

This section contains the steps necessary to install Carbonio within your infrastructure, starting from the requirements.

The core of this section is the description of the installation scenarios we envisioned and their deployment: the basic installation on a Single-Server, followed by more complex Multi-Node scenarios from 3 to 15 Nodes.

As you will see in the next pages of this documentation, there are two alternatives to install Carbonio:

  • A manual procedure: connect to each node using ssh and execute some operations, summarised in this schema:

    1. Configure repositories

    2. Set Hostname

    3. System Upgrade & Packages Installation

    4. Configure PostgreSQL (only on Database node)

    5. Bootstrap Carbonio

    6. Setup Carbonio Mesh & Run Pending setups

    7. Database boostrap (only on Database node)

    8. Verify that installed services are up & running

    Some roles may require additional installation steps or specific checks.

  • By using a deployment tool (Ansible) that can be installed on your workstation or on a dedicated one (called control node), capable of accessing the virtual machines on which Carbonio will be installed by exchanging an SSH key pair. This mode of installation is suggested on complex infrastructures consisting of multiple nodes, on which a manual installation is more error prone, due the vast number of tasks.

    To use this mode you will need to download a playbook and fill out an inventory file with the list of target Nodes on which you install Carbonio.

    The playbook will take care of the installation steps, controlling the start of services and drastically reducing the chance of errors.