This section guides you in the configuration of an authentication mechanism from CLI. To see which are the available alternatives, check Section Authentication Methods, where you can also find references to the corresponding Carbonio Admin Panel procedures to configure authentication mechanisms and enforce them with 2FA or SAML.
Local LDAP#
The default authentication method is local LDAP. This method does not require any specific configuration other than the installation of the Mesh and Directory Role according to the procedure described in the documentation.
External LDAP#
To illustrate how an external LDAP source works in Carbonio, we build on the following scenario.
This scenario defines a few values that are used for the connection to an external LDAP server. Adapt them according to your needs!
Define on Carbonio the domain
On an external LDAP server, located at
, a domain calledldapexternal.local
This external source can also be another Carbonio.
On the external LDAP server a dedicated admin user exists, that will be used for the LDAP connection (for example
with passwordastrongpwd
)The LDAP class that stores the users and their password is called
Our goal is to have the
domain users
authenticate with the passwords of the domain accounts
defined on the external ldap server
On Carbonio, set up the
domain for
authentication on the external LDAP using the command below. Remember
to change the values in the scenario with the actual values of your
zextras$ carbonio prov md \
zimbraAuthLdapSearchBase "ou=people,dc=ldapexternal,dc=local" \
zimbraAuthLdapSearchBindDn \
"uid=service.ldap,ou=people,dc=ldapexternal,dc=local" \
zimbraAuthLdapSearchBindPassword "astrongpwd" \
zimbraAuthLdapSearchFilter "uid=%u" zimbraAuthLdapURL \
Create three test accounts on the external LDAP domain with username and password:
user1@ldapexternal.local password1
user2@ldapexternal.local password2
user3@ldapexternal.local password3
Finally, we also create 3 accounts on Carbonio
zextras$ carbonio prov ca ""
zextras$ carbonio prov ca ""
zextras$ carbonio prov ca ""
Do not provide any passwords in these commands!
If all the steps have been performed correctly, any of the three accounts can login to Carbonio using the passwords defined on the respective users of the external LDAP server.
See also
You can carry out the same procedure from the Carbonio Admin Panel, please refer to Admin Panel’s Section External LDAP.
External Active Directory#
To illustrate how an Active Directory source works in Carbonio, we build on the following scenario.
This scenario defines a few values that are used for the connection to an external AD server. Adapt them according to your needs!
Define on Carbonio the domain
On an external AD server, located at
a domain
This external source can also be another Carbonio.
On the external AD server a dedicated user exists, that will be used for the AD connection (for example
with passwordvery_strong_pass!
Our goal is to have the
domain users
authenticate with the passwords of the domain accounts
defined on the external ldap server
On Carbonio, set up the
domain for
authentication on the external LDAP using the command below. Remember
to change the values in the scenario with the actual values of your
zextras$ carbonio prov md zimbraAuthLdapSearchBase DC=external_ad,DC=com
zextras$ carbonio prov md zimbraAuthLdapSearchFilter '(|('
zextras$ carbonio prov md zimbraAuthLdapURL ldap://
zextras$ carbonio prov md zimbraAuthLdapSearchBindDn
zextras$ carbonio prov md zimbraAuthLdapSearchBindPassword 'very_strong_pass!'
Create three test accounts on the external AD domain with username and password: password1 password2 password3
Finally, we also create 3 accounts on Carbonio
zextras$ carbonio prov ca ""
zextras$ carbonio prov ca ""
zextras$ carbonio prov ca ""
Do not provide any passwords in these commands!
If all the steps have been performed correctly, any of the three accounts can login to Carbonio using the passwords defined on the respective users of the external AD server.
See also
You can carry out the same procedure from the Carbonio Admin Panel, please refer to Section External AD.
Automatic User Provisioning with AD#
The purpose of this section is to set up Carbonio to poll an existing external LDAP or AD server, collect the existing users from there and create account with the same username on Carbonio. Once the feature has been configured, every user that exists on the LDAP or AD will be able to login directly to Carbonio.
The scenario we present here consists of an Active Directory Server with the following configuration.
Network IP address is
The users that will be able to login to Carbonio belong to the test247 group.
The test247 group belongs to the domain.
There is an administrative user with credentials
AdminBindDn: CN=Auto Provisioning,CN=Users,DC=zextraslab,DC=ad
BindPassword: a_very_stron_pass!
Moreover, for the set up, we need also the following configuration option.
A domain on which to bind in the form of SearchBase: DC=zextraslab, DC=ad
A correct search filter: CN=test247,CN=Users,DC=zextraslab,DC=ad. By using this filter, all user in AD’s grou
Additionally, on Carbonio we will use domain test.auth for the purpose of authenticating users and we will set a time interval of 1 minute, called provisioning polling interval, used to synchronise users in Carbonio and in the external AD.
To configure auto provisioning, follow the procedure in this section;
to complete it successfully, remember that all the commands below must
be run as the zextras
user on a Node featuring the Mailstore &
Provisioning Role.
Make sure that all relevant information are enclosed in quotes, to prevent any issue with non-escaped characters.
We start by defining the domain used for authentication.
zextras$ carbonio prov cd test.auth
Now, configure the AD auto provisioning.
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvAccountNameMap samAccountName
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvAttrMap description=description
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvAttrMap displayName=displayName
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvAttrMap givenName=givenName
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvAttrMap cn=cn
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvAttrMap sn=sn
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvAuthMech LDAP
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvBatchSize 4000
Configure the AD server from which to fetch the usersm using the data provided in the Scenario above.
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvLdapAdminBindDn \
"CN=Auto Provisioning,CN=Users,DC=zextraslab,DC=ad"
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvLdapAdminBindPassword 'a_very_stron_pass!'
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvLdapBindDn auto
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvLdapSearchBase DC=zextraslab,DC=ad
Define the correct search filter, so all accounts in the group test247 will be fetched.
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvLdapSearchFilter \
Enter the IP address or hostname of the ad server.
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvLdapURL \
Set the operation mode to EAGER.
zextras$ carbonio prov md test.auth zimbraAutoProvMode EAGER
Finally, set the provisioning polling interval to 1 minute for domain
zextras$ carbonio prov ms $(zmhostname) \
zimbraAutoProvPollingInterval "1m" +zimbraAutoProvScheduledDomains \
At this point, configuration of auto provisioning is complete. You
should be able to find in the /opt/zextras/log/mailbox.log
file messages that show activities relates to auto provisioning, for
2024-06-26 15:59:13,386 INFO [AutoProvision] [] autoprov - Auto provisioning accounts on domain test.auth
2024-06-26 15:59:13,406 INFO [AutoProvision] [] autoprov - 3 external LDAP entries returned as search result
2024-06-26 15:59:13,406 INFO [AutoProvision] [] autoprov - auto creating account in EAGER mode: john@test.auth, dn="CN=paolo rossi,CN=Users,DC=zextraslab,DC=ad"
2024-06-26 15:59:13,637 INFO [AutoProvision] [] autoprov - auto provisioned account: john@test.auth
2024-06-26 15:59:13,637 INFO [AutoProvision] [] autoprov - auto creating account in EAGER mode: jane@test.auth, dn="CN=test01,CN=Users,DC=zextraslab,DC=ad"
2024-06-26 15:59:13,639 INFO [AutoProvision] [] autoprov - auto provisioned account: jane@test.auth
2024-06-26 15:59:13,639 INFO [AutoProvision] [] autoprov - auto creating account in EAGER mode: alice@test.auth, dn="CN=mario,CN=Users,DC=zextraslab,DC=ad"
2024-06-26 15:59:13,641 INFO [AutoProvision] [] autoprov - auto provisioned account: alice@test.auth
2024-06-26 15:59:13,641 INFO [AutoProvision] [] autoprov - Auto Provisioning has finished for now, setting last polled timestamp: 20240626155913.404Z
2024-06-26 15:59:13,642 INFO [AutoProvision] [] autoprov - Sleeping for 1000 milliseconds
If you see messages similar to these, which show that accounts are fetched from the AD server, then provisioning was successfully configured and you can proceed with the last point: configure Authentication using an External Active Directory.
In case you do not see any account being fetched, please double check that all the data you supplied is correct, especially credentials of AD’s administrative user, IP or hostname, and ports.