
The Carbonio Admin Panel's Backup GUI allows to configure the mail servers to save mailbox items in the backup. While they are part of the Backup operations, Backup Restore Strategies can currently be carried out only from the CLI. The only exception is for the Restore Account, which can be carried out by the GUI only, under Admin Panel ‣ Domains ‣ Manage ‣ Restore Account.

See also

To learn more about Carbonio Backup components and how they work, please refer to Section Architecture of Carbonio Backup. In particular, you may want to check especially Item, SmartScan and Realtime Scanner, and Backup Path.

Setting are grouped in two main section, the Global Server Settings, which apply to all defined storages, and the Server Specifics, which allows to define different backup policies to different servers, in case more than one server has been created.

Global Server Settings#

The main configuration options are split in multiple sections: Server Lists, Server Config, and Advanced. .. _ap-bk-server-list:

Server Lists#

This section shows a number of information about the current status of the backup on the defined servers: active options (Backup at startup, Realtime Status, Smartscan, Purge interval), whether the backup is local or remote, a description and how much space do Metadata and the Backup occupy.

To change the configuration, go to the next section.

Server Config#

This section encompasses options for the routine operations that run on the server.

The first three options allow to set the auto-start of the Realtime scanner (Enable Realtime Scanner), of the module itself (This module is enabled at the startup) , and of the Smartscan (Run the Smartscan at the startup).


While it is possible to enable the Smartscan at startup, it is suggested to leave the option disabled, because in certain situations, running SmartScan at every Carbonio Backup restart can become a performance bottleneck, as it has been discussed in section When to Disable Scan Operations.

Options about the Backup Path follow: set the directory where backups will be stored, which defaults to /opt/zextras/backup/zextras/, and the threshold values (in Megabytes): how much space to reserve for backups and for the Metadata.

The next option is to define the schedule of the Smartscan, i.e., when the Smartscan runs. Default value is 0 4 * * *, which means Smartscan will run daily at 4:00 AM.


This option uses the crontab syntax; to learn more, login using SSH to your Carbonio installation and execute man 5 crontab.

The last group of options in the section are related to the Backup Purge: its Schedule (defaults to 0 4 * * 6, i.e., at 4:00 AM on Saturdays), and the Retention Policy for items and account, whose default value is 30 days.


Setting either retention policy to 0 will disable the Backup Purge and never remove items or accounts from the backup.


In this section appear options to include in the backups some data that are by default not included in the backups.

You can choose to include in the backups the LDAP dump and the whole Server Configuration, and you can Purge Old Configurations to save space.

The next bunch of options allow to save the Index in the backup, to speed up searches: use the following textfields to configure how the index is stored.

Finally, there two options for the metadata in the backup: make sure that they are updated every time the backup is saved (Flash metadata in the disk at every save) and that the user’s metadata are included in the remote backup (Archive user metadata folder in the remote backup)..

Server Specific#

The global configuration is inherited by each of the servers defined in the Carbonio infrastructure. In this section it is possible to override these setting with custom values (please refer to sections Server Config and Advanced above), stop or enable the service, and manually run some tasks in case scheduling is disabled.