
The Mails module is where you store, create, and arrange new e-mails.

Folders and Shared Folders#

E-mail are arranged in folders, which by default are Inbox, Junk, Sent, Drafts, and Trash. These folders are also called System folders and can not be renamed or deleted. New folders can be created by right-clicking on any item in the folder list and placed in a hierarchy.


Initially, there’s no folder hierarchy, because all the default folders are at the same level.

Whenever a folder contains unread e-mails, a blue icon with the number will be displayed on the right of the folder name, with 99+ meaning there are at least 99 emails to read.

A right-click on the e-mail allows to carry out other actions on the selected folder: move, wipe (i.e., remove all e-mails in the folder), edit (including share with internal or external colleagues), and delete.


An e-mail can be placed in exactly one folder.

To find shares, click on the FIND SHARES underneath the Share Folders. In the dialog, enter the e-mail address of the colleague of which you want to find the shares: If the colleague has shared some folder, they are shown as a list.

When working with shared folders, it is possible to move messages or conversations (depending on the visualisation chosen) from the shared folders to a local, non-shared folder, and vice-versa.

While e-mails by default are marked as read when they are first accessed, it is possible to mark each of them manually. This option is particularly useful in case of shared account, to make sure that everybody who has access to the e-mail has read it.


A tag is a label, added to either an e-mail or a calendar event item that helps to improve both the organisation of the e-mails or events themselves and the search among them.

New tags can be added with a right click on the tags menu item, while an existing tag can be modified or deleted by right-clicking on it.

To search for a tag, in the Search quickbar use the syntax tag:name, replacing name with the name of the tag. The same tags used for e-mail can be used to mark Calendar appointment.

Working with E-mails#

By default, e-mails are placed in the Inbox folder upon arrival (unless they are marked as junk email) and in the Sent folder when sent. These landing folders can be changed via the Mails settings page, by setting up filters and move automatically any email to a given folder.

E-mails are arranged in Conversations by default, meaning that an e-mail with all the replies it receives is packed in one single element in the list. In this case, a small number shows how many e-mails are in the conversation.

It is possible to switch to show each e-mail as a single item in the list, but replies to the e-mails would not show up near the original e-mail.

Conversations (or single messages, when showing e-mails by message) can be drag-and-dropped to any folder: you can select one conversation in the list by clicking on the Avatar on the left of the e-mail (i.e., the circle with the initials of the e-mail’s sender). You will enter the so-called Selection Mode: you can select additional conversations by clicking them, or select all of them by clicking the SELECT ALL button above the list, then move them to another folder.


You can select immediately all conversations by clicking the checkmark above the list of e-mails.

When deleting a Conversation, they are placed in the Trash folder, so you have the option to search for messages inside the conversation before permanently deleting the entire conversation.

The recipient list of an e-mail shows the name of the sender, if it is already included in the contacts, the e-mail address otherwise; the list can be expanded by clicking the small chevron , to show the full name and e-mail of the recipient. Near each recipient two little icons allow to write immediately to the recipient or to copy the e-mail address, for example to add it to the Contacts.

On the top-right corner of each e-mail there are a few icons that allow to carry out a number of actions on the e-mail; the most used (reply, reply to all, forward, and delete) are show, the other are shown by clicking the icon:

  • Mark e-mail as read/unread or as spam

  • Print or show the original e-mail source code, including the headers

  • Flag or add a tag


    A flag is a simple indicator for an email that can be adapted to one’s preference: to name a few, it has some importance compared to other, it needs some action, or it has been processed and can be archived or deleted.

  • Download in eml format

  • Create an appointment from the e-mail. A new calendar dialog window will be opened, that contains as Attendees the users who either sent the e-mail or appear as To: recipients, while people in Cc: will be optional attendees. The title of the e-mail will serve as title of the event as well.

Carbonio CE has support for e-mail receipts: when composing an email, a click on the icon on the right-hand side of the subject will add a request for a read receipt from the e-mail recipient.

When opening for the first time an email with a receipt request, a modal will appear and ask to send a read receipt to the author. Click NOTIFY to send the receipt, otherwise no receipt will be sent.

In Carbonio CE, to prevent sending an incomplete e-mail, an automatic delay of a few seconds takes places (see option Set send time option in Settings), and a message appears on the bottom right corner: click UNDO to stop the sending and continue editing the e-mail.

When you have multiple aliases or access to shared accounts, you can add a different signature whenever you create, forward, or reply to an e-mail: refer to section Using Signatures in the Mails settings.

Sorting emails#

Changing the displayed order of the list of email is possible by clicking the small icon on the top-right corner above the list of e-mails. In the drow-down menu, click the first item (Ascending order / Descending order) to toggle between the order. You can then select which is the ordering criteria: Unread, Important, Flagged, Attachment, From, Date, or Subject

Writing e-mails#

To create a new e-mail, click the NEW button on the Carbonio CE’s top bar. A panel containing the editor will appear, that allows to write an e-mail. This panel can be moved anywhere within the browser’s tab and can be resized. Moreover, this panel is shared by the other modules, therefore you can start multiple tasks (e.g., write or reply an e-mail, edit a contact, create a new calendar event) and they will be all shown in the same panel, which will organised with tabs that appear on top of the panel.

While writing an e-mail, a draft is saved; when closing the panel, you will be asked to save it, to allow you to resume writing at a later time. In case any error arises that interrupts communication with the server (e.g., a network failure), an error message will be displayed. In particular, if you added a document and the upload fails, you need to remove it and attach it again.

When multiple addresses are present in the TO, CC, or BCC fields, they can be drag-and-dropped from one field to the other.

If one of the recipients (TO, CC, or BCC) of a mail you are writing is a distribution list, you can click the small chevron icon to see a list of all the members of the list. By clicking the blue button on top of the list, you can even replace the list with all the individual e-mail addresses. Moreover, in case you are the owner of the distribution list, you can edit its members by clicking the small gear icon.

Attachments Management#

Carbonio CE supports e-mail attachments; depending whether the e-mail is written before it is sent or it has been received, the following actions are available.

Composing an e-mail

While composing an e-mail, any file can be added as an attachment for either a local directory on the workstation or on the user’s personal storage on Carbonio Files.

Inline Attachments

Images on the local workstation can be included as inline attachments in the body of the e-mails, using the button in the bar above the editor to select them.

Large Attachments

When attaching large attachments to an e-mail, that may not be delivered due to an MTA mail server limitations, it is possible to convert them in Smart Links by clicking on the small icon that appears when hovering on the attachment.

Receiving an e-mail

When receiving an e-mail with attachments, the user has the option to either download the file to a local directory on the workstation, or to save it in the user’s personal’s storage on Carbonio Files, even if the attachment comes from a mail in a shared account. If among the attachments there are vCards, they will be imported in the user’s personal Contacts.

Trash Folder#

The trash folder is a special folder in which e-mails marked for deletion are temporary stored, in case they need to be recovered. An e-mail in the Trash folder will be automatically deleted after a period equivalent to the retention time, by default 30 days.

Junk Folder#

Like the trash folder, this is a special folder in which e-mails that are wither marked as spam, or otherwise are unsolicited or undesired, are stored.

Carbonio CE ships with anti-virus and anti-spam engines that are able to automatically infer whether an e-mail is legit or not and mark it as spam. However, in case you think an e-mail is spam but was not processed, it can be manually marked as spam by right-clicking it and selecting Mark as spam. Also that vice-versa is valid: an e-mail in the Junk folder (i.e., recognised as spam) can be marked as not spam: it will land in the Inbox.

All the content of the junk folder helps the anti-spam engine to learn and improve its results.