To install Carbonio, the availability of a Postgres database is required. It is possible to install the Postgres database in a separate structure (as long as access to the service is guaranteed) or you can opt to directly access a Postgres database provided by a cloud service provider.
Obviously it is also possible to install a node dedicated to Postgres in the same infrastructure that hosts the Carbonio nodes. Below are the steps to follow in this case.
Installation of PostgreSQL#
In case you install this Role on a Node which already
features the Mesh and Directory Role, make sure you do not
install the service-discover-agent
Repository Setup
# sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
# wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
# sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
# wget -O- "" | \
gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/postgres.gpg > \
# chmod 644 /usr/share/keyrings/postgres.gpg
# sed -i 's/deb/deb [signed-by=\/usr\/share\/keyrings\/postgres.gpg] /' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
# dnf -y install
# dnf -y install
# apt update
# apt install postgresql-16 service-discover-agent
# apt update
# apt install postgresql-16 service-discover-agent
To make sure that Postgresql 16 is installed, run commands
# dnf -qy module disable postgresql
# dnf -y install postgresql16 postgresql16-server
Once installed, initialise and enable the database
# /usr/pgsql-16/bin/postgresql-16-setup initdb
# systemctl enable --now postgresql-16
To make sure that Postgresql 16 is installed, run commands
# dnf -qy module disable postgresql
# dnf -y install postgresql16 postgresql16-server
Once installed, initialise and enable the database
# /usr/pgsql-16/bin/postgresql-16-setup initdb
# systemctl enable --now postgresql-16
Carbonio relies on a number of databases to store and keep track of all the objects it needs to manage. The main database can be configured in few steps.
If you are running Carbonio on RHEL 8, make sure you installed and configured PostgreSQL 16 according to the instruction in section Preliminaries.
We start by defining a robust password for PostgreSQL’s administrative user.
# read -s -p "Insert Password:" DB_ADM_PWD
When prompted, enter a password of your choice: it will be stored
in a variable denoted $DB_ADM_PWD
that can be used throughout the
whole procedure. It is important to notice that the password is
accessible to the user (root
) in the current terminal only. No
one else can access it and it will be deleted upon logging out.
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE ROLE carbonio_adm WITH LOGIN SUPERUSER encrypted password '$DB_ADM_PWD';\""
Remember to replace the password with a robust password of your choice and store it in a safe place (preferably using a password manager), as you need it in the remainder of the procedure, and you also might need them in the future. This password will be denoted as DB_ADM_PWD.
The second step is to create the database.
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"CREATE DATABASE carbonio_adm owner carbonio_adm;\""
You can manually delete the variable–and the password it stores– at any moment with the command below, but remember that you need it in the next step.
# unset DB_ADM_PWD
Finally, allow the other nodes to access the databases that will be stored on this node by running these commands.
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"ALTER SYSTEM SET listen_addresses TO '*';\""
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"ALTER SYSTEM SET max_connections = 500;\""
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"ALTER SYSTEM SET shared_buffers = 5000;\""
# echo "host all all md5" >> /etc/postgresql/16/main/pg_hba.conf
# systemctl restart postgresql
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"ALTER SYSTEM SET listen_addresses TO '*';\""
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"ALTER SYSTEM SET max_connections = 500;\""
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"ALTER SYSTEM SET shared_buffers = 5000;\""
# echo "host all all md5" >> /etc/postgresql/16/main/pg_hba.conf
# systemctl restart postgresql
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"ALTER SYSTEM SET listen_addresses TO '*';\""
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"ALTER SYSTEM SET max_connections = 500;\""
# su - postgres -c "psql --command=\"ALTER SYSTEM SET shared_buffers = 5000;\""
# echo "host all all md5" >> /var/lib/pgsql/16/data/pg_hba.conf
# systemctl restart postgresql-16
You may replace the
network with the one
within the cluster is installed (e.g., to prevent
unwanted accesses.
Database Components of Work Stream Collaboration (Chats)#
If you plan to install the Work Stream Collaboration (Chats) Role, you need to install the following packages, which constitute the DB portion of that Role, then follow the instructions to complete its installation
# apt install carbonio-ws-collaboration-db \
# dnf install carbonio-ws-collaboration-db \
Installation of other DB Components#
The following database components need to be installed to ensure proper working of Carbonio
# apt install carbonio-files-db carbonio-mailbox-db \
carbonio-docs-connector-db carbonio-tasks-db
# dnf install carbonio-files-db carbonio-mailbox-db \
carbonio-docs-connector-db carbonio-tasks-db
Pending setups#
To complete Carbonio Mesh installation, run
# pending-setups -a
The secret is stored in file
, which is accessible
only by the root
The command will ask for the password stored in the
on the Directory Leader
Node (i.e., the node on which the Mesh server is installed).
Bootstrap Databases#
You can use the password of the Postgres user carbonio_adm
you defined during the Database role or any other
administrator user created previously.
# PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-mailbox-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm
# PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-docs-connector-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm
# PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-files-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm
# PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-tasks-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm
# PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-message-dispatcher-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm
# PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-ws-collaboration-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm