

Account Alias#
Mail Alias#

An Account Alias or Mail Alias is a regular e-mail address that is used in situations where your real (personal or professional) e-mail address can not, or should not, be exposed directly. E-mails sent to the alias are delivered to the real e-mail address and can be answered to from the same account.

An account alias differs from functional accounts because it forwards e-mails to a specific account and can not be accessed by other users. Moreover, an alias does not have a quota limit, but the space occupied by email sent to or received by the alias is calculated as part of the real e-mail address.


An Administrator is any regular user that can access the Carbonio Admin Panel. Depending on the permission they have, they can play different Roles and can carry out different activities, for example a Domain Administrator can manage all domain-related tasks, while a Global Administrator can effectively manage the whole Carbonio CE infrastructure.


An Appointment is a private or public event defined on a calendar, possibly including other users and information (location, meeting rooms).


An Attendee is a user (external or internal) that is part of an appointment.

Class of Service#

A Class of Service is a named set of preferences that can be assigned to a domain, a user, or a subset of them. Preferences include for example the access to features, the default language, e-mail composing options, and much more.

Domain Certificate#

A Domain Certificate is a SSL certificate that is valid for a unique domain. You need one domain certificate only if you host multiple domains in the same Carbonio CE infrastructure.

Functional Account#
Shared Account#

A Functional Account is an account type intended for non-personal uses, that serve for specific purposes. Examples of use cases may include the following: HelpDesk activities, Human Resources management, Automatic testing result gathering, and so on and so forth.

Functional accounts (also called Shared or Delegated accounts) can be delegated to multiple users and accessed from within their personal accounts. Allowed users with access can easily see when emails have been read and replied to by others, and send or reply to messages from within the functional (delegated) account.

Global Admin#
Global Administrator#

A Global Admin is a user account that has the highest level of administrative privileges within Carbonio CE and allows the user to manage and configure every aspect of Carbonio CE. Global Administrators have full access to the Carbonio Admin Panel and can manage settings across all users, domains, server-level, and global-level configurations.

Infrastructure Certificate#

An SSL certificate that is valid for a whole Carbonio CE infrastructure.


A Node is a physical server or VM on which one or more Roles are installed.


The Quota can refer to both the amount of data used by an account (Quota Used) and the maximum amount of space available to a user (Quota Limit).

A Quota Limit of 0 refers to an unlimited quota, meaning that a user can even fill up the whole space available in Carbonio CE, while a Quota Usage of 0 means that the user has no data saved within Carbonio CE infrastructure.

User can go “Over quota” - using more space that the available because he uploaded a file greater than the available space the admin reduced the quota when the space was already in use.

The Quota Limit is very granular could by defined at a Domain, CoS, or Account level.

Regular User#

Regular Users can access all the modules of Carbonio CE, but not the Carbonio Admin Panel. Hence, they can read mail, create and share documents, plan meetings and event, share and manage e-mail addresses and address books, and much more.


A resource is a special kind of account, used to manage the availability of a physical resource, such as a meeting room or equipment.

While accessible trough its e-mail address, Resources are not meant to send and receive email, but rather for booking purposes. Indeed, Meeting Rooms and Equipment are managed within Calendar appointments, so when creating an appointment, an e-mail is sent to the resource, which will appear as booked to all other users for the time reserved for the appointment.

Usually a resource is configured to automatically accept or deny a calendar appointment based on the current calendar status, although this action can be delegated this to a manual approver.


A Right is a privilege granted to an account, which allows to manage other users.


In Carbonio CE, a Role is a functionality that is considered atomic and consists of one or more packages.

A Smart Link is a generated URL that, while composing an e-mail, replaces an attachment that exceeds the maximum allowed size on either the sender or receiver side. The receiver will be able to retrieve the attachment by clicking the URL.

User Management#

User Management is a core component of Carbonio CE, whose purpose is allow all Roles and services (like for example Carbonio Tasks and Carbonio Files) to access all the data of a connected user (including, but not limited to, name, e-mail address, rights) and the data of the other users with whom the user can interact.

Wildcard Certificate#

An SSL certificate that is valid for one domain and all of its subdomains. For example, a wildcard certificate issued for domain * is valid for all subdomains, including,,, and so on.