset newLdapPsw

Align all Other Nodes#

Define the password, which must be the same as the one on the Master Directory Server:

zextras$ export newLdapPsw="aGoodPassword"

Then change all the Directory Server passwords.

zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_amavis_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_bes_searcher_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_nginx_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_postfix_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_replication_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e zimbra_ldap_password=$newLdapPsw

Restart the services.

zextras$ zmcontrol restart

Finally, remove the saved password:

zextras$ unset newLdapPsw