Scenario Single-Server#

Single-Server is the simplest scenario deployment of Carbonio. It is suited for SME, educational institutions, Municipalities, or local Governments, which do not use all Carbonio features and, while it supports extensions to the infrastructure by adding Roles on other Nodes, it is not meant to be scalable.

Limitations and Set Up#

This Scenario has been designed to serve a precise use case and therefore has the following architectural limitations:

  • It is available for installation using Ansible only: it can not be installed manually Role by Role, due to configuration tweakings done by Ansible

  • It supports up to 500 accounts: adding accounts beyond this limit will severly hinder the efficiency of Carbonio and it is not supported

The deployment of Carbonio Single-Server requires a Single Node and includes only the basic features, without Carbonio Tasks, Carbonio Docs, Carbonio Chats, and Carbonio VideoServer (“Optional Roles”). It does not include any service redundancy, HA services.

The Optional Roles mentioned in the previous paragraph can be installed on separate, additional Nodes (up to three in total), to prevent the Node to be overloaded.

Please also note that these Roles and functionalities are not supported and therefore can not be installed in Single-Server:

  • Monitoring Directory

  • Replica Roles

  • A syslog server

If you need some of them, please consider setting up another scenario.


Since there is only one Node on which to install Carbonio, the Hardware Requirements are more demanding compared to each single Node in a Carbonio Multi-Node setup:

  • 8 vCPU

  • 24 GB memory

  • 50 GB disk space for the OS

  • Additional disk space for the users e-mails, taking into account the quota. Purely as an example, if you have 150 users, each with a quota of 5GB, you need to have at least 800GB of disk space, 50GB for the OS and at 750 for user’s total quota.


Installation of this scenario is supported only on the following Linux distributions: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS and RHEL 8.

Other software requirements are common to the other installation scenarios and can be found in the following section: Additional Requirements.

Finally, the Single-Server does not require any internal port to be opened, but make sure that ports for the MTA and Proxy Roles are remotely accessible to allow for Carbonio to operate correctly. Please refer to section External Connections for the complete list.

Ansible Playbook#

This Single Node scenario can be installed using Ansible : you need to setup a workstation to run Ansible playbooks (please refer to section Prepare the Ansible Environment and following the directions on setting up the workstation), then download the Ansible inventory (see below this paragraph), replace the FQDN and values present in the file according to your planned Carbonio infrastructure.

Inventory - “Single-Server” Scenario










############ Optional Roles ############



############ Optional Roles - to be installed on a different VM ############


[videoServers] public_ip_address=x.y.z.t

############ These Roles are not supported in Single-Server scenario ###########
############ They are required for the proper Ansible installation #############





To add any of the roles listed as optional, simply remove the comment (#) indicating the correct name of the server on which to install the Role, based on the directions provided.

Once you edited the inventory, save it in directory /opt/carbonio-installation as carbonio-inventory-single. Now, you can run the script: from the directory execute the command

$ ansible-playbook zxbot.carbonio_ssinstall.carbonio_ssinstall \
-u root -i carbonio-inventory-single \
--extra-vars "install_path=zxbot.carbonio_install.carbonio_install"

Antivirus Engine#

The antivirus engine (ClamAV) is automatically installed by Ansible and is part of the installation procedure. If you already have a company-wide antivirus engine, you can disable the one installed by Carbonio, together with other components by issuing as the zextras user the following command:

zextras$ carbonio prov ms $(zmhostname) \
-zimbraServiceEnabled amavis \
-zimbraServiceEnabled antivirus \
-zimbraServiceEnabled antispam \
-zimbraServiceEnabled opendkim \
carbonioAmavisDisableVirusCheck TRUE

To entirely disable ClamAV or carry out other management options, like modify signature lists or installing a signatures updater, please refer to Section ClamAV Management.