Carbonio CLI Overview#

The Carbonio CLI, also known as Carbonio Shell, is an interactive shell that allows to execute Carbonio’s commands. All carbonio commands must be run as the zextras user: to do so, run as the root user

# su - zextras

Upon launching this command, the prompt will change to zextras$.

At this point, to launch a carbonio command you can either

  1. run it from the CLI:

    zextras$ carbonio backup doSmartScan start
  2. enter the Carbonio Shell

    zextras$ carbonio

    The prompt will change into carbonio> . In the Carbonio CLI, you can run the previous command as

    carbonio> backup doSmartScan start

    The Carbonio Shell is useful in multiple ways:

    • If you need to execute multiple commands, for example to carry out some advanced task

    • To keep the history: commands will be available for future reference and to check the operations done so far

    • You will be able to use tab for auto-completion of commands

Syntax of a Command#

A typical Carbonio command is composed by several parts, some of which is required for the command to work properly, for example

zextras$ carbonio --progress backup doSmartScan start

Besides carbonio, which is used to invoke the commands, the following parts compose a typical carbonio command: the module name, the command, and the parameters.

Command Line Options#

Adding options to any commands is also possible; for example, you can run

carbonio> --progress backup doSmartScan start

The available command line options are:


Specify a target host (both IP or hostname are accepted) on which the command will be executed. Use all_servers to broadcast the command to all servers. To run a command only on the server on which you are logged in, simply do not use the option.


The output of the command will be presented in JSON format and is useful for scripting.


Prints the operation’s feedback directly to STDOUT. Press Ctrl+C to interrupt the output: the operation itself will not be interrupted.


Runs the command in synchronous mode, waiting for the operation’s execution to end and returning an exit code:

  • 0 - Successful

  • 1 - Failed

  • 2 - Stopped

  • 3 - Removed

  • 4 - Interrupted


The Carbonio CLI supports all Carbonio modules: auth, admin, and more, including provisioning (i.e., carbonio prov).


Most of the commands are module-dependent


The actual parameters available for each carbonio command depend on the command itself. Parameter are either mandatory or optional and are denoted with (M) and (O) in the online help.

All parameters are given as a <name> <value> pair, but the <name> must be provided only for optional parameters and must be omitted in the mandatory. For example, consider this help page.

zextras$ carbonio admin setDomainSettings *domain* [param \

Parameter List





domain (M)


account_limit (O)


no action

domain_account_quota (O)


no action

reset_cos_limits (O)


cosname1:limit1, cosname2:limit2

no action

add_cos_limits (O)


cosname1:limit1, cosname2:limit2

no action

(M) == mandatory parameter, (O) – optional parameter

In order to limit to 1,000 the accounts of domain acme.example, we need to write the command as

zextras$ carbonio admin setDomainSettings \
acme.example \
account_limit 1000

There are two parameters in this command: <domain> <acme.example> and <account_limit> <1000>, but since domain is mandatory, we omit its name.

Seeking Help#

carbonio comes with a contextual help that can be used at different levels and with no differences on CLI and Carbonio Shell. The most general use is

zextras$ carbonio help

This lists all options (see previous section) and all modules available to carbonio. The help keyword can be used also to list all command in a module (for example, carbonio help config), or the help page of each command (for example, carbonio help config distributionList).


The help page of the command is shown also if there is some syntax error in the command issued.

Scripting Commands#

To launch multiple carbonio commands, you can save them in a file (called carbonio-commands.txt here) and pipe them to the carbonio shell. For example, consider file carbonio-commands.txt containing the commands:

prov ca ''
prov sp password
mobile doAddAccountLogger debug /tmp/
prov ma zimbraFeatureMobileSyncEnabled TRUE
prov sm cf /test
prov sm addMessage /test /tmp/email.eml
prov ma zimbraFeatureMobileSyncEnabled FALSE
prov da ''
prov fc all

All these command can be executed as

# cat carbonio-commands.txt | carbonio

This proves useful, for example, when finding a procedure that requires to execute a set of carbonio commands: copy tand paste them into a file and run all of them sequentially without the need to copy and paste each single command.

Shared Commands#

There are a few commands that can be used within every module and allow to manage the status of the services provided by each module. These commands are: getServices, doStartService, doStopService, and doRestartService.

Their usage is quite simple and follows the general syntax (see Syntax of a Command): carbonio <module> <command> {service_name}, for example:

zextras$ carbonio mobile getServices

The output will be similar to the following one:

      could_start                                                 false
      could_stop                                                  true
      running                                                     true
      could_start                                                 false
      could_stop                                                  true
      running                                                     true
      could_start                                                 false
      could_stop                                                  true
      running                                                     true
      could_start                                                 false
      could_stop                                                  true
      running                                                     true
      could_start                                                 false
      could_stop                                                  true
      running                                                     true
      could_not_start_because                                     anti-dos disabled
      could_start                                                 false
      could_stop                                                  false
      running                                                     false

Along each available service appears its current status and whether it can started or stopped. In some cases, additional information is also shown, for example the anti-dos service can not be started because it is not enabled.

You can manually start, restart, or stop a service using the other commands; unlike getServices, these require a parameter, which is the service name, for example:

zextras$ carbonio mobile doStopService activesync-services

This command outputs a status message, which is “service stopped” if it was successful. Similar messages are generated after using the doStartService and doRestartService commands.

Control the Status of Carbonio services#

Besides the carbonio command, another useful command is zmcontrol, which must be run as the zextras user as well, is used to check and verify the status of the services available on Carbonio and start or stop them.


On RHEL 9, zmcontrol has a limited usage and is mostly integrated with the systemd service: check the dedicated box for more information.

The status sub-command is used to verify which services and modules are running. A sample output of the command is:

zextras$ zmcontrol status
    amavis                  Running
    antispam                Running
    directory-server        Running
    mailbox                 Running
     --Carbonio Advanced installed.
     --Checking advanced modules status.
     --Config is running
     --Core is running
     --Auth is running
     --Mobile is running
     --Chats is running
     --Admin is running
     --HA is NOT running
     --Backup is running
     --Powerstore is running
     --Drive is NOT running
     --SproxyD is running
    memcached               Running
    mta                     Running
    opendkim                Running
    proxy                   Running
    service webapp          Running
    service-discover        Running
    stats                   Running
    config service          Running

The services (those in the main column, like amavis, antispam and so on) can be controlled using the sub-commands start, restart, and stop.


If you do not provide a service name to the sub-commands, all the services will started, restarted, or stopped.

The modules (whose name is prefixed by --) require, as a general rule, that the corresponding carbonio command be used.

The zmcontrol comes also with an important option: -v, which outputs the current version of Carbonio and a few more information about the CLI and server’s versions. As an example, this is the output on an upcoming 24.12.0 version.

zextras$ zmcontrol -v
Carbonio Release 24.12.0
Advanced module version:

CLI versions:

        zextras_version                                     24.12.0-SNAPSHOT
        zextras_commit                                      5a19e9dc7b27aec0ec3d94ae829eff1239993d2b
        zal_version                                         24.12.0-SNAPSHOT
        zal_commit                                          a4adc73297941a406384b391728266e4eb2e8ce4

Server versions:

        version                                             24.12.0-SNAPSHOT
        commit                                              fcd5553231cbd46f004163f77b2d00171b9fcc58
        commit_dirty                                        true
        system_type                                         carbonio
        product                                             Carbonio
        zal_version                                         24.12.0-SNAPSHOT
        zal_commit                                          a4adc73297941a406384b391728266e4eb2e8ce4

The important bit here is the first line of the output; while the various commit refer lines refer to the source code from which the software was built.