Changelog 23.3.0#
This is the Changelog for Carbonio 23.3.0, released on March 20th, 2023
Component: Admin Console & Login UI
- AC-496: Gal default name changed
The default GAL name for new domains is now InternalGal.
- AC-465: Richtext rendering fixed in admin console
Fixed an unwanted behaviour that caused the admins to experience rendering problems with the rich text editor while adding a new signature to a user account.
- AC-423: Delegate send settings introduced to account management
It is now possible to manage the delegate features from the account settings in the admin console.
- AC-410: Privacy settings in feedback panel improved
From the feedback panel, the administrator can now easily update the privacy settings.
- AC-408: Update Logo URL from theme management
Admin can now change the URL of the logo using theme management in the Carbonio domain or global preferences.
- AC-405: Admin can modify COS/User features
Features can now be activated/deactivated from the admin console in COS and user settings.
- AC-373: Quota reports downloadable
Domain administrators can now download Mailbox quota reports in CSV format for multiple accounts.
Component: Mails
- IRIS-4011: Attached EML can be open in search results
Users can now open EML attachment files to emails even from the search results.
- IRIS-3962: Open appointments from search results
It is now possible to open appointments from search results.
- IRIS-3901: Calendars search results improved
The search now returns the last and the next 30 days’ appointments as results.
- IRIS-3897: Add attachments from Files refactored
The add attachments from Files feature has been refactored so it’s easier to add attachments and public links from Files.
- IRIS-3885: New mail notification popup redirection fixed
When clicking on a new mail notification popup the user is now redirected to the correct mail tab.
- IRIS-3821: White label compliance in users settings
Removed Carbonio and Zextras from the app versions in the user’s general settings to comply with the white label design.
- IRIS-3777: Shared calendars group fixed
When you add a calendar from the “find shares” list, it is now added to the “shared calendars” group.
- IRIS-3760: Time span in appointments search added
The user can now specify the time range for which appointments can be searched.
- IRIS-3759: Appointments previews improvement
Now, both the small and large previews appear in the calendar at the same time.
- IRIS-3745: Room moderators added in appointments attendees list
Now the moderators of a virtual room are added to the attendees when the user creates an appointment and contextually creates a virtual room with moderators.
- IRIS-3740: Background color for selected emails improved
Focused emails, either selected or unread, are now distinguished from the others using a different background colour even when the user is moving through the list using the keyboard.
- IRIS-3672: Duplicated fields removed from advanced filter
The duplicated fields have been removed from the advanced search filters.
- IRIS-3663: EML attachments viewer
It is now possible to open EML files attached to emails.
- IRIS-3474: Appointments’ icons moved to the left
The “private” and “action request” icons have been moved from the upper right to the upper left corner in the preview so they’re visible also on appointments overlapping.
- IRIS-3255: “SELECT ALL” and “DESELECT ALL” buttons added
It is not possible to select and deselect all the emails in a list with a single click.
Component: Carbonio
- CO-544: Empty virtual hostname deletion
To remove zimbraVirtualHostname, administrators can now use modifyDomain with an empty parameter.
- CO-513: Unlisted accounts rejected by default
The feature for rejecting emails to non-existent recipients is now enabled by default.
- CO-499: `http` and `mixed` modes removed
Now, http and mixed mode are no longer supported by the Nginx configuration.
- CO-491: `Schedule-agent` header managed on CalDAV
Support to Schedule-agent header has been added in Carbonio when synchronizing a Calendar via CalDAV.
Component: Core
- COR-853: Documentation for `unloadMailbox` added
Added the documentation and examples for the unloadMailbox command in the CLI.
- COR-851: Auth API for SAML configuration
An API has been added to manage SAML configuration either via CLI or the admin console.
Component: Mobile/EAS
- MOB-398: Attachment’s name encoding via EAS fixed
Fixed a bug that caused the attachment’s names with non-ASCII characters to be wrongly encoded when synchronizing via EAS.
Component: Storages
- PS-456: Storages and Files performance improved
The interaction between Files and the Storages has been refactored to improve the way Nginx lookup and Memcached are used and reduce the number of threads.