


An Appointment is a private or public event defined on a calendar, possibly including other users and information (location, meeting rooms).


An Attendee is a user (external or internal) that is part of an appointment.


A Component is one of the basic elements of Carbonio CE; it is a high-level description of a functionality. A more technical description of the functionality, including the software packages required is provided by Role.

Domain Certificate#

A Domain Certificate is a SSL certificate that is valid for a unique domain. You need one domain certificate only if you host multiple domains in the same Carbonio CE infrastructure.

Infrastructure Certificate#

An SSL certificate that is valid for a whole Carbonio CE infrastructure.


A Node is one server or VM on which one or more Roles are installed.

Regular User#

Regular Users can access all the modules of Carbonio CE, but not the Carbonio Admin Panel. Hence, they can read mail, create and share documents, plan meetings and event, share and manage e-mail addresses and address books, and much more.


A Right is a privilege granted to an account, which allows to manage other users.


In Carbonio CE, a Role is a functionality that is considered atomic and consists of one or more packages.

Shared Account#

A Shared Account is an account that can be accessed by multiple users.

A Smart Link is a generated URL that, while composing an e-mail, replaces an attachment that exceeds the maximum allowed size on either the sender or receiver side. The receiver will be able to retrieve the attachment by clicking the URL.

Wildcard Certificate#

An SSL certificate that is valid for one domain and all of its subdomains. For example, a wildcard certificate issued for domain * is valid for all subdomains, including,,, and so on.


An Administrator is any regular user that can access the Carbonio Admin Panel and manage the whole Carbonio CE infrastructure.


A Group is a chat between three or more users.


A Meeting is a video call between two or more users.


A Member is a user that takes part to a chat or a Group.


The Moderator of a Group is a special user, which by default is the creator of the group. Moderators can add users to the group, promote other members and carry out some administrative tasks on the chat.


A Participant is a user that takes part to a Meeting.