Welcome to Carbonio Documentation!

Welcome to Carbonio Documentation!#

This is the documentation of Carbonio, the fully private digital workplace.

If you are looking for Carbonio CE’s documentation, please refer to its dedicated page.

The content is organised in multiple parts:


Useful information about Carbonio


List of issues fixed in the current release of Carbonio and directions to carry out the upgrade


Information on Carbonio and its architecture, installation and upgrade instructions, security tips


Tasks to carry out after the installation of Carbonio, including migration from other systems

Admin by GUI

Carbonio administration using the Carbonio Admin Panel

Admin by CLI

Administration of Carbonio from the command line: management tasks and some advanced usage for Carbonio Mesh

Carbonio User Guides

Everyday’s usage of Carbonio, including its use on the dedicated mobile Apps


Links to API reference


Glossary of relevant terms