Directory Server#
In this section you can find directions and suggestions to deal with issues arising from the Directory Server.
Update Credentials#
In all cases when it is advisable to change the password of the Directory Server, follow the steps in the procedure described here.
The procedure requires CLI access; all the commands must be
executed as the zextras
Update Password on Master Directory Server#
We start by defining a robust password
zextras$ export newLdapPsw="aGoodPassword"
Then change all the Directory Server passwords.
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -r $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -p $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -b $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -l $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -n $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd -a $newLdapPsw
zextras$ /opt/zextras/bin/zmldappasswd $newLdapPsw
Restart the services.
zextras$ zmcontrol restart
Finally, remove the saved password:
zextras$ unset newLdapPsw
Update Directory Replica Credentials#
In case the Carbonio infrastructure includes the Directory Replica Role, execute the following commands on each Node featuring the Role.
Define the password, which must be the same as the one on the Master Directory Server:
zextras$ export newLdapPsw="aGoodPassword"
Then change all the passwords.
zextras$ zmldappasswd -r $newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmldappasswd -l -c $newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_amavis_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_bes_searcher_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_nginx_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_postfix_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_replication_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e zimbra_ldap_password=$newLdapPsw
Restart the services.
zextras$ zmcontrol restart
Finally, remove the saved password:
zextras$ unset newLdapPsw
As a final check, ensure the LDAP replica is working:
zextras$ /opt/zextras/libexec/zmreplchk
Align all Other Nodes#
Define the password, which must be the same as the one on the Master Directory Server:
zextras$ export newLdapPsw="aGoodPassword"
Then change all the Directory Server passwords.
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_amavis_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_bes_searcher_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_nginx_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_postfix_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e ldap_replication_password=$newLdapPsw
zextras$ zmlocalconfig -f -e zimbra_ldap_password=$newLdapPsw
Restart the services.
zextras$ zmcontrol restart
Finally, remove the saved password:
zextras$ unset newLdapPsw