Working With the Carbonio Files API#

This section is dedicated to anyone familiar with API programming (mostly developers), who wants to interact with Carbonio Files using its SOAP API. It is therefore assumed that anyone who reads this section has basic knowledge about SOAP API calls.

Authentication Token#

Every API call requires an authentication token, which can be retrieved using the AuthRequest SOAP command:

  <account by="id">aa8b744d-6274-489b-9bae-f9007fe3673a</account>
  <preauth timestamp="1693519200">e59c19e90fa09883...87f57833adf</preauth>

This call returns an AuthResponse containing the token:


The token must be used on every REST request as a cookie, i.e., it must be sent to the server through the Cookie header:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Cookie: ZM_AUTH_TOKEN=0_65fe52ea9ff1793c7...3719888

API Requests Structure#

Requests to the Carbonio Files API are made as GraphQL queries, containing the Cookie header shown in previous section and passed as HTTP POST requests to the Carbonio server on the path:


The body of the request is a JSON-encoded object containing the operation name, the variables involved and some limitations on them, and a GraphQL query. A few examples requests are shown below; details about the elements follow in the next section, while the reference documentation for the Carbonio Files GraphQL API is available at

Example 1: List all root nodes

This is one of the simplest examples: we use the getRootsList method to retrieve the root nodes, with no variables:

  "operationName": "getRootsList",
  "query": $query

Here, $query is a string:

query getRootsList {
   getRootsList { id name }

The output of this Request is similar to the following

  "data": {
    "getRootsList": [
        "id": "LOCAL_ROOT",
        "name": "ROOT"
        "id": "TRASH_ROOT",
        "name": "TRASH"
Example 2: List a node and its children

This example gets a node and in case it is a folder, also all its children. We choose LOCAL_ROOT as node_id and limit the output to the first 100 results. We also want the output to contain a few information about the returned files: extension, mime_type, size, and version.

  "operationName": "getNodeAndChildren",
  "variables": {
    "limit": 100,
     "node_id": "LOCAL_ROOT",
     "sort": "NAME_ASC"
  "query": $query

In this case, $query is a complex string (split in four snippets for simplicity)

query getNodeAndChildren($node_id: ID!, $limit: Int!, $sort: NodeSort!) {
    getNode(node_id: $node_id) {
fragment Child on Node {
fragment Children on Folder {
    children(limit: $limit, sort: $sort) {
        nodes {
fragment FileAttributes on File {

The output of this request is similar to the following one (output shortened for simpicity)

  "data": {
    "getNode": {
      "id": "LOCAL_ROOT",
      "name": "ROOT",
      "type": "ROOT",
      "children": {
        "nodes": [
            "id": "f8b3b0ae-2673-444a-9da0-642fac651f96",
            "name": "Carbonio_tutorials",
            "type": "FOLDER"
            "id": "650825c3-9c75-44db-a8df-d4fc9177d08d",
            "name": "carbonio_commands.txt",
            "type": "TEXT",
            "extension": "txt",
            "mime_type": "text/plain",
            "size": 40.0,
            "version": 1


A Query is used to return a Node, which can be a file or a folder stored on Carbonio Files, and its attributes, given two parameters:

  1. node_id is the unique identifier of the node

  2. version is the version of a file

Some methods available for a Query are:

  • getRootsList returns the root folders (LOCAL_ROOT and TRASH_ROOT)

  • getNode returns a node from its node_id

  • findNodes allows you to search for a node using keywords and various filters (shared by/with me, etc).

  • With the children field of the Folder object you can list a folder’s children as an array of Node.

See also

Full reference of Query can be found at


A Mutation is a write operation on a folder or file. Common actions are:

  • createFolder, flagNodes, trashNodes, restoreNodes, moveNodes, copyNodes, and deleteNodes are self-explanatory

  • updateNode is used to to rename a node, change its description and other metadata

See also

Mutation’s full reference can be found at

Files Upload and Downloads#

A few methods are available to upload (POST) and download (GET) files; for the latter, the requests to the Carbonio server must be on the path:



Use /services/files/download/node_id/version to download a given revision of a file.

Full reference documentation is available at