Configuring Domain Disclaimer#
Enabling and configuring a disclaimer that is automatically added to e-mail can be easily done from the Carbonio Admin Panel, see Sections Global Settings and Disclaimer, respectively.
To carry out the same tasks from the CLI, you can use the following commands.
zextras$ carbonio prov modifyConfig zimbraDomainMandatoryMailSignatureEnabled TRUE
Make sure to restart the other involved services by executing on every MTA Node in your infrastructure the commands
zextras$ zmamavisdctl restart && zmconfigdctl restart
zextras$ carbonio prov modifyDomain example.tld zimbraAmavisDomainDisclaimerText 'Disclaimer text'
Replace ‘Disclaimer text’ with any text you want, for example a confidentiality notice:
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
are for the sole use of the individual or entity to which they are
addressed. If you received this email in error, please notify your
system administrator.
zextras$ carbonio prov modifyDomain example.tld \
zimbraAmavisDomainDisclaimerHTML 'Disclaimer in HTML markup'
You can use any HTML tag to surround your text, for example you can add contacts information:
<p>Company Phone: +00 123 456 7890</p>
<p>Company e-mail:</p>
zextras$ /opt/zextras/libexec/zmaltermimeconfig
This command activates the disclaimer on all domains. If you manage
multiple domains and want to activate the disclaimer only on one
domain (e.g.,, simply add -e
to the
zextras$ /opt/zextras/libexec/zmaltermimeconfig -e
To complete the activation, run the command run the command without options on every other MTA Node in your infrastructure.
Just define the disclaimer as an empty string in either plain text or HTML
zextras$ carbonio prov modifyDomain zimbraAmavisDomainDisclaimerText ''
zextras$ carbonio prov modifyDomain zimbraAmavisDomainDisclaimerHTML ''
Then, follow the steps to activate the disclaimer
zextras$ carbonio prov modifyConfig zimbraDomainMandatoryMailSignatureEnabled FALSE
Make sure to restart the other involved services by executing on every MTA Node in your infrastructure the commands
zextras$ zmamavisdctl restart && zmconfigdctl restart