How to report an issue#
Whenever a problems arise while using a software, resolving them and going back to the normal daily activities as quick as possible is always the first goal.
Therefore, the most efficient way to report a Carbonio issue is the one that allows both the Reporter and the Technical Support Team to reach their common goal in the quickest and more robust way.
To do so, the starting point is to prepare an accurate and complete report that describes the issue experienced, then open a ticket on Zextras customer’s support portal and attach the report to the ticket. This allows the Technical Support Team to immediately look into the issue without asking for more information.
Building a detailed report may require one or more of the following activities:
to describe the steps that allow to reproduce the problem. This is the most important point, because this would give the Technical Support Team a first idea about the possible root cause of the issue.
to execute commands from the CLI
to prepare screenshots
to carry out other tasks that depend on the issue reported, the modules involved, and so on.
Before You Open a Ticket#
Before you open a Support Ticket, you should gather some information and configuration values from Carbonio and its Components, to collect the information that will be relevant for the Technical Support Team.
This section focuses on how to retrieve this information: You need to provide existing log files and the output of some commands and scripts (see next sections) that need to be executed from the command line. Please note that, unless stated otherwise:
In the case of Multi-Server installations, commands must be executed on the node where the Component is installed
Log files are located under the
Remember that the most information you are able to provide, the quicker the Technical Support Team will help you restore the everyday activities of your Carbonio installation.
While at Zextras we do our best to provide the fairest licensing model possible, we know it may not fit for every customer. If you feel that the Zextras Licensing does not suit your needs and wish to let us know your opinion, please contact the Sales Team through the form you can find at
General And Common Information#
The general and common information are needed in every case: this kind of data allows to understand the scenario in which the issue was experienced. You need to save the output of each of the following commands to a text file.
zextras$ zmcontrol -v
zextras$ carbonio --host all_servers core getVersion
zextras$ carbonio core getLicenseInfo
zextras$ carbonio prov gas
zextras$ carbonio prov gas mailbox
root$ systemctl status carbonio-*
root$ journalctl
To save the output of to a text file, you use the > operator, for example
zextras$ zmcontrol -v > zmcontrol.txt
An additional task that help the Technical Support Team is to enable debug logging, then attach to the ticket the log files generated:
increase the log verbosity on the mailbox server by running
zextras$ carbonio config server set $(zmhostname) \ attribute ZxCore_LogLevel value 0
This command increases the verbosity of all Carbonio’s log files saved under directory
. Reproduce the issue
Restore the normal log verbosity by running
zextras$ carbonio config server set $(zmhostname) \ attribute ZxCore_LogLevel value 1
Once done, the log files to attach are:
file from the mailbox serverThe
and thenginx.access.log
files from the Proxy Node
See also
To learn more details about log files generated by Carbonio, please refer to section Monitoring Carbonio.
Follow these steps on an e-mail account and a mobile device, then attach the log files that will be produced during the procedure.
Activate an account logger in debug mode on one of the affected devices using the command
zextras$ carbonio mobile doAddAccountLogger user@domain.tdl debug /path/to/log/file.log
Remove the account from the device
Add the account on the device again
Try to reproduce the issue
The mailbox.log and the sync.log files
A brief explanation of how to reproduce the issue
Manufacturer, model and exact OS version of the mobile device
The output of the following commands, making sure to replace the uppercase parameters with the e-mail account and the ID of the device
zextras$ carbonio mobile getDeviceList JACK.SMITH@ACME.EXAMPLE
zextras$ carbonio mobile getDeviceInfo JACK.SMITH@ACME.EXAMPLE DEVICEID
Carbonio Chats#
In you experience problems with Carbonio Chats, collect the output of the following commands. Replace JACK.SMITH@ACME.EXAMPLE with one affected account. You can also set up a test account without Administrator privileges and repeat the commands.
zextras$ carbonio config dump global
zextras$ carbonio chats clusterStatus
zextras$ carbonio chats getServices
zextras$ carbonio chats iceServer get
zextras$ for cos in $(carbonio prov gac); do carbonio prov gc $cos; done
zextras$ carbonio prov ga JACK.SMITH@ACME.EXAMPLE
zextras$ for cos in $(carbonio prov gac);
do echo $cos;
carbonio config cos get $cos;
zextras$ carbonio config account get JACK.SMITH@ACME.EXAMPLE
zextras$ for dom in $(carbonio prov gad);
do carbonio prov gd $dom zimbraPublicServiceProtocol \
zimbraPublicServiceHostname zimbraPublicServicePort;
zextras$ carbonio powerstore getAllVolumes
Also attach to the ticket the following files.
the mailbox.log file relative to a restart of the mailboxd with zmmailboxdctl restart
the mailbox.log, the zmmailboxd.out, the nginx.log and nginx.access.log files relative to the last two days
Carbonio Files#
In case of issues with Carbonio Files, provide the output of this script
zextras$ for dom in $(carbonio prov gad);
do carbonio prov gd $dom zimbraPublicServiceProtocol
zimbraPublicServiceHostname zimbraPublicServicePort;
Also provide the /var/log/carbonio/files/files.log
Carbonio Storage#
In the case of Carbonio Storage, you need to provide also some information about the storage infrastructure (volumes, disks) of Carbonio
zextras$ mount
zextras$ df -h
zextras$ df -i
Then, collect information about the configuration of Carbonio Storage
zextras$ carbonio powerstore getAllVolumes
zextras$ carbonio powerstore getHsmPolicy
zextras$ carbonio powerstore getMovedMailboxes
zextras$ carbonio powerstore getNonLocalMailboxes
zextras$ carbonio config dump server $(zmhostname)
Carbonio Backup#
Like for Carbonio Storage, first get a few environmental information
zextras$ mount
Then find the Backup Path and other configuration:
zextras$ ls -l $(carbonio config dump server $(zmhostname) | grep ZxBackup_DestPath | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3)
zextras$ carbonio config dump server $(zmhostname)
zextras$ carbonio backup getBackupInfo
Client-side issues#
In case you experience a client-side issue, follow this procedure to collect the relevant information:
Open a new browser (Chrome or Firefox) window
Open the Javascript Console (Ctrl+Shift+j on Windows and Linux, Cmd+Opt+j on OSX)
Access the webmail from the same tab the Javascript Console has been opened on
Wait for the webmail to load completely
Reproduce the issue
Go to the Console tab of the Javascript Console, right-click anywhere and select Save as… to save the content of the tab as a text file
Go to the Network tab of the Javascript Console, right-click anywhere and select Save as HAR with content to save the content of the tab as a text file
Attach both files with the console export and the network export to the ticket