From Zextras Suite Compatible Platform#
This page describes the migration of a Source equipped with any of the following software:
Zimbra OSE 8.8.15 + Zextras Suite (latest release)
Zimbra OSE 9.0 (built by Zextras) + Zextras Suite (latest release)
Zimbra Network Edition 8.8.15 (with NG modules)
Zimbra Network Edition 9.0 (with NG modules)
The procedure will use the Zextras Suite Backup Module on the Source and Carbonio Backup on the Destination infrastructure to complete the migration.
Please read carefully the whole section to make sure you understand the requirement and the overall procedure.
Requirements and Limitations#
Source Requirements#
The Source system must be equipped with the latest Zextras Suite version
The scripts written on this page are executed on the Source, must be executed as the
userZextras Suite must include the license for the Backup module
(optional) Zextras Suite should include the license for the Drive module, if you want to migrate items in the Drive module
Briefcases migration requires to convert their elements in Zextras Drives items, a process which has its own limitations and procedure (see the dedicated section below), then migrate them to Carbonio
Nested Calendars, nested Address Books, Nested User Groups, and Shares require to be processed with scripts on the Destination, after importing the backup
Carbonio (Destination) Requirements#
The following requirements must always be satisfied on the Destination, regardless of the Source.
Carbonio must be up&running during the whole procedure and the Backup must be initialized
To prevent any LDAP conflicts, we suggest to configure Carbonio with a local domain, different from any domain that is going to be imported. You can use, for example, a domain like
All the CLI commands must be executed, unless differently specified, on the Node featuring the Mailstore & Provisioning Role as the
userSource backup must be available from
user and must not use Carbonio backup path
Preliminary Phase#
Convert Briefcases into Drive Elements#
There is one limitation concerning users with multiple Briefcases.
If there are two (or more) folders with the same name, they will be merged together in one single folder when imported to Drive. To prevent such situations, and users want to keep these folder separate, it is suggested to rename folders that share the same name. If those folders contain files with the same name, they will be overwritten. To avoid this problem, users should rename their files.
In any case, during the import from Briefcases to Drive, the log file will show a warning whenever a file is being overwritten, so you can later fix all these cases.
Suppose you have the following structure, composed of two Briefcases:
These will be migrated as:
|-Item2.txt *** (Item2.txt from Briefcase1 has been overwritten)
|-Item3.txt *** (Item3.txt from Briefcase2 has been merged in Folder1 from Briefcase)
To verify whether there are multiple briefcases, run this script, which checks the Briefcases and produces the commands needed to mass-move the briefcases.
Extract Briefcases script
for i in $(mysql -e "show databases like 'mboxgroup%'" -N -B;); do echo "select mi.mailbox_id, mailbox.comment,, from $i.mail_item as mi, zimbra.mailbox as mailbox where and mi.parent_id=1 and <> 16 and mi.metadata like '%vti8ee';"; done | mysql -B -N | awk '{print "sm " $2 " renameFolder " $4 " /Briefcase/" $4 }'
The script will only display the commands. In order to effectively move the Briefcase, add the pipe to zmprov CLI.
$ bash /tmp/
sm renameFolder Briefcase2 /Briefcase/Briefcase2
sm renameFolder Briefcase3 /Briefcase/Briefcase3
This will only print the commands.
$ bash /tmp/ | zmprov
prov> sm renameFolder Briefcase2 /Briefcase/Briefcase2
prov> sm renameFolder Briefcase3 /Briefcase/Briefcase3
This will execute the commands on the current mailbox.
Check of Incompatible Address Book’s Groups#
Carbonio only supports groups that are composed by e-mail addresses, ruling out all address books which contain as members, for example, references to other items.
This script lists all the user groups in the address books that are not compatible with Carbonio.
List user groups script
echo -e "User\tAddressBook folder\tGroupName\n"
for i in $(mysql -e "show databases like 'mboxgroup%'" -N -B);
do echo "select mailbox.comment,, TRIM(TRAILING ':' from (SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(mi.metadata, 'fullName', 1),':',-2))) from $i.mail_item as mi, $i.mail_item as folder, zimbra.mailbox as mailbox where and and and mi.metadata like 'd3:fldd6:fileA%' and (mi.metadata like '%d1:t1:C%' or mi.metadata like '%d1:t1:G%');"; done | mysql -B -N
echo """
NB: the folder refers the one that contains the incompatible group, but this could be nested
in order to make those groups available in the destination, the user need to extract them as CSV an import them back
The output will be formatted as:
<User> <Address Book folder> <Incompatible Group Name>
Example output: folder1 acmeGroup new_folder new_Group MyCommits backendDevels
The Address Book folder refers to the one that contains the incompatible group, but this could be nested within another folder.
In order to make those groups available in the destination, the user need to extract them as CSV from the Source and import them in the Destination.
Import Briefcases into Drive#
In order to import Briefcases, run the following command as the
user for every domain. Besides the warnings, the
generated log messages (that are stored in file
) will contain also the list of
all operations that are carried out.
$ zxsuite drive doImportBriefcase
Remember to replace
with the domain from which you
want to import the Briefcases.
When you launch the command, you will receive the
, that can be used to follow output by using the
zxsuite admin monitor <operationid>.
Export Backup#
Detailed information on this part of the procedure can be obtained directly from the External Restore Section of the Zextras Suite technical documentation.
First, consider stopping the MTA on the Source to temporarily interrupt the e-mails flow and to avoid inconsistent data.
On the Source, as the zimbra
user, create a directory in which
to store the backup.
$ mkdir /tmp/export/
Then generate, again as the zimbra
user, the backup and store it
in that directory.
$ zxsuite backup doExport /tmp/export
This command also checks and validates the export: any error, warning, or inconsistency will be reported, so you can take appropriate steps to fix potential issues.
In our scenario, we create a full backup that includes all domains, CoSes users, e-mails. It is however possible to migrate one domain at a time, especially if they are quite large, with a lot of accounts and e-mails.
Phase 1, Import backup#
Copy the backup from the Source to the Destination or make sure the Destination can access the backup.
On the Destination, activate the Backup module executing a SmartScan.
zextras$ carbonio backup doSmartScan start
Now you can import the backup, which is based on the External Restore, by executing the following steps.
We assume that the backup is stored in directory
on the Destination
zextras$ carbonio --progress backup doExternalRestore /tmp/export
You can add option concurrent_accounts
with a suitable
value (e.g., 5 or 10) to speed up the process.
As soon as the import is completed, it is suggested to execute a volume-wide deduplication, since the native deduplication system might be ineffective when sequentially importing accounts.
zextras$ carbonio powerstore doDeduplicate yourPrimaryVolume
Nested Calendars, Contacts, and User Groups#
The following scripts search for nested Calendars, nested Address Books, and for user groups outside the main Contacts Address Book, and generate the SOAP required to move them under Calendars and Contacts, respectively. User groups, on the contrary, are immediately imported. All the scripts and commands must be executed on the Destination after the backup has been imported.
Sub-calendars and sub-address-books are not supported by Carbonio and need to be converted in main calendars before attempting to migrate them.
Nested calendars script
for i in $(mysql -e "show databases like 'mboxgroup%'" -N -B);
do echo "select mi.mailbox_id, mailbox.comment,, from $i.mail_item as mi, zimbra.mailbox as mailbox where and mi.parent_id <> 1 and mi.metadata like '%vti11ee';";
done | mysql -B -N | awk '{print "zmsoap -z -m " $2 " FolderActionRequest/action @op=rename @id=" $3 " @name=" $4 "_" $3 }'
for i in $(mysql -e "show databases like 'mboxgroup%'" -N -B);
do echo "select mi.mailbox_id, mailbox.comment,, from $i.mail_item as mi, zimbra.mailbox as mailbox where and mi.parent_id <> 1 and mi.metadata like '%vti11ee';";
done | mysql -B -N | awk '{print "zmsoap -z -m " $2 " FolderActionRequest/action @op=move @id=" $3 " @l=1"}'
Example output:
zmsoap -z -m FolderActionRequest/action @op=rename @id=145 @name=cal-1_145
zmsoap -z -m FolderActionRequest/action @op=rename @id=146 @name=cal-2_146
zmsoap -z -m FolderActionRequest/action @op=move @id=145 @l=1
zmsoap -z -m FolderActionRequest/action @op=move @id=146 @l=1
You need to actually execute each of these commands to correctly export the nested Calendars.
Nested Address Books script
for i in $(mysql -e "show databases like 'mboxgroup%'" -N -B);
do echo "select mi.mailbox_id, mailbox.comment,, from $i.mail_item as mi, zimbra.mailbox as mailbox where and mi.parent_id <> 1 and mi.metadata like '%vti6ee';";
done | mysql -B -N | awk '{print "zmsoap -z -m " $2 " FolderActionRequest/action @op=rename @id=" $3 " @name=" $4 "_" $3 }'
for i in $(mysql -e "show databases like 'mboxgroup%'" -N -B);
do echo "select mi.mailbox_id, mailbox.comment,, from $i.mail_item as mi, zimbra.mailbox as mailbox where and mi.parent_id <> 1 and mi.metadata like '%vti6ee';";
done | mysql -B -N | awk '{print "zmsoap -z -m " $2 " FolderActionRequest/action @op=move @id=" $3 " @l=1"}'
Example output:
zmsoap -z -m FolderActionRequest/action @op=rename @id=736 @name=adb-3_736
zmsoap -z -m FolderActionRequest/action @op=rename @id=737 @name=adb-2_337
zmsoap -z -m FolderActionRequest/action @op=move @id=736 @l=1
zmsoap -z -m FolderActionRequest/action @op=move @id=737 @l=1
You need to actually execute each of these commands to correctly export the nested Calendars.
Nested User Groups script
for i in $(mysql -e "show databases like 'mboxgroup%'" -N -B);
do echo "select mi.mailbox_id, mailbox.comment,,, SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(mi.metadata, 'fullName', 1),':',-2) from $i.mail_item as mi, $i.mail_item as folder, zimbra.mailbox as mailbox where and and and mi.folder_id <> 7 and mi.metadata like 'd3:fldd6:fileA%';"; done | mysql -B -N | awk -F '\t' '{print "zmsoap -z -m " $2 " ContactActionRequest/action @op=move @l=7 @id=" $4 }'
This script moves immediately the user groups, so there is no need to execute additional commands.
Phase 3, Files#
Zimbra Drive items can be exported and imported in Carbonio Files using the exported Backup and installing the carbonio-drive-migration package on the Destination.
Limitations of the Tool#
A Zextras Drive item that has a number of revisions (versions), which is higher than the configured number of revisions on Carbonio (i.e., the Destination), will be migrated to Carbonio as a read-only item. To fix this problem, either remove some of the versions in the Drive item, or, to keep all the item’s version, raise the version’s limit in Carbonio.
For example, if a Drive item has 100 revisions and the limit of versions on Carbonio is 20, only the 20 most recents version will be kept.
The current version of the tool does not migrate public and internal shares
The tool should be run only after importing the backup on the Destination
Installation and Execution#
Both commands mentioned below must be run as the root
# apt install carbonio-drive-migration
# dnf install carbonio-drive-migration
This package provides the command carbonio-drive-migration, that can be executed as root as follows.
# carbonio-drive-migration -b /tmp/export \
-t \
-m /opt/zextras/backup/zextras/maps_[uuid]
In this command you should use the following values for the options:
- -b
is the path where the backup is stored
- -t
is the
of the Carbonio infrastructure - -m
is the map file that contains the account mapping on the Source and on the Destination