

Sharing files with a colleague is an everyday convenience: send them via Carbonio Chats or as attachment to emails, save them in Carbonio Files.

Carbonio Preview allows to have a quick look at those files. Supported files that can be previewed include PDFs, text documents, spreadsheets and other office files, and images, but excluding the svg format.

To preview a supported file, click once the name of the file: the Details view will open. Here, click the small magnifier icon above the details to show an automatic preview in JPG format, centred and scaled to the browser’s window size. PDF files can be scrolled with buttons (PgUp, PgDown, Home, End). If the file contains any locale-related fields (for example, a spreadsheet including a column compiled with dates), the preview will use the browser’s locale. In other words, if a spreadsheet was created with in US locale (i.e., MM/DD/YYYY), and the browser is set with another locale (e.g., IT, UK, DE, and so forth), the Preview will display the dates in the format DD/MM/YYYY, according to the browser’s locale.

On Carbonio Files, to open a file for editing, it is necessary to right-click the file name, then selecting Open Document from the drop-down menu.

Once a document is opened in preview mode, different actions can be carried out: to share, download, or print it.

Depending on the browser used and its settings, the print action may start immediately or a print dialog will be shown.