Billing Data Management

Billing Data Management#

An Administrator can retrieve or delete billing data about subscriptions activated for each domain using dedicated CLI commands: carbonio admin getUsageData and carbonio admin DeleteUsageData.

The commands accept two optional parameters:

  • date_start: initial date to retrieve billing data, in format YYYY-MM-DDD

  • date_end: final date to retrieve billing data, in format YYYY-MM-DDD

The getUsageData command has one more option:

  • data_format: how data should be displayed, in either JSON (default) or CSV format.

As an example, the following command retrieves all the subscriptions active in the month of September 2023

zextras$ carbonio admin getUsageData date_start '2023-09-01' date_end '2023-10-01' data_format JSON

An excerpt of the output is:

    "id": 16,
    "createDate": "2023-09-15",
    "domainName": "",
    "accountsCount": 12,
    "accountsActive": 12,
    "accountsClosed": 0,
    "accountsGlobalAdmin": 1,
    "accountsDelegatedAdmin": 0,
    "accountsSystem": 4,
    "distributionListsCount": 6,
    "aliasesAccountsCount": 0,
    "aliasesDistributionListsCount": 0,
    "aliasesDomainCount": 0,
    "resourcesCalendarCount": 0,
    "featuresEasCount": 0,
    "featuresChatsAppCount": 0,
    "featuresChatsCount": 0,
    "featuresFilesAppCount": 0,
    "featuresFilesCount": 0,
    "featuresMailsAppCount": 0,
    "featuresTeams": 0,
    "featuresServerRecording": 0

The DeleteUsageData has a similar syntax. Pay attention as it does not ask for confirmation.

The following command deletes all the data of the month of September 2023

zextras$ carbonio admin deleteUsageData date_start '2023-09-01' date_end '2023-10-01'